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Shevaun Stonem Aug 2022
Break me open
And empty me whole
Clean the corners
And patch each hole.
Heal what’s broken
And damaged and blue,
Fill me with light
And make me anew.
Rekindle the spark
And let the flame burn
Love me again
And I’ll love you
twice as much in return.
Shevaun Stonem Aug 2022
Slow down so that the world
doesn’t go by too fast.
Anything that is hurried
Will almost never last.
Shevaun Stonem Aug 2022
As a man,
Who would you be
Without the soft touch of a woman,
With a loving gaze that melts your heart?
Who would you be without her playfulness
And the love of your sweetheart?
What would your body feel like,
Without the graze of her fingertips?
With a smile and an uplifting cheer
And tears that fall and miss?
Who would you be
Without the softness and warmth, she brings,
The comfort and the chaos,
And everything in between?
By you, she is forever undone
In ways, only the divine can comprehend
She falls and flies and is born again
By your love, made anew.
For she was made from your rib
To be for you, by you,
Who would you then be as a man
To reject this divine truth?
Shevaun Stonem Aug 2022
My inner child shrieks and cries violently
As if we’re in a car that’s going off the cliff.
I sob as all the words I can tell her are,
“If this ends,
All the pain ends today as well.”
Shevaun Stonem Aug 2022
I have loved you since I first met you,
I don't think anything can change a love like that
Shevaun Stonem Jun 2022
Today will pass
And so will the days that follow after.
It will not be the same,
But it will be okay.
The pain stings, numbs, and sometimes
Leaves a stain,
But you have to make sure
None of this is in vain.
Don’t meet it with eyes that analyze
And try to quantify the pain,
There’s only so much you will discover
All to your disdain.
Sometimes it feels as though you’re not worthy
Of making good things last,
But that’s why the present is the present,
And the past, is the past.
Shevaun Stonem Jun 2022
Oh come to me my beloved
how long shall you stray from me
perfect love drives out fear
and I long for your heart to be opened to me
Let me fill you with all my love
to be your fortress and strength
let me nourish you from the depths of my being
that you may prospoer and be king,
for what is a woman without her man
how is she to be his helper
when he is afraid to seek her help.
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