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Virtuous Oct 2018
Oh two wolves of my soul
Fighting for the title of Alpha
One with fur like the snow
The other a shadow of the night
Both with a mighty howl
And an even stronger bite
The decision is mine
Which wolf I feed
The one I allow
To guide and lead me
Blood has been shed
On both sides I’m afraid
But an Alpha isn’t born
They’re made
Virtuous Apr 2019
Bridge of auburn and crimson
Reaching ever so high and long
In the middle I stand
Both in fear and in awe
Wind blowing profusely
With a loud howl it cries
Beckoning me to make a decision
To step and choose a side
Virtuous Oct 2018
Hush little girl
Don’t you cry
Here a safe haven
For you lies
Walls filled with pages and words
Ready to take you to different worlds
Like magic
To experience stories
Some thrilling, exciting, and romantic
The best ones
Have writers filled with passion
And create some of the most
Brilliant things imagined
Forget your troubles
And immerse yourself in the pages
And never limit
The imagination
Virtuous Dec 2018
My hearts butterflies
Have drifted off to sleep
To be woken up
Not too abruptly though
Some of their wings are
Virtuous Oct 2018
Head in the clouds
To much of a dreamer
To come down
Virtuous May 2019
Stopped by my local coffee shop today
Brought a book like I tend to do
Took a seat and settled in
And that’s when I noticed these two
A couple in front of me whispering in each others ear
Saying things only for the other to hear
The smiles on their faces
So genuine and bright
“Aw the honeymoon phase” I thought
Gosh that seems nice

And then I thought about you
Even though we never went out
That’s my fault I guess
You were very persuasive no doubt
But the truth is I wasn’t ready
And your offer I had to refuse
Trust me... I didn’t want to
But my heart had some healing to do

You have probably moved on by now
It’s been a little over a year
I don’t know why I still think of you
Maybe it’s wonder... maybe it’s fear

I wish I could thank you
I wish I could explain
I wish I could see you again
But too much time has passed I’m afraid
Virtuous May 2014
What color is your heart?
I can't seem to find out
You're really hard to read
Can we flip to the next page please
There are days when you are pure as gold
And others when I can see the blackness in your soul
What color is your heart?
Do you even know yourself?
Do you bother to look within?
It's not until you do so
That this confusion will end
What is that veil over your heart
It wasn't there from the start
Are you hiding from yourself?
Don't you lie to me cause I can't tell
The color of your heart
Virtuous Sep 2018
Seasons come and seasons go
So do people...
Or so I've been told
Year after year
It's become inevitably clear
That this couldn't be more true
No longer will I see this as an issue
I embrace what comes
Or in this instance what leaves
I've accepted the facts and made my peace
Virtuous Mar 2014
The honest man lied
The generous one stole
Kindness showed its evil side
Their hearts became cold
The gentle one became violent
And the faithful is not here to stay
But there is one who will always remain the same
My God who is forever true
Virtuous May 2015
“Dear mirror on the wall, what must I do to be fairest of them all?”
“You are searching in the wrong places.  Outward appearance is but a fading rose.  From the heart true beauty flows.”  
“My heart is as good as anyone elses.”
“If you are as confident as you speak, go ahead and take a peak.”
Her reflection in the image began to blur and her heart was revealed in the glass.  To her astonishment it had been darkened by her sins and lack of love.
“Tell me mirror, what spell must I cast to restore my heart?”
“A spell is not the answer nor key, its acts of true love that you need.”  “Love is dead! Just like my dear old husband.”
“There is no hope for the heart that does not believe in love.”
“So tell me dear mirror, who is the fairest of them all?”
“Vanity is vain and you are wasting your time, but if you must know there is one whose beauty is sublime.”  
“Who is this one that you speak of?”
“One whose heart is pure and uncontaminated, the one who lives in this very castle with you.  It is not her pale skin that makes her beautiful, nor her raven hair and red lips, but her kind spirit and faith in love.”  
“Snow White! It can’t be!”  
“What I say is true whether or not you choose to believe.”
“Then I’ll corrupt her beauty.”
“The only way to corrupt her beauty is by corrupting her heart.”
“Then her heart I shall corrupt.”
More of a dialogue/story than poem, I know.
Virtuous Oct 2018
It’s not time to cry yet
Just a little while longer
Wait till the sun sets
When everyone has laid
Their heads to sleep
And then everything bottled
Can be freely released
When the moon has taken its place
In the sky
Then you can cry
In the dark where no one can see
And you can finally just be
Virtuous May 2014
The wind dances through the sky
You can see it through the leaves
It never truly dies
Just silent for a minute or three
As powerful as a storm
As soft as a cloud
It roars and it howls
Have you ever heard such a beautiful sound?
Virtuous Aug 2015
Im dancing with a traitor
We were having a good time
It was all going so well
Until I decided to say goodbye
I should of left when I had the chance
Now his grip on me is strong
What's to come after this dance
I hope I'm alive at the end of this song
The night is filled with laughs
But not ones of Joy
Skin-crawling and deep
My emotions are not a toy
No longer feeling like a dance partner
But a puppet with strings
Evil and Deception
Are the songs that he sings
Took the Freedom out of my life
And threw it all away
I'll forever be a slave if I stay
Step after step
My feet are getting tired
It's no fun to dance with liars
Let alone in the fire
I need a new partner
To come and take my hand
For someone to understand
What it feels like to be more dead
Than alive
Virtuous Sep 2018
Present in body
But miles away in Spirit
Where do you ask?
I'm dancing on the moon
Performing for the stars
They don't want me to go home
They say it's too far
I'm running in an open field
With no other person in sight
Just flowers and endless green
And the sunset oh so bright
I'm flying through the open sky
Wings as majestic as a birds
The best way to live I've heard
I'm falling from a cliff
And into deep blue sea
Don't wake me up
Cause I've never felt so free
Virtuous Jun 2014
Dear rotting heart...
Did you really think sweet perfume could hide where you've been?
Or that a veil could possibly shield your sin?
Your scars need tending to
You were at one point whole
But something has happened to it
Pierced your soul
Is it all that bad to be made new again?
Or are there other things you wish to attend?
Is it worth it?
The end
Virtuous Mar 2014
What has our society come to?
That the value of face to face relationships is gone
Hiding behind the message of a text
No longer able to determine right from wrong
Living life behind a screen
Going through the motions
Failing to know all that we can be
Virtuous Oct 2014
Do I have time?
Or does time have me?
No matter how much I think
I can not see
I can not perceive
This concept beyond myself
Virtuous May 2018
Don't tell me I'm pretty
Tell me that I'm passionate
That I have drive
Tell me that I make you laugh
That I know how to make your day better
Don't tell me I seem nice
Tell me that I'm kind and compassionate
Tell me that I'm not afraid to dream and to dream big
Don't tell me I'm perfect
Tell me the you love me despite my flaws
That you want to spend the rest of your life with me
Don't tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me that you'll be faithful and forever true
Virtuous Oct 2018
Don’t be surprised
To come back to a closed door
Because you’re not welcome here
It’s not like you weren’t given a chance
You’re the one who walked away
Without so much as a second glance
So not only is it shut
But locked up tight
Only to open for those
Who treat me right
Virtuous May 2017
Do you see me?
Or do you see what I can do for you?
Do you see me?
Or do you only see what I'm capable of?
Do you see me?
Or do you see a set of values different from your own?
Do you see me?
Or do you see someone you want to cry to and never want to share a laugh with?
Do you see me?
Or do you see a pretty face and body you want to **** with?
Do you see me?
Or do you see the offensive language I just used?
Do you see me?
Or do you see who I used to be?
Do you see me?
Or do you see who you want me to be?
Do you see me?
Virtuous Mar 2014
Why so downcast my child?
Has someone stolen your joy?
That look in your eyes breaks my heart
Your dreams have been destroyed

Don't worry for I am here
Look up to the heavens
Let me whisper something in your ear
My love for you is as strong as it could be
It's bigger and deeper than the sea

It's time for you to dream again It's time to dream
Go ahead and try it's not as hards as it seems
You may have been stripped of your childhood
You may have had to grow up to soon
But I will never leave nor forsake you

Its time to imagine the impossible
Come on now your unstoppable
Go ahead and reach for the high peak
I know that you can do it in a heartbeat

You dare to dream again
Surely this is not the end
But a new beginning
A time for singing
A time for joy
Virtuous Mar 2014
I close my eyes
And escape to a world
Where the possibilities are endless
Virtuous Oct 2018
Your eyes
Are telling
What your
Is too afraid to
Virtuous Jun 2014
They say that Faith
Is taking the first step
Even when you can't see the rest
Of that staircase
Faith is when you believe
Even when you can't see
Its when you do
Even though its not yet proven true
Its standing high and strong
When your legs don't have the strength at all
Faith is the substance of things hoped for
The evidence of things unseen
Its the reason that I am redeemed
Virtuous Dec 2014
I am the star
You wish upon at night
But what you don't know
Is that you are putting at risk my life
3 days is all I have
To fulfill a single wish
Whether that is a special gift
Or true loves kiss
If I am to fail at my task
To not give to you what you ask
My clock stops ticking
And I begin to fade
Never again to see the light of day
Next time you see a star fall
Keep this in mind
That a beautiful thing has died
Virtuous Jul 2014
is a choice
the absence
of trust
But having faith
In another is a must
Are you really protected
All on your own
Or are you not able to see
Through your heart of stone
You long for it
But you ask yourself
How can one desire
The very thing they fear
That's actually quite
a common thing dear
But you have to choose
To no longer hide
To finally show what is inside
Of you
Virtuous Jan 2019
Your voice has many tongues
And yet they all sound the same
Cunning and destructive
Strategic with its aim

Arrows lit with your breathes fire
Quenched by waters truth
No longer threatened by the flame
No longer afraid of you

I see you hidden
Behind the faces of many familiar
Your plots are exposed
All of them too similar
Virtuous Dec 2018
I took the crown off my head
To make myself more approachable
To you
And in doing so
Forgot that I ever owned one
Never lower your standards for anyone
Virtuous May 2014
Freedom isn't free
Everything comes at a price
Today is the day we remember the sacrifice
That was made for a beloved country
Everyone from the wealthy to the hungry
Let us not forget the brave hearts that charged into battle
The people that took more than they could handle
The tears that were shed for the loved ones lost
Today we stop to remember the cost
Of our freedom
Virtuous Jun 2014
Walking in the dark
Both scared and comforted
Looking deep into my heart
Could things have been under estimated?
Desperate for an escape
Yet wishing to linger
Never have I felt so much hate
Sharp and real as a stinger
My friend and enemy
A hard thing to comprehend
And yet more simple then it seems
The light calls from a distance
Full of joy and hope
A voice screams "Wait don't!"
"The light may bring joy but
vulnerability as well."
My response is "Freedom is better
than this hell."
Virtuous Aug 2015
Why blame Eve for eating the fruit?
We all have our temptations that is the truth
Everyone's is different and appeals to their own interests
It only takes one bite to lead to pain and sickness
Each one has its own color and shape
Distracts its victim from what's truly at stake
Hanging from the tree in all of its glory
One wrong choice can change the whole story
Smells so good you can almost taste it
It's to the point where you can no longer face it
Without bringing it up to your lips
All the warnings so easily dismissed
Please...Take a moment and think
It's your soul your deciding to throw away or keep
One moment of satisfaction is not worth it
There is more to that fruit under the surface
Believe my word; don't try to find out
And take a bite out of doubt
Virtuous Nov 2018
Dont complain

Of a wiltering garden

Full of weeds

If you never tended to

Or watered the seeds
Virtuous Oct 2018
It all started with a little Ghost
Until you became that Ghost
You asked for my username
And pretended that you couldn't find me in order to get a number
I wasn't fooled...your spell I was under
I was both impressed and flattered until I became angry and shattered

I remember our first date,
The Mall is where we chose to meet up
Stumbled across Sephora and you watched me look at makeup
Too busy trying to rub foundation on your shirt
That I didn't see the other girls lipstick on your neck
What was I supposed to expect?
That we would be happy and live happily ever after
No my dear, cuz life is too much of a disaster
They say the truth hurts
And that may be true
But I would rather live a hell of truth
Than a paradise of lies
If only your smile wasn't so hard to resist
And the smirk in your eyes
The kind that made me faint at heart
And filled with butterflies
But those are just feelings
And they only last so long
And quickly overshadowed
By everything In the situation that is wrong
Virtuous May 2017
You wanted to play with my body
But my heart wasn't enough?
To push and pull me the way you did
And then disappear of the grid
Without so much as a word or goodbye
To leave me here wondering why
What did I ever do?
I wasn't expecting it all to end so soon
I'm hurt and angry too
And yet I can't help but miss you
Would you think I was crazy
If I told you I wanted to see you again
I wonder if I ever will and if so when?
And if I do I don't know what I would say
I've imagined different scenarios for that day
Would I yell until the tears came streaming down?
Would I be speechless without a sound?
Would I wrap my arms around your neck and press your lips against my own?
All these things to be guessed and not known
Virtuous Oct 2018
They say the grass is greener
                                         On the other side
But what if all that green
                               Has something to hide?
Virtuous May 2018
"What's it like being  heart breaker?" He asked
" I don't know you tell me... You broke mine" I replied.
Virtuous Nov 2014
How could people do such things?
How could someone be so numb?
I do not understand
Virtuous May 2018
Hello Stranger
How was your day?
Do you want to play a game?
Oh that’s right we’ve met before
Hello Stranger
Can you do me a favor?
Wait... nevermind
We’ve met before
Hello Stranger
You seem familiar
It’s oddly peculiar
Could it be...
We’ve met before
Hello Stranger
I guess I’ll let you go
As if we’ve never met before
Virtuous Oct 2018
I'm a hopeless romantic
I dream of fun nights out on the town
Meaningful conversations under the stars
And a passionate kiss shared in the rain
I'm a hopeless romantic
I believe in marriage
And growing old together
And being attentive to each others needs
I'm a hopeless romantic
Longing to be seen in a way
That others have never dared to do
Afraid of losing their fantasies
I'm a hopeless romantic
But more than that
I am human
And a complex one I might add
Not so easily figured out
But what's the fun in that?
I'm a hopeless romantic
Loyal and caring
Wanting to know who my partner is
And how I can help them accomplish their
Goals and dreams
A hopeless romantic
Yes that's me
Virtuous Aug 2015
One, Two,
Ya that's cool
Three, Four,
What's that for?
Five, Six,
I'm feeling sick
Seven, Eight
How many times can a heart break?

A heart can only break so many times
Before it gives up and wants to die
The Pain is something
that can hardly be described
Virtuous May 2018
Oh to be in love with an illusion
Rather than be faced with reality
To be unaware
That the one who occupies my thoughts
And holds my heart
Is a character
As fictional as the ones I read about
To desire something so strongly
That I drink from an empty cup
And tell myself that it’s water
To be infatuated
Rather than in love
A tragedy indeed...
Virtuous Mar 2015
I didn't see the knife in your hand
When we hugged
They say there is nothing new
Under the sun
I'm bleeding but I'm free
Because someone killed my fake reality
#pain #realitycheck #free
Virtuous Oct 2018
I didn't see the knife in your hand
When we hugged
They say there is nothing new
Under the sun
I'm bleeding but I'm free
Because someone killed my fake reality
Another throwback poem
Virtuous Mar 2014
Let it go
Although this is a trendy phrase
We must not deny its truth at the end of the day
Reality is we all have something to let go
Whether thats our pride or our ego
Our insecurities and doubt
Stop letting it wear you out
Virtuous Dec 2014
Shattered into a million pieces
I can't seem to pick them up
Whenever I so much as try
I end up getting cut
Virtuous Mar 2014
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?
Since when did you become the judge
The say so in vanity
I come to realize that this is all insanity
Your hair is too messy
Your eyes are too small
Will you shut up already!
Stop pointing out my so called flaws!
You are a slab of glass that screams out lies
Beauty is in the beholders eyes
My beholder is Jesus Christ
He loves me and says I'm beautiful
That's enough for me
I'm going to be all He called me to be
Mirror Mirror on the wall
I am the fairest of them all
Virtuous Apr 2019
I know...
I know you're there
Although your face does hide in the air
I see you through the glass of a window
Upon the waters surface
Tell me what is the purpose
Of these pointless games
If this keeps up
I might go insane
Show me yourself
So that I might gaze upon
your beauties gleam
Can you please reveal your mysteries to me?
Does it get lonely where you are?
Do you keep company with the stars?
Can you even hear me now?
Or is my voice but a faint sound?
Virtuous Mar 2021
Counting down the hours
Till I can see your face again
This love I have for you is strong
The mind could hardly comprehend
I must say I’m not a fan
Of the time we spend apart
Beloved you constantly consume
My thoughts and my heart
I belong to my Beloved
And he belongs to me
I could gaze into your eyes
Not just because of their beauty
Which cannot be matched
Except by your soul
Which to mine is attached
I’m in love with my Husband
Virtuous May 2019
I think the sun has grown jealous
Of my friendship with the moon
I prefer dusk to dawn
And midnight instead of noon
Virtuous Mar 2014
I like to imagine a world
Where flying is no problem
And I can dance across the sky
Where my possibilities come alive
Where I can speak to all living things
And everything is more than it seems
Where music is constantly in the air
And everyone goes about life without a care
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