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Abi Feb 2018
Pain and I are long time friends
Known each for the longest
He can be a bit aggressive
She tends to push me to my limits
He tries to break me down
But as a friend i know the truth
She is only trying to make me stronger

Breaking under the pressure
He won't ease up on me
I can't break down now
What does'nt **** you,
is said to make you stronger
But how long will it take
For me to get stronger

Endurance,inspired by anything
To keep me going till the end
Keeping my chin up
Telling me its okay
Without this 'spiration
Could i make it through the night
It keeps me wondering

If i feel numb,what does it mean
Getting used to the pain?
Is that a good thing?
I should feel the gut wrenching pain
I should cry till i can no more
But i feel no pain
Guess i've been hurt too much to care

Feeling these things
Make me human
Not feeling these things
What does that make me?
Do i need to feel ultimate pain
To make me remember how to hurt
Do i really need to?

Final resolution,pick one
Pain by a broken heart
Pain by loss of a life
Pain by rejection
Pain by failure
Which of these i wonder,
Would be my poison.
No pain no gain
Abi Jan 2018
From death to death i fall
As i try to get up i fail
I know why it hurts so much
'*** i keep em all in a bunch
I bundle them all inside
Sometimes despising everyone in sight
Help,i'm going way down low
Way down low till i bow

Ease up the tension
Have fun and show affection
Put on a smile
More like a sham
Smiles covering the hurt and pains
Faking it till i make it
Trying to hold out past noon.
It will all be over soon

Suicidal?,No i'm not
My mind might be in knots
But not twisted enough for that
I'm stronger than that
I'm not just living for me
I have people that care for me
They might not be here now
But in my thoughts i know

Always been a warrior
But when i look in the mirror
I only see the face of who i was
The real me is washed away
I don't recognise the stranger i see
Looking back at me with glee
What has happened to me
This big change has broken me.

Learning to live with it
Picking the pieces back to fit
But every glass i pick i get a cut
But i have to bear the pain and hurt
If i really want me back
Me now even with tears and crack
Well no time to weep
My reward i guess,for being weak.
Abi Jan 2018
For miles and miles
All I see are white lands
A lost wanderer in the wilderness
A cold wintery journey in mountains high up
What adventure lies in nature's death cold
From every angle I look,far out are white lands
For miles and miles.
Abi Jan 2018
This is your face or is it not?
Two-sided face and one's to rot
Show me the face or would you not?
A face or a black pit of thorns and knots
Where serpents in shadows dwell a lot
But still you show a face where your demons lie not.
Abi Jan 2018
Free me,break these chains of *******
Chains that bound and confine me to rules
Shackles that control me against my will
Fetters that make me submit to emotions
Irons that make me less humane,free me
Till all that's left are broken chains.
Abi Jan 2018
The beauty of the world
Is upright and bold
It can not be told when to fold
But it's all in vanity
For those not caught in insanity
Be weary,be cautious
Don't be caught unconscious
Also don't be too suspicious
Of the beauty of the world.

The beauty of the world
If you could see it in the old
Was worth more than gold
Imagine the garden of Eden
Where no beauty is hidden
Plants and trees were blooming
No animal was gloomy
You don't need to be told
To imagine the beauty of the world

The beauty of the world
In this modern age
Looks like it's filled with rage
Of humanity's destruction of mother earth
She looks like she is struggling to breath
Waiting patiently to unleash her wrath
If only we'ld stop to think
What we've done in a blink
To the beauty of the world.

— The End —