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Cedric Jul 2021
Oh lonesome songbird
Sing a song to sing along
Thick air in a fog
Just sing along all alone
Your breath is long gone… so long
Cedric Jul 2021
Days one through seven
Will it even reach an end?
Counting syllables
Cedric Jul 2021
A wandering mind
Heart beating slow and steady
The night has not come
But in your eyes are the stars
They shine ever so brightly
Cedric Jul 2021
Memories gone past
Lighting up my heart and soul
Until it burns out
Cedric May 2020
Striking upon with justice,
Future generations waver.
Life breaks free!
It trembles, shatters, breaks!
He strikes and plows the land,
With death he offers justice.
Man and woman the core price,
Turning into vivid embers.
A poem inspired by Hellsing Ultimate's OST - Monster of God
Cedric Mar 2020
You need warmth,
You need company.
You need heart,
You need sympathy.
You need passion,
You need aspiration.
You need affection,
You need love,

...but not from me.
It was never me.
Even if I try to be,
It could never be me.
my cowardly thoughts
Cedric Mar 2020
We climb mountains to see the sun, but the sun remains the same – outside our grasp.
So we tell ourselves it's the effort that counts, consoling our defeated souls of peaks we can't comprehend.
At the mountaintop, cold and hungry, we warm our hearts with sweet-nothings.
Our feet are planted on the ground yet we feel as if we've reached the top.
We forever hold on to this hope – the ideals of peaks, as we live and die racing towards the unachievable sky.
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