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Nikkie Jan 2021
I’ve never been on a beach at midnight,
while watching the waves caress the shoreline.
I’ve never slept in penthouse splendor,
next to a man who didn’t hurt my heart.
I’ve never once danced to an old school classic.,
with my arms wrapped around the man I love.
I’ve yet to sail  the Amazon Basin,
and watched in wonderment as God’s  beautiful
creatures ran wild and free through the
I’ve never been on a beach at midnight,
while watching the waves caress the shoreline.
I’ve never slept in penthouse splendor,
next to a man who didn’t hurt my heart.
I’ve never once danced to an old school classic.,
with my arms wrapped around the man I love.
I’ve yet to sail  the Amazon Basin,
and watched in wonderment as God’s  beautiful
creatures ran wild and free through the
Nikkie Jan 2021
I feel your strong masculine energy every time you cross my path. You systematically shut down all my
defenses, and hide the key esoterically inside your heart.
I’ve felt a new elevation ever since I said that special prayer.
I began to notice this brand-new hue; the color
wasn’t clear to me at first. This feeling is different than
I’m used to, one that I didn’t understand when we first met.

One day I saw an attractive light, which leads to a
mountaintop high above me. Step by step, I climbed your mountain, with deep ravines and steeper valleys.
Some peaks have tried to block my travels, but I am
making my way beyond your hills.
I want to be born all over again, with you my King,
taking my rightful place upon your regal thorn.

Our souls will intertwine, to complete our sacred mission
from God. We have no choice but to take our place, a place of love that feels just like home.

This trigger “affect” is what’s taking place. You’re the truest essence of my answered prayers. This is not of my time, not
of your time, but in God’s very own perfect balance of power.
Nikkie Jan 2021
Shades of you blend into me like our spirits blending in
the bottom of the sea. We pass through each other like northern lights and touch the very essence of love.
I want the sun to shine in your honor; I want the moon
to copy your brightness. I see my future when I look into your eyes; you are everything I’d hope you’d be.
My beating heart, each breath I take, the twinkle in my eyes,
my pillow at night. Our spirits were born to unite together,
to dance in the beauty of inseparableness.

You’ve woven a hem inside my heart, that flows
love blood from your tender embrace. This is a
journey that no one takes but you. I’ve discovered a place that I am free; it’s inside of you that I’ve relinquished
my defenses, thus allowing your divinity to resuscitate
my will.

We blend together like an Indian Summer,
fitting perfectly together like hands in a glove.
A shade of you blends into me and colors my
heart, my mind, body, and soul.
With unforgiving nectar thick like honey, your
spirit alive is where I will stay.
Refined like sugar, shimmering like gold,
molding like clay on a hot summer's day.
Nikkie Jan 2021
It’s hard to put into words, the amazing feeling,
you’ve instilled deep inside my weary heart.
I look into your penetrating eyes, and
my passion collides with your emotion.
Is there something different about our union?
Does it feel like a dream come true to you?
This connection that came on all of a sudden,
shocked my heart into a new way of beating.

It took a long time for us to unite, it’s like I fell
for you in just one night.
I feel deep warmth inside of me, which makes
me happy and finally complete.
We saw each other every day, and never
once did I feel this connection.
With autumn approaching and the wind
turning cold, I feel you deeply rooted,
and embedded in my soul.
Nikkie Jan 2021
What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you.
Dinner is cooked; our drinks are chilling, and I’ve taken a hot bath. I want to be comfortable so I can
enjoy your company.
Your kiss is tasty, did you just pop a mint?
That’s okay love, it’s all good to me.
Go ahead, make yourself at home, wash your
hands, I’ll fix our plates.
Yep, you have a steak and potatoes,
and I have fish and veggies.
But King my Dear, you’re my main dish.
Can I fix you a drink? Do you need some ice?
So how was dinner, did you get enough?
Thanks for the compliment, I’m glad you liked it.
Sure, I’ll pour you another drink, and top it off with ruby red. Do I want to hear some music?
You know I do. Put on what you think I like?
Kem is fine my **** King, and pump up the volume
cause I am ready!
Nikkie Jan 2021
You are some kind of man to me.
You take your problems head-on;
and still have the strength to help me
ease into mine.

You care so much for me;
so much so, that I can feel it in my soul.
I’ve never known a man like you,
I thought I did in the past, but I was wrong.
You bring new experiences into my life,
things that I’ve never seen before.

When I take a deep breath,
I feel you, resting inside of me,
preparing yourself to come through when
I need you.
You are passionate about those you care for;
and I know that you care for me.

You bring joy into my introverted world,
I can’t even describe right now, how
you make me feel.
At times I feel like I am dreaming,
because I’ve never met a man like you.
Your downhome goodness as a human
being first, and a real man second brings
me a contentment that I know is indeed
a blessing from God.

I know you have to take an unexpected road
in our journey.
Have no fears, I am always here.
I will stand beside you, I’ll hold your hand.
I will always be there for my man.
If this journey gets too much for you to bear;
I will wipe your tears in my own loving way
and kiss your face to bring you comfort.

I may not be with you physically, but that’s okay.
I will rest myself inside of your heart,
I will prepare myself to come through to you.
As you’ve come through for me when I’ve
needed you.

I will leave a kiss for you to take with you.
I will wrap my arms around you tight,
and tell you, my King, that everything will be alright.
I will say a prayer and kiss you again, and one
last thing for the road, I’ll tell you  I love you
and see you in your dreams.
Nikkie Jan 2021
I see you, seeing the real me; the woman who hides.
The woman who hides behind the pain of familial hurts
that refuse to fall off and die. I see you, seeing me, looking at me deeply with your heart. I see you looking into my eyes;
who are you really looking at? What are you looking for?
I have pain yes, I have hurts, yes. I have pains that you’ll never
want to know about.

But your eyes, your eyes are the window to my soul.
That night at the table I saw you, looking at the real me.
I saw the deepness inside of you, through your eyes.
I saw your devotion; you reached out to me and gave
me something I’ve never had before, real strength.

You say to me, “life is too short to be unhappy.”  
Because of your strength, I am working on just that,
being happy. Because of the way you look into me, I am clearing out the sadness and clutter that has kept my life
in deep dis-repair.  

I am working on not allowing any person; place or solitary
thing, to steal my joy, and to keep me down.
Because of the way you look into me, I am a work in progress.
Because of the way you look into my soul, I am working
on making changes that you see deep inside of a broken me.

When I look into your eyes, I see feelings; I see strength,
I see the power of what a really good man can actually do.
I see a drop of golden honey, that gets sweeter and
sweeter with each passing day.

When I look into your eyes, I see my future being put
together with grains of sand, that bind us together to
heal both our pasts.  When you look into my eyes, I feel you inside of me. Your strength is helping me heal,
you are rebuilding my hurts; pains, and all of my

When you sit next to me and stare into my eyes;
my soul is being autographed by your character.
You give me a portion of your strength when your
eyes look through me and see my pain.
Your eyes see something in me that I ever knew
was there, because your eyes are the window  
to my healing soul, I can work on healing myself,
and release my hidden pain and sadness.
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