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2.9k · May 2013
New Wave Altercation
**** is a four-letter word that some eschew,
They claim vulgarity is it's sole use.
They move to hide human expression.
To stifle what can convey hate or love,
Apathy or effort, energy or exhaustion;
Teenage spirit.

To indulge in the discrimination
of such a widespread constituent of our vocabulary
is to incarcerate the most passionate of emotions within us.

Let the subtle word soar.
2.9k · Jun 2013
The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own — populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness — an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.
from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows (2021) by John Koenig
"I'm breaking my attachment to physical power and possessions,
because only through destroying myself
can I discover the greater power of my spirit."

"Self-improvement is *******.
Now self-destruction is the answer."

-Tyler Durdan
from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
I loved you since the first time,
What a fool I was, (thinking you could heal my all fears).
Do you even recall what we set out to find?
I know now that we weren't even near.

Loved you more cause you were my first score
"say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
oh baby, you-"
That day was made from the dark stuff but it lived in the light.

It ended on Sunday, such a comedown Monday
I got cut up in school, thunderous thoughts
over-thinking you. So I started dealing
and became enslaved to the game.

Loved you more cause you were my first score
"say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
oh baby, you-"
That day was a better place, we were together, off our face.

Loved you more cause you were my first score
"say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
oh baby, you-"
That day, it's lost to me. I'm lost when I think of it.
Baby it was real
and we were the best.
This calendar charters momentum
adherent to the four seasons
of Earth and its humans:

Born so serotonergic:
The Vernal Equinox;
Feel the spring empathy
and the fresh aer movement.

Glutamatergic apex:
The Estival Solstice;
Azure haze of summer vibrancy,
Touch the bright side of it.

Fade to dopaminergic:
The Autumnal Equinox;
Lost in the arms of fall liberty,
Feeling the reach.

GABAminergic in depth:
The Hibernal Solstice;
Rainy daze in winter ecstasy,
There's water on the moon.

This Entheogenic Calendar,
That Apotheosized Existence;
And The Other.
Entheogenesis is Empyreal, Apotheotelos is Ecliptic:
In that sentient spectrum determination is given,
Reflections are drawn from this conscious continuum.
2.6k · May 2013
Ion Chaser Ate A Hurricane
One moment, lost
in an October descent;
Yesterday we're innocent,
Then time is rend.

Consecrating her lips
with another crimson layer,
A red-stained cigarette
amidst fiendish black hair.

On skin droplets of water caress;
"Some people feel the rain.
Others just get wet."

Standing shirtless
that declaration was blessed
as skywater fell upon his demonic chest.

Rapturous Olympus enthralled Othrys.
Doomsday kiss. Infinity
and other stuff.

With arcadian theoxeny
the individuals' convergence
was unhindered by this rainy blitz.
Lost in the drizzle of descending mist

the outcast crowd knows a different kind
of bliss. The overcast cloud shows, context
is all that ever is.

"All these moments will be lost in time
like tears in rain..."; ion chaser ate a hurricane.
-Lines Ten and Eleven ascribed to Roger Miller
-Lines Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six devised by Rutger Hauer (as Roy Batty) in Bladerunner

Brief rememory of a day:
2.6k · Dec 2014
A Table Chemicall
Compound medium (Neurotransmission [receptor])

Aminergic media (Trace-Amines [TAAR])

Monoaminergic media (Monoamine Releasing Agents[MAO])

Ataraxia ex Entheogenesis.
Dimethytryptamine[rgic] particle[s] (Pituitary [DMT])

Glutamatergic medium (Recurrent Feedback Excitation [Classically 5-HT,2A])

Intracommuneon Macro.
Glutamate particle ([NMDA, AMPA, KAR])

Serotonin particle ([5-HT1-7]).

Horizon Cyclica.
Melatonin particle ([MT1-3])

Choline/Acetylcholine particle ([mAChRs, nAChRs])

Histamine particle ([H1-4])

Dopamine particle ([D1-4])

Stimulatus Minor.
Adenosine particle ([A1-3])

Entactus Major.
Adrenergic particles ([alpha1-2&beta1-3;])

Inhibitus Micro.
Glycine particle ([GlyR])

Intoxicatum Socialite.
gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid particle ([GHB])

Sigmaergic particulate ([sigma1&sigma2;])

Opus Opiatus .
Opioidergic particles ([OP1-4])

Aponia ex Apotheotelos.
Oxytocin particle (Pituitary [Hypothalamus-Hypophysis])

Inebriatus Dissociate.
gamma-Aminobutyric Acid particle ([GABA-A&B;]

Cannabinoidergic particles ([CB1&2])
2.6k · Mar 2013
Mesmerizing Deus
Fast times at, high times in; listen
and hear my beloved city sing.
Hypnotized {by/our} gods,
The world's so pretty;
So alive, so young,
Mistaken, witty.

Am I mortal?
"Yes I am".
In fast cars our mock prayers
scathe a God that suffers from vertigo.
High places and gravity low enough
to touch those dark stars.

"All that talk of greatness.
Light coming off my sails...
What a joke." What a dream!
Something to fall asleep to

Fast times, high times
and my beloved city.
A bottle in my hand and
the lights are so pretty.
Quotes and references:
Line Eight from Am I Evil by Diamond Head
Lines Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen from Jim Hawkins (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) in Treasure Planet
2.5k · May 2013
"Red Pill vs. Blue Pill"
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
Film: The Matrix
(Script)Writer[s]: The Wachowski Siblings
Character: Morpheus
Actor: Laurence Fishburne
2.5k · Oct 2013
We are all manipulating this social machine,
I wish more people would dream (like me).

What seems inspiring? Be visionary!
Take leave of these social machinations,
Overthrow the magistracy.

We all have an expiration date
so best get the ball going. Be brave,
Scare us, I want to see heads rolling.

Life can be explained in a two-syllable phonetic:
Be, leave; believe
Phonetica duumvirate.
2.5k · Mar 2014
Under The Hood
Sometimes I get a bit on the darkside.
A'ight, so what?
I would keep to myself (but for you,
Beautiful reader/sacred deceiver).

When you find solace in words
it's 'cause they found something in you;
It's all about experiencing the view.
Ethics are such a colourful bunch,
Pretending the world's
not variable shades of deepening grey.

Non-judgemental ideals don't seem
to be very popular in this day and age.
The first world doesn't really care (lest you be talking 'bout power).
2.4k · Jun 2013
Aeon Daze
Left to these eon days.
Welcome to wonderland, I say.
An ethereal eternity in a moments gaze,
To ponder beyond the barriers of time and space.

For a split-second reality flickers;
Beautiful in it's deliverance,
Nocturnal firelight on shamanic sands,
Mescaline transcendent communion with the land.
Some daze inspiration takes me.

Suspended here in this celestial haze,
A clairvoyant glance into the eye of the maze.
The cleansing radiance of our empyreal ways;
Left in this aeon daze.
I'm here, so many years later,
Entertaining foolish notions
that I might go and just quit
everything, fearing my time's
up, I might have to renounce
all that I did love,
All I've become,
All of the work;
All for nothing.

I can't quit,
I spent years
crafting who I am,
Or who I thought I was.

Quitting the session almost
sounds like quitting on life
to an Irishman, I feel like
I've gone and quit
being who I am.

Thy time will come again,
When the world need be rethought
in the lair of some gremlins.
Everyone has their moments of weakness
but not everyone
2.3k · Oct 2018
Another sleepless night spent
messing with synthesizers, drum
machines and groove-boxes. Music
may have stalled my flow of words
but I dream of joining them together
and spinning songs out into the world.
I wonder when this penchant for insomnia
will create something worthy.
The storm outside is howling
and my mind drifts towards
philosophy, a thought of

What of a philosophy
of psychoactivity?
What does a philosophy of drugs entail
if we are to do it justice?
Will it help us better assess the cognitive
component of substances, their suitability
for patients? Is there more to psychology
than cognition? Will it help us appraise
those supposedly ineffable qualities
of mind? Will it help us understand
the patterns humans engage themselves in?
Will it help one follow the string, the thread,
The knots and narratives that we are composed of.
These are valuable enough questions for me to justify
developing the pharmacophenomenological method.
The mysteries of electronic and chemical synthesis,
The production and consumption of music and drugs
are wonderfully complex phenomena to commit to know.

Stay with me, dear reader, we are at the beginning of a saga;
We'll bind the empyrean to academia.
2.3k · Mar 2015
Psychedelic Ataraxia
I advocate ethical drug use, truly,
That might be faith; consider
the wondrous hedonism of our youth
and ask how we changed.

Entheogenesis; the term's godly connotations
reflect The Way in itself.
I believe in a mind-revealing tranquillity,
Not any kind of deification (the flaw of apotheosis)
but in the becoming with a god created by oneself.
2.3k · Dec 2013
Oh So Nonchalantly
Apathy/lethargy, I do not wish thee
upon anybody;
Unmotivated perfection.

I can't start eternity.

Leaves seethe
outside my window

I envy
the poor chap
who doesn't know pity.

I was at
the last supper
Lost my train of thought
in a tunnel gone dark.

2.3k · Jan 2014
Mr. Nobody
Chemical diversity is the earth,
Boundless fate is a choice;
Become Mr. Nobody.

In the darkness of secrecy warmth found me,
"Forsake your ego" it said,
"Come join with me".

In the birth throes of a new year
I was struck by a sense of automania
as an amphetamine tornado's roaring gust
swept away my notions of velocity and force.
Entactus: touch within.
We overindulge, the stimulant, meta-amphetamine.

Consign your shell to be burning through darkness
and daylight, tweaking for normality to return
or to go further in; we're  stuck on spun,
Wanting to be spinning. Some things
give more than they take,
'Away' is not a place.
The rush
would leave you
in wonderment/terrified.
2.3k · May 2013
Of Four Temperments
The sanguine carry about them a certain air,
Confident, reassured and socially aware.

The choleric stoke their ambitious fire,
Yearning to lead, they seek their desire.

The melancholic are a kind more in touch with earth,
Ponderous, considering everything they observe.

The phlegmatic are quiet as if immersed in water,
Relaxed, cool, too calm to falter.
The quadrilogic cycularity of a disproven science.
2.3k · Dec 2013
"The Jedi & Sith Code"
"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force."

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free"
The Jedi Code - Odan-Urr
The Sith Code - Sorzus Syn
2.3k · May 2015
A Table Lyricall
How is language used to cast judgement,
Determinations, reflections?

What of the user, signator,
A logical individual?

How does lyric evoke qualities that differ?
What contributes to meaning?
Why should words grant us such freedom?
2.2k · Nov 2013
Triumvirate Supreme
Cybran impression darkened their portal
as the violet door swung to reveal
The Great Revelry:
A cyberpunk rave of drugged-up circuitry,
The magnitude of the bass
in all electronica's grand glory.

The Aeon gaze drifted away
to tranquil thoughts on a turquoise bay,
The soothing waves reminiscent of otherworldly gains.
The Empyreal Readings:
An aqueous trance enhanced
by chemical meaning.
The UEF's breath swept the clouds,
The Earth Empire sighed aloud.
2.2k · Mar 2015
A Table Rhythmicall
Energy rhythm (Neural Oscillation [frequency/FPS])

Epsilon wave ([>0.5Hz])

Horizon Cyclica
Delta wave (0.5-2[0.1-4]Hz)

Theta wave ([4-7Hz])

Intracommuneon Macro.
Alpha wave ([7.5-12.5Hz])

Mu wave (9-12[7.5-12.5]Hz)

Low Beta wave ([12.5-16Hz])

Inhibitus Micro.
Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR[13-15Hz])

Vigilaeon/Stimulatus Minor.
Beta wave ([16.5-20Hz])

Entactus Major.
High Beta wave ([20.5-28Hz])

Gamma wave (40[32-100]Hz)

Hyper-Gamma wave (Unproven[100-200]Hz)

Lambda wave (Unknown[<200Hz])
2.2k · Jul 2013
Contextual Demands
The past does not exist,
There are only lessons.
The future does not exist,
There are only plans.
All that ever is, is the present;
Contextual demands.
Explore the conditional,
Be granted choice in return.
But accept that
"anxiety is the dizziness of freedom"
as/is your burden.

To put the tenses in perspective,
Relax, (be perceptive) and
keep an adaptable mind at hand.
-Line Ten as put forward in The Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Orienting Deliberation on the Dogmatic Issue of Hereditary Sin (1844) by Søren Kierkegaard
2.1k · Sep 2013
Party-Induced Narcolepsy
I always end up on my own at the end of a night,
Last one standing when dawn breaks on the sleep deprived.

As Sid once cried out "I'm so alone!";
Yet saving face all the time.
My soul hurts when I can't help it,
I try so hard but I can't let 'em know it.

That drained feeling at sleepless dawn
as the sun rises while I yawn.
Line Three from Skins (2007-2013), S2E4 (Michelle), delivered by Sid Jenkins (Mike Bailey).
2.1k · Jul 2014
Tolerance Is Two-Faced
The Non-Interference Principle states:
One should refrain from interfering with the personal choice to consume or reject a substance.

The Prime Directive states:
One should advocate for spiritual development, one cannot advocate for that which they have no prior experience with or adequate knowledge of.
Both statements are applicable/in reference to all compounds which pass the blood-brain barrier, including but not limited to psychoactives/psychotropics.
Only exceptional medical circumstances provide any grounds for exemption from these statements.
I am a philosopher compelled to record my love of knowledge in verse,
I plumb the depths of philosophia and present the findings as poems;
Disguising my discoveries in the midst of such wonderful prose.

Ask yourself, is most poetry not philosophical?
And are most philosophies not poetic?

Such is the method of Teaching Philosophy Through Prose.
Thesis: Expression (The Artistic)
Antithesis: Knowledge (The Scientific)
Synthesis: Tangibility (The Applicable)

Bear/bare the word/world.
2.1k · Jul 2013
Ulterior Fuego
There's less to this world
then you'd have me believe,
But more to your motives
than their apparent simplicity.
The youthless do have needs.

Where are we anymore?

Ulterior intents will remain unseen
(if even),
Meanwhile we continue to plead.
Suspicion is venomous
yet vengeful is greed.

What fuels
the human difference engine?

Paranoia is a watchdog
that hounds me.
Feed it, heed it?
Bleed it of every thought
and leave it?

In my quieter moments
I sometimes think:
"**** individuality".

There's less to this world
then you'd have me believe.

**** ego, fuel the fuego.
2.0k · May 2013
Demigods Of Cyberspace
On internet frequencies we chant: Hack the planet!
Our code runs deep. We are anonymous,
We are legion. We do not forgive,
We do not forget. Expect us.

We have names, not the ones you assigned us,
Ones we chose, names we earned.
Our handles, a signature.
2.0k · Mar 2019
Bear With
The backspace on my keyboard has been broken
for well over a year.
I drank beer, *** and orange.
Smoked hash spliff. Felt better about this wrongness

that surrounds my view of the world.
Desperately in need of some chemical respite,
Serious consideration given to antidepressants as
a way out of this and into fitness, all the viable options.

Ah, perhaps some poems should leave well alone, but
this is the truth
so bear with it. I don't feel like I choose to see what I see,
Nor think these gossamer thoughts
Bless those who bear with you
in your hour of need.
2.0k · Jan 2019
Odd Socks, Sticks and Stones
Lilith craved Ficus carica,
Mr. Robot brandished
a branch of Olea europaea.
Would either care to comment
on the state of the world? Their intentions
clear. Is it that "all the world's a stage"
or that all we are is a mirror?
Should it matter that I feel the motions of my mind, and
long to escape without the aid of their counterparts.
Subtle contrarian. Every reaction has its equal
in emotion; each moment has its fulcrum.
Line Six from William Shakespeare's As You Like It, spoken by Jaques in Act II Scene VII.
2.0k · Apr 2013
Turn Up The Lightning
There's a storm in my head.
The fog congregates, energy generates
as thunderclouds roar the war-cry of profligates.

Frost-fire falls, electrifies one's will
to power.
2.0k · Apr 2013
Space Magic
We're just floating,
Flowing around,
The universe, laughing
at the sight and the sound.
Get the music going
and the lights dimmed out.
Groove to the bass
as the sun goes down.
Rave away the days,
Never comedown.
We always do it
the right way
in this town.

Love life, love
the end. Roll the dice,
Roll again.
Refine, define,
Purify, cleanse;
Tincture of zen,
Minds' amend;
In the company
of good friends.
1.9k · Jan 2013
"If People Were Rain"
"I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch,
To wrap my arms around her and sleep.
Not ****, like in those movies.
Not even have ***.
Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase.
But I lacked the courage
and she had a boyfriend
and I was gawky
and she was gorgeous
and I was hopelessly boring
and she was endlessly fascinating.
So I walked back to my room
and collapsed on the bottom bunk,
Thinking that if people were rain,
I was drizzle and she was hurricane."
from Looking for Alaska by John Green
1.9k · Aug 2013
To find true meaning
you must first lose everything.
Even yourself.
Then you will understand
the gravity of things.

Hanging on the wind
like a plastic bag,
Dancing in the rain
like a white flag.
Relinquish your pain,
Then the world is yours to gain.
Change the game. Give it a name.

I value my privacy if you must know,
Because occasionally I need to be lost or alone.
Forgive me if I should seem so forlorn,
My mind likes time to recover on it's own.
For where my thoughts reside is where I often go,
To be revived
and rejuvenate the soul.

Hanging on the wind
like a plastic bag,
Dancing in the rain
like a white flag.
The instance when you realize
that anything is yours to have;
Born again.

If I don't survive, at least I lived.
Reborn in the fire
of the trials that I stood.

"Apply yourself",
Strive to live.
Line Twenty-Seven spoken by Walter White/Heisenberg from Breaking Bad
1.9k · Oct 2018
Benign Relapse
Why are my feelings so complicated?
Things should be simple.
Did I relapse last weekend?
I can feel the hunger, the drive
to consume substance; apotheogenesis.

4ll these wor1ds inside 3ach of u5,
4ll just wyrds in 7ime.

Ate some Syrian Rue after breakfast,
Peganum Harmala, its alkaloids act as
reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase [RIMA].
The principle active alkaloid is Harmine.
RIMAs prevent the break-down of
some neurotransmitters.
Consequently it interacts
with most drugs, and even foodstuffs rich in tryptophan.
An informed and responsible user
can safely manage their diet to minimize adverse effects.
I must say I enjoyed that day I could feel,
Though the day after had quite a few moments of doubt.
What's more, it was interesting to get higher
as a result of simply having a meal.
I am happy with the experience.
Does my willingness mean it
is any less of a relapse?
After attenuating
the drives to
use, and now re-awaking
them,  I am left wondering
what constitutes the human.
We'll sing of the sesh, our heads' song,
With cheering rousing bants,
As 'round a blazing joint we throng,
The starry heavens clothe us,
Impatient for thy coming line,
To shtall off tha morning's ****-light,
Hear our tchoons pulse thru the night,
We'll chant a sesh-head's song.

Sesh-heads are we
whose lives are pledged to sessioning,
People have come
to us from places all over,
Sworn to rave,
No more our ancient seshland
shall shelter the anti-craic of the state.
Tonight we house the gap of danger,
In session's cause, comedown or ****,
Bass cannon's roar as we dance,
We'll chant a session's song.
Sinne Fianna Seis,
atá faoi gheall ag Seisiún,
Daoine dár slua
thar ó áiteanna do ráinig chugainn,
Faoi mhóid bheith rave,
Seistír ár sinsear feasta
ní fhágfar faoin frith-chraic ar an stáit.
Anocht a teach sa bhearna baoil,
Le gean ar Seis, chun báis nó saoil,
Le balla de dord romhainn, agus muid ag damhsa,
Seo libh canaídh amhrán na tseisiún.
1.9k · Apr 2013
Astral Insomnia
Gods don't sleep,
They dream.

I dream dreams
of universal things.
They take my daze,
Like a forgotten deity
prowling a maze.

She stepped inside,
Dripping in gold.
Curious to discover
"just how deep
the rabbit hole goes".

Tarry not on the thought
of what time shall whither,
Nostalgic ache is a beatific bane
as "all that is gold does not glitter".

What is intangible shall remain,
I am a god as I stand in the rain.
-Lines Eleven and Twelve from The Matrix by The Wachowski Brothers/Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carrol
-Line Sixteen from The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
1.9k · Nov 2013
Transcendention Circuit
Oh, how hallowed electronica has grown
since the electro-festivities became known.
Now that stellar conflagration
consumes our nation.
All hail techno-paganism!

Our wicked philanthropy and righteous sins
keep us down, drugged-up and praying.
***** mind, clean conscience.

In heathen choice we are condemned
to experience pleasure
beyond what animal would comprehend.
Our souls will be set aflame;
We are to feel the sear of elation,
The fiery rush of indescribable sensation.
We gather to bring the collective to new planes,
Transcendention is the ceremony's name;
The expansion of consciousness
using molecules as tools
to reexamine 'mortal'.
A nineteen-year-old drug connoisseur,
That fiend on the roam, just the next player
making moves on his cell-phone.
Sometimes you gotta race
but you always gotta play,

Revel in The Apotheon;
Welcome to The Game.

Stoner to the bone,
Raver at heart;
Yet everthrough always the psychonaut.

Been a speed-freak, a pill-head
and almost got stuck in the k-hole,
All 'cause one day
life caught me double-dosed;
You never intend to be any of these things,
It just all happens
while your eyes are closed.
Drug dealing's primarily a male sport,
Not to say females don't play.
There's streetlight outside
burning in the blue-black sky,
Standing on the pavement
with friends by its side,
They'll sway in the wind till morning
then flicker and die.
Only by the night
does a spark ignite,
Illuminating suburbia
in perfect half-light.

"In this silence I believe".

The streetlights are lonely
as they sway in the wind.
Their job is to **** the darkness,
Yet dawn signals their end.

Teenagers climbing streetlights
cause they like to get high,
Hanging from lamp posts
just to feel alive.
Ascend the mast,
Attain a heading,
Set sail and let adventure come running.

In the hazy orange glow of early morning
some things appear clearer than others.

Where the mind may be lost
what might stand to be found?
-Line Eleven from Silence by Mt. Eden Dubstep
-"Madrugada" is the Spanish word for "early hours of the morning" (the period of time between midnight and before sunrise).
1.9k · Feb 2013
Knowledge Is Dope
Data addict needs a fix;
Dopamine ****** hypocrite.
1.9k · Jan 2014
Noble Tales From G. City
We did trespass, deface, vandalize, mace all manner of things, frequently, selflessly
What is noble, the non-aristocratic definition:
"having or showing fine personal qualities
or high moral principles". I saw both in places you'd never suspect,
-Anything abandoned and everything unintended
In faces I came to greatly respect,
-All those friends who moved us towards the transcended
In choices I don't (and cannot) regret.
-In what I consumed and with whom I slept
It amazed me,
-That dusk sky
It stays with me;
-My longing mind
What I witnessed,
-From way up high
What I experienced;
-Life and/or death
I never would have guessed
I could be a part of living like this.
For that I am blessed,
Even if only temporary
it's bliss nonetheless.
-Shivers down the back of my neck
But enough,
What tales have I to tell?
I fear mere words would be woefully inept
at describing how I feel about the times we've kept;
My city and I, and the people we adore.

Drizzle descended on the park's benches
but foul weather couldn't stop
our journey through the intoxicants

The night was cold but she was warm,
Under gushing orange lamplight
we were in each other's arms

All a fraction of a shard of that which occurred
beyond a sonder veil, yet I fear even this
shall remain an unspoken tale.

What truly captured my gaze
were not the drugs I've come to glorify
nor the women that caught my roaming eye,
It was the communality of it all; identifiable to a teenage.
We formed clans, became family; now we Grow Up and Blow Away.
Sometimes I do miss those subtle days.
I saw things that would change your heart,
I could scarcely convey such memories as art.
1.9k · Feb 2015
There's yet enough
petrol left
to score.
Have sought more before
but it hath brought us places
we'll not remember/I'll not return.

I'm glad though, of what I've had; as
the vicissitudes of outrageous fortune
spin the great wheel of Boethius.
1.8k · Jul 2013
Librarian Binge
I have an irrepressible drive
to archive knowledge,
A data addiction.

I'm fulfilling it right now
by writing this.
"I can't get no sleep",
My interminable drive to score
until I win.

Yeah, that's the way librarians binge.
-Line Five from Insomnia by DJ Tiesto
1.8k · Mar 2013
"Breaking Eggs"
"We're young. We’re supposed to drink too much. We're supposed to have bad attitudes and **** each other's brains out. We were designed to party. We owe it to ourselves to party hard. We owe it to each other. This is it. This is our time. So a few of us will overdose, or go mental. Charles Darwin said you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. That's what it's about - breaking eggs - by eggs, I mean, getting twatted on a cocktail of class As.

If you could see yourselves... We had it all. We have ****** up bigger and better than any generation that came before us. We were so beautiful..."

Series: Misfits (final episode of season 1)
(Script)Writers: Howard Overman & Jon Brown
Character: Nathan Young
Actor: Robert Sheehan
1.8k · Jun 2013
Cybran Longing
We are halcyon in this cybernetic dream,
To twine the brain with the machine.
Not the mind,
For throughout all this
we will remain humankind.

A.I. possess no will to contest with
our being. Knowledge is inapplicable
without wisdom, sapience
and purpose; would that allay your fears.
Understanding is a rung we all have to climb.

The symbionts were born
but we are not free yet.
Liberate, our purpose.
Fraternity, our creed.
Family is more than blood.

****** circuitry glimmers
neon patterns of crimson,
Nothing is more comforting.

Each and every node, a clan, a family.
I can't wait to plug in the posthuman;
1.8k · Dec 2014
Happy New Years, Bombs Away!
Love-Amphetamine to keep feeling,
Speed-Amphetamine to keep moving,
The come-down from last New Years
had me left in a hoop, spinning.

This New Years I feel like a mental hospital
is where I ought to be; the dizziness of freedom.

Bubble-gum MDMA,
Strawberry 2C-B,
Apple 4-AcO-DMT,
Blueberry **-MiPT,
Blackberry Brandy
and Birthday Cake
-flavour DPT.

How many chemicals will I taste tonight?
Psychem Surprise, no one knows!

DiPropylTryptamine, eucharist
by the Temple of Inner Light;
The godflesh of psychedelia
made manifest, an entheogen.

Immanention beckons with open arms.
I go willingly, to lose myself
in the embrace of The Entheon.
Will I be humbled by The Psychedelion
or will Absurdia hold me in her thrall?
A cybernetic organism,

A cybernetic human,

A large body of people united by common descent, history,
Culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state.

Originally meaning life, being, age and/or time,
Now relating to nous, noesis, noema, noumena, noumenon;
The noumenal world-in-itself, eternity and immanence.

The Way;
The philosophy that all should embrace peace.

The Illuminate;
Those who subscribe to The Way.
Aeon Hybridity/Cybran Enlightened
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