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Oskar Erikson Dec 2016
Return. Light, not blinding
Dispel my fear, my terror
loneliness (in hiding)
I. I. I.
Taste, nothing but ashes.
The hard fought flame called:
But as all fires die out
And all hope. All trust.
We must forgive (or at least forget)
We must return to dust.
Oskar Erikson Oct 2020
“have you ever felt love?” he asked

last one for the night
i replied,

like an atmosphere.
Oskar Erikson May 2016
Hello, you.
I won't bid adieu,
till we finish these few

You came looking again.
am I right?
You just can't tame
those feelings, thinking-Poetry
will make'em behave- quite.

Well. We're both at a loss.
My own pen resists writing
icy words. Frost.
Bitten sentences need warm eyes
to thaw out.

Tell you what, lets
work. together.
I'll write something, anything which'll
forever, stay.
You just have to promise to remember it
and not twist it.

I'm not sure if our talk
was lengthy enough or indepth.
You'll just have to accept.
This; Metaphorical-Physical-Emotional-Mental
discussion has ended.

What we may of, or may not of, agreed upon.
Shall come true.
Lets talk.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2016




Finally. I said.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2017
the longing behind fingertips
reaching for hands
snatched away so quickly.
i forget their feeling so quickly
i forget your flinches so quickly.
and so it repeats.
can you feel the longing left
somewhere in the empty air?
Oskar Erikson Jan 16
it’s -2 degrees.
the sun can’t warm the chill.
overhead, the clouds
blotch daydreams paler.
all im thinking is
it’s been 2 years.
sighing on the glass makes
condensation collect.
like a river,
hold my mouth to the runoff.
i can’t run from grief in the cold sunshine.
but i’ll never let a loss leave me thirsty
for more.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2022
heard the mountaintop
be scraped clear of snow this morning.
some angry man
shouting up the cliffsides
he said:
"take it all and quickly.
before my hands find the strength to close.
take me into the calm
this thin air carries my tears too easily."
he said:
"you were right about my legs
standing for the sake of looking down at you
scared of laying things bare"
he cried
"i was wrong about you
that the words meant something more
and that things get better in the end"-------------------------------------------------------------­-----------------------------------------------------------------­-----------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------------------

"that things get better in the end"

smothered in something icywarm
Oskar Erikson Jun 2016
It's D-Day.
Essay due.
Some foolish theorem on:
"Relativity & You"
All typed up,
ready to print.
God I hope the printer,
Still has some ink.
No luck.
the switch is stuck
on colour.
E-Mail maybe?
The Net'll save me!
I think the bills been paid lately.
Router on:
Cursor gone,
Mouse has died,
Keyboards fried,
Oh what a wonderful way
To start a College day.
Oskar Erikson May 2016
My nights are now
leading longer lives.
Daytime is but
the dream.

In my head
there's a thousand crimes
Awakened by
your scream.

In my eyes
a thousand signs.
I know it's what
it seems.

In my ears
the thousand "next times"

In my notebook
the thousandth poem
lies unread.
no one can discern you
they can burn you.
Oskar Erikson Jun 2016
"You could be a doctor!"
Yeah I could- Neurosurgery still allows
(Tell me something I don't know)

"Why is it so slanted?"
Its trying to dodge your
(Show me better)

"How can you even read it?"
(Someone get me away from this guy)
My handwriting isn't even that bad!
THAT bad..
Oskar Erikson Apr 2016
Your hollow cheeks,
mirror hollow cheques.
Don't. Worry. No. More.
When the envelope hits the floor.
Remember the bill,
promised it wouldn't ****.

But who said it wouldn't hurt.
Debt is a slow death.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2017
i will lay kisses
upon your chest
to understand what it means
to speak from the heart.

(please never stop beating.)
Oskar Erikson Sep 2019
calling a lost lover
to begin to head on over
this bedroom was only a boarding gate
and this bed your layover.
Oskar Erikson Dec 2019
cutthroat bed-warmer
i warned you.
to underhandedly procure
the duvet
in a dubious midnight heist
is a violation
of the “Pillow-Talk Three Truce”.
there are no second chances
in this
quilted coalition you concocted.
by daybreak, after a night of unrepentant tickling, kissing, or any some such
sleep disturbancing,
perhaps my arms will be laid down
in a show of piety.

to be the
little spoon by the afternoon.
Oskar Erikson Apr 2017
i taste like smoothed out stones.
washed over and over again
made shiny by dew and pressure.

i taste like snow covered tree's.
smothered by an icy blanket
but still rough to the touch.

i taste like sparks leaping from anvils
burnt out beauty
smoldering smoke.

i taste like home.
i do not know if

i want to taste like you.
Oskar Erikson May 2017
because you never loved me,
but didn't think to leave;
i couldn't let dead things be.
**i couldn't learn how to grieve.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2016
we all say that we have one, or two, or three.
"I'll Die For You, You For Me."
is that what they say?
blood debts and regrets.
brotherhood till their dying day.

many do not agree.
favourites and friendship? rarely ends evenly.
no one is loved more and less
is in reality, what they suggest.

rain upon shaky roofs, repair and renew the rusted tiles,
i do not believe you.

the stars bless the midsummer sun and illuminate me,
i do not believe you.

i feel the kiss of sweet lilacs in my dreams
past loves lay and linger me with stories
eyes that i can find in this pitch blackness around me

i want to believe you,
jealousy overcomes sense,
and is made blind by the untrue
a scapegoat, another expense.

Best Friends. we all say we have one
till you're Forgotten
they're Dust
and i
I was told to create a cynical outlook on what friendship means to some people. What do you think? Do "best friends" exist? Please comment and share your opinions!
Oskar Erikson Sep 2017
"Do unto others
as you would do unto yourself."

Imagine if it was

"Love yourself
as you would love others."

oh how lovely
love would be
to finally gain some affection
(even if it was from me.)
Oskar Erikson Apr 2016
Bitterness is an acquired taste.
but perhaps.
If we believe it to be sweet,
Our tongues'll taste each other too.
Oskar Erikson Dec 2016
i wanted to get drunk and write poetry.
unfortunately only the latter has succeeded but
i think i found a way around it.
You see
Your name has fermented enough in my heart
to when i speak about you i taste nothing
but bitterness.
so maybe after a few more pages
about you and me
i'll finally be set free.
Oskar Erikson Oct 2016
i picked apart
the scab upon my heart
as i thought the hole was healed
with new pretty pink flesh sealed

and bled inopportune.
**I was not ready to be wounded again
Oskar Erikson Feb 2018
put my poems
into a blender
my pride.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2018
i breathe in the night sky while you linger elsewhere
in the murky mixture of white and red,
of black and blue.
my eyes transfixed upwards
and heart-tethered to you.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2017
blueberry-stained love bites.
i have written more cherry kisses
**than given.
Oskar Erikson Feb 2017
Distances uncovered by slow fingertips tracing arches of ligaments
rivers of veins
through mountains of bone
across lakes of pain.

Your body is a continent
and something compels me to explore,
(and as long as you allow it)
I'll keep searching till we're sore.
Oskar Erikson Apr 2016
Alchemical cruelty,
Turns my metal heart to gold.
Your love was a futility,
that no star foretold.
Oskar Erikson Nov 2016
Alchemical Cruelty.
Turn my coal heart to gold.
Your love was an impossibility,
that every prophet foretold.
An oldie that i returned too
Oskar Erikson Nov 2023
boy math dictates
(id stay indebted to him.)
to be loved
(id gift it to him.)
is to settle up.
(id come knocking to collect for him.)
that to be
(id might be nothing but charity for him.)
(id liquidate any asset asked by him.)
is being willing
(Cash or Credit?)
to owe.
Oskar Erikson Dec 2016
chasing yellow brick roads
leads only to windmills wound around
till eventually you find nothing
but faults of your own and the doubts
which trickled up now reversed to waterfalls
cascading upon old hearts to freeze any semblence
of feeling

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
You will love
Oskar Erikson Nov 2016
They say;
"The flame burns brightest in darkness."
but then, I would argue;
"The flame burns brightest amongst the many."
As no fire nor flame
can ever truly be distinguished
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
"if i was still dating you, THAT would have been pity.
be grateful i left when i did."
Oskar Erikson May 2017
you appreciate:
more than I'd planned.
so how do I communicate
a need: hold your hand....
Oskar Erikson Apr 2017
mingle our ashes
let us not part in death
let the memory
be all that is left.
Patroclus: You live on.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2019
Cleave this love into manageable pieces.
Strip the carcass, in order to stop the rot.
Oskar Erikson Apr 2017
is this not enough
trailing lips and hands
staggered pathways upon skin
mapping out lines
mapping out sin.

is this not enough
with palms that touch
and tender words in trust
how simple is longing
Oh how simple is lust.

is this not enough
to which passion unflamed
and what little cinders smoulder
is it not a heart that's claimed
is it not my burden to shoulder.

i wish it was enough.
**But it's not.
I want to be fulfilled
Oskar Erikson Jan 2017
You telling me to:
"Just go home."
Sent mixed messages .
Oskar Erikson Jan 2017
and so I shatter.
my own absorber of maladies
remover of toxins; the internal kind
my Ambergis protection
my broken bracelet.

I'll collect the beads
but you will never be rebuilt.

*so i don't really see the point
My amber bracelet broke today. I loved it so much and brought me the willpower to be good.
Oskar Erikson Sep 2017
i'd advise you;
not to fall
unless you are able
to pick yourself up.
to not fall in love
unless you are able
to love yourself.
to not write poetry
unless you are able
write without a story.
to not tell others advice
unless you are able
to follow your own.

i cannot advise you.
Oskar Erikson Apr 2016

Because your smile makes me.



Because your smile breaks me.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2017
Melted cream kisses
that clot our nerves with a
sweetness so throat coatingly sugary.
******* caramel covered heart.
Keep me on you till we part;

We're a little "pick me up" kinda love.
Oskar Erikson Apr 2018
after you have me gone?

i don't want to go
i can't  hold it
that long.
Oskar Erikson Nov 2016
It's fine it's my fault

chase me away
throwing china bone fists to shatter
leave the shards
they'll cut not bruise
healing over to seal my
hands to my sides because i would
(never never never)
rather take a thousand blows than
hurt You.

I'm sorry I never called
Oskar Erikson Apr 2016
I saw you smoking,
one of those old cigarettes.
didn't know what you were thinking
but your face said regrets.
But me being me,
turned myself to ash
cause we all know how fast love
will run quick and dash.
You stomped on the one that was dangling on your lip
This is where my common sense should of took grip.

Because you love as it suits you,
no mutual affection.
But stupid me.
thinking i could be a
Dangerous love has bright embers
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
while scurrying in the underground
he walked like the caves connecting
the city was his birthright
like the current in the earth grounded him
the roaring trains
his adoring subjects

what a moment
brushing past a subterranean prince
glancing at granite jaw
his knowing smile
hands that could have carved a space
out of me.

i turned away as
to see the darkness of the tunnels
peering back at you on the platform
taunting you to jump
was not a commitment i could make.
Oskar Erikson Jun 2016
Running up the stairs
to jump out of the case.
Upon your own night you,
suggested an improvement.
With a heat, now displaced
in a downward movement.

The contrasting controls,
that which flows
with whipping winds and
lost lovers- nows a tonal
change shows.

So you whimpered, puppy lust
Then I growled, mature crush
Now we're gone, dust to dust
Cupid kills in a fluid
Oskar Erikson Jun 2017
Now i
can dance the bittersweet steps;
without the music.
Oskar Erikson Jan 2017
so i wound
whats left of my feeling
in copper wire.
The idea being;
any regretful shocks will
jumpstart-my heart-healing.
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
ive been taking Tarot classes again
like card counting can provide some clarity.
number XII: hanged man: left me dangling
free as can be.
climbing up lampposts to look down at the light for once
for once like the fool, number I.
the kitchen has been turned into a hell hole there's Cups and knives sharp as Swords.
the garden ravished for sticks to turn into Wands,
broken and jagged twine tied together for Pentacles- I through X.
Kings and Queens and Knights and Pages.

like the fool
i am.
Oskar Erikson Jan 2017
Don't leave your memory.
just place them under my (our) mat
along with your key.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2017
Getting lost
in the Coffeeshop Quartet.
Birring grinders and steamy explosions
chattering friends- coffee tinged emotions.
Everyone's exploring with their faces upbeat,
a little bubble of warmth against the cold harsh street.
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