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Wandisa Zwane Jul 2015
Constantly exploding into a million pieces of emotional nonsense

Constantly wearing my heart on my sleeve

Constantly recycling my emotions

She doesn't even know notice that I'm emotionally dependent on her
Wandisa Zwane Jun 2015
Emotional resonance
As I cry myself into an endless pit of sadness.
I can feel the the emotional river in my gut-flooding.
It’s an endless flow of uncontrollable melancholic emotions.
I want to make these emotions pre-existent
But they burn like furnaces of the soul
I keep getting drawn into this cosmic void of loneliness
Lonely like one but I sometimes wonder if two really enjoys it’s company
- collective sadness and depression
Wanda & Tlotli
Wandisa Zwane Jun 2015
What is nothing ?
*nothing is a paradigm of futility
Nothing is Futility with purpose like specs of sand ,without sand there’s no desert in the Egypt of your mind
In sooth , nothing is everything, it escapes our minds like the concept of reality-Distilled souls
Nothingness covertly condescends the mind of every etheric soul on this planet
It’s blatant cruelty like making dyslexia such a hard word to spell or putting a s in the word lisp , but it’s beauty is in the fact that it and life have no equation , so why do we bother looking for answers
Maybe nothing is the answer to everything
Tlotli & Wanda
Wandisa Zwane Jun 2015
Lately I’ve been sinking into an infinite abyss of perspective reflection
I’m afraid I will never be able to trust myself
I’m afraid I will never become enlightened and that my conscious will sink deeper into my subconscious
I’m scared witless that I will-become a chain smoker , one day
I’m afraid that one day I’ll die lonely
I’m terrified of being patronised
I’m fearful of chronic nightmares
I’m panicky of being criticised
I’m afraid I’ll die a pessimist
And I’m scared of anxiety
Its all beginning to make sense now ,
I’m afraid of getting warped into societies superficiality
I’m afraid of growing into an apathetic and sadist human being
I’m horrified of getting ****** into humanities conformity and contentness
I’m horror-struck by the fact that this youth is not eternal
The public can never know I wrote this.
- Wanda

— The End —