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Casey Rodger Jan 2021
I can not see the end
I can not see the start
So I keep my blind fold tight
And I follow whats in my heart

I do not know how near
I do not know how far
But nothing really matters
As long as there's fuel in my car

I'll forget I ever heard
The wonders in my mind
I'll try stay 2 steps forward
So that I dont fall behind

Where ever I may arrive
Where ever I may depart
I'll do what I do best
And I'll follow whats in my heart
Casey Rodger Jan 2021
You haven't lost yourself
You're shedding a skin

You have experienced pain, hurt and suffering and you survived it.
You've learned things that have altered your perception, expanded your awareness, challenged your self-image and exposed a lot of truth.

You're experiencing something new and it's scary.
You think you've lost yourself but you haven't.

You're evolving, exploring knew strengths, discovering all sorts of things about yourself and the world..

As though your ears had been blocked your entire life and you didn't even know it!

Until one day they popped...
Imagine living in a world where everyone's ears are still blocked and they don't know.. What could you do?
Not a poem but a piece of writing I wanted to share
Casey Rodger Aug 2020
Once upon a timeless time
He wandered down his path
Passing every sign
Left them in the past

Side roads call his name
Choice belongs to him
The path may stay the same
He wonders what's within

While he wanders deep
He journeys far away
Carried by his feet
Lost in what to say
Casey Rodger Aug 2020
I once met a pup
Who liked to chase his tail
Never once did he give up
Determined not to fail

Badly did he want his wagger
Between his little jaw
After he would stagger
And then fall to the floor

Not knowing what he desires
He strives for what he sees
Even when he tires
Knows what he believes

The days comes that I see
His tail and his tongue
Caught between his teeth
All tangled up as one

After 20 million circles
Tail chasing phene
Jumping many hurdles
Not caring where he's been

Finally achieving his dream
He caught what he was chasing
Success as it would seem
The moment he's now facing

The moment he worked hard for
The challenge he accepted
A journey paw after paw
He let it all go in a second!
We work so hard for what we want, take ****** all time to enjoy it, then we let it go like it was nothing. Make sure what you're chasing is worth it. Take a moment to enjoy your prize. It isn't the pleasure itself we seek but the pleausre in the journey
Casey Rodger Jun 2020
I see the clouds above me,
They're floating in the sky,
I wonder what they see,
And wonder why they cry.

I listen to the fire,
While sitting in its glow,
Not a thing does it require,
But wood for it to grow.

Gently does the breeze,
Whisper to my skin,
I wander if the trees,
Mind about the wind.

I will not shut my eyes,
Wont miss one part of this,
The sun is giving the skies,
A loving goodnight kiss.
Casey Rodger Apr 2020
War with Iran was January's desire,
As if Australia wanted that pain,
February set our country on fire,
Until finally the sky gave us rain.

March has given us Corona Virus,
Keeping us prisoners of home,
Yesterday's news is the Auzzie fires,
Now home alone on our phones.

Did you hope April your friend?
As the government offers a hand
Just another step towards the end
As we fall to their commands.

The world has said we'll band together,
But watch the over shoppers greed,
Alone they try endeavor,
Alone they try to feed.

Be sure to keep your distance,
Be it distant in your mind,
While Covid19 is persistent,
Stay home while your bills fall behind.

Bar tenders stay away,
Caution off all play grounds,
Your children can not play,
Our streets echo without sounds.

But never mind still catch the bus,
Live your life within our rules,
We're your government! Have trust!
Keep your kids home out of schools.

Await the vaccination,
Be pressured for the juice,
The saviour of the nation,
The destruction of our youth.

Don't always do what they tell you,
After your own research you might find,
The only thing any of us can do,
Is make up our own minds.
Casey Rodger Feb 2020
I be this man
Who walks his path
No solid plan
I feel the dark

I need say nothing
They see how i live
Happiness I'm bluffing
Myself one day I'll forgive

I'm scared because i try
To search for what I'll never
Understand my cry
My purpose I'll endeavor

I see my life
In all it's wonders
I take my knife
Stand tall to thunders

Some times i feel so lost
Nobody's with me here
My smile comes at cost
Forever sadness in my cheer

I hold on like they tell me
I won't give up on me
I'll find my place to be
And everyone will see

One day my time will come
I see how strong I'll be
The man i will become
An improved type of me
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