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1.6k · Jan 2022
Turn me the right side up
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
A smile is sad
upside down

A thumb up
is thumbs down

The right way up
I’d only found

when you came and turned
my world around
Every thing valuable is fragile
and must be handled the right side up
1.6k · May 2022
Golden day stars
My Dear Poet May 2022
When she said “I love you”
the sun no longer shone
It exploded into fragments
across the beautiful blue sky
1.6k · Dec 2021
A wing, a fin and a song
My Dear Poet Dec 2021
I am looking out a window
down a road that leads to sea
past fields along the horizon
there’s a bird upon a tree
where eye can’t see behind leaves
where a branch holds the strong
I can’t hear, but I believe
there’s a wing and there’s a song

I’m looking out over meadows
across hills, beyond the blue
where the willow casts her shadow
where my lady is out of view
bathing by a bay on an ocean
tending to her tail and fin
She’s humming, pouring lotion
and in my heart I hear her sing
1.6k · Dec 2021
Keep me safe
My Dear Poet Dec 2021
my heart
was caged for keeping

my mind
kept safe inside a case

my soul
hid from stealing

my body
kept guard by my face
My Dear Poet Nov 2023
She wasn’t everything she wanted
so in her soul she moulded
a figure of someone else

Till her inner being went bleeding
along a lonely road of longing  
yearning for herself

Then there came along a flower
from an Ivy **** upon a tower
that wove her name with love

and upon this sight and seeing
it’s beauty won her heart and healing
“If that’s me, then me is enough”.
It’s been awhile. I hope you enjoy.
1.6k · Sep 2022
Glow the distance
My Dear Poet Sep 2022
You are a super star
with promise to always shine
You glow and glisten from afar
polished by the trials of time
When night deems in a little darker
drawing the dirt and the dust
you burn all the more brighter
your lustre always lasts
You are stronger than the fire
within that spark in your eyes
The sun is your envious admirer
your light never dies
So you rise

You rise
1.5k · Jan 2022
A little green
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
A little green grew
in the grey and grey blue
in a world that was dusty and dark
in the form of a flower
with colours to devour
that could turn a city into a park
But the crowd passing by
in the black and black tie
hardly took the time or knew
through the crack in the strife
the hues and colours of life
blossoming beneath their shoe
yet stretching out its wild leaves
with a beauty to please
It was a sad, sad trample amidst the scuffle
the busy people passing by
who would not raise an eye
wondered “what scent was so, so wonderful?”
but the crushed fragrance blown
was all that was known
though they knew not what it was
for they’d never seen
that little, little green
it’s just the smell they now speak of
1.5k · Aug 2021
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
I’m still the same old reflection
no matter how many times
I’ve changed the mirror frame
1.5k · Aug 2021
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
Can someone
please tell me
how to
italicise a word
on Hello poetry
Appreciate it
1.5k · Apr 2021
I’m sorry
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
I’m sorry
for the little hidden things
I’m sorry
for the secrecy and shame
I’m sorry
for waking up too late
I’m sorry
for not prophesying the pain

I’m sorry
for this apology
I’m not sure how this can heal me
by hurting you with ‘sorry’ again
1.5k · Sep 2021
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
The fire will find you out
Some are straw and some are gold
1.5k · May 2022
I will follow you
My Dear Poet May 2022
I will follow you
whereto you roam
I will follow you
all the way home
down the road
up the hill
along the river
by the mill
past the tin shed
that old shoe store
till I follow you
and go no more
to an open field
where a path unpaved
with stones unsealed
leads to your grave
1.5k · Aug 2023
Together apart
My Dear Poet Aug 2023
We walked together
till together walked away
We stopped the walking
and sat down to lay
wondering how
life is heavy this way
not to carry
together’s slack
and whether we could carry
together another day
if together
were to ever come back
to stay
Can’t live with or without them
1.5k · Jul 2022
I’m not afraid to cry
My Dear Poet Jul 2022
My tears fall courageously
Leaving the safety
and shelter of my eye
Braving down the cliff of my cheek
Fearlessly jumping off
the edge of my chin
1.5k · Jan 16
Heart of Hope
My Dear Poet Jan 16
I’d love to slice your eyes in little pieces
scatter them across night skies
so you go and glow my nights away
from the starlight in your eyes

I’d love to pluck a kiss from your lips
to plant in my garden of growing weeds
so when all fails to bloom too soon
your sweet scent is sent from your seeds

I’d love to clip the smile off your face
and toss it to the sun at morn  
so when night has lost its fight for light
I’ll have burnt your smile into the dawn.

I’d love to cut open your heart of hope
carve a heart beat out with a knife  
so if my passion is dead after I’ve bled
you may bring me back to life
1.4k · Jul 2023
You say he’s everything
My Dear Poet Jul 2023
Except for one thing

…he’s not me
1.4k · Jan 2022
A tale about a tale
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
This is a tale about a tale
that had no end

A tale of the tale
of what was then

It went on forever
from wherever

but none knows when
1.4k · Apr 2022
Happy Birthday
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
Today is my birthday
reluctant to turn the calendar
I lingered here a little longer
the same age I was yesterday
I remained today
Til the wind blew the page
and turned to that age
that I am to be
So, unashamed and bold
I accepted my fate
and fighting my fears
I got old, a day late
1.4k · Apr 2022
Seasons of ‘She said’
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
She said, “I don’t like talking about my feelings. My feelings are as fleeting as the season of summer”.

I told her, ”I never had a problem ever talking about the sun and temperamental weather”.

She said, “I don’t like talking about emotions. My emotions are as dry as autumn leaves”.

I told her, ”I never had a problem with a blowing wind or whirling breeze”.

She said, “I don’t like talking about my fears. My fears are a looming dark sky for a winter storm”.

I told her, “I never had a problem finding shelter and a place to keep her warm”.

I smiled and said, “Let’s just walk and talk about spring”.

…she left me there planting seeds.

while all along, I never had a problem picking her flowers away from the weeds.
like the seasons she changed
1.4k · Jan 2022
Many a Man
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
Many a man can roll up his sleeve
raise his elbows for a fight
But it takes a stronger man
to lower his hands
and leave when he knows its right
I’m not one for defeat
and have me beat
But If I’m ever half that man
You will have me found
standing my ground
letting down, just one hand

Many a man can
let loose their screws
and explode with words of sorts
But it takes a mindful man
to remain subdued
taking captive every thought
I’m not one to refrain
or lose my brain
But if I’m ever half that man
I’d like to think I’m kind
give a good piece of my mind
and hopefully they’d understand

Many a man can spin their own yarn
and tell a tale without a flinch
But it takes an honest man
to not spin spam
and not sway from truth an inch
I’m not one to lie
I’m an honest guy
But if I’m ever half that man
I’lI tell the whole story
and then and if only  
leaving out the details where I can

Not many a man can
resist or tame the flame
of passion or fire
For there are but a few
who are able to
harness the lust of fleshly desire
Now sometimes I burn
and yes, I yearn
But if I’m ever half that man
I can look and not touch
and if it goes and gets too much
well, I suppose, I am who I am
1.4k · Jun 2022
My Dear Poet Jun 2022
I submitted my poem
to a teacher, Mr Rowan
and he graded it an F
Still, I’m a great poet
he just doesn’t yet know it
but some day he’ll have to confess

though he’ll give me an E
yet when it comes to poetry
I’m the greatest poet there ever was
I’ll climb my way to a D
just wait and you’ll C
I’ll prove it just because

I’ll let go and let B
he’ll wonder if it’s me?
A poet born not made
he’ll grant me an A
on a poem I’ll tear up that day
and prove I’m more than just a grade
1.4k · Feb 2022
Hard to accept
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
Your apology was drowned out
by the noise in my mind

I’d have read your lips
but tears had me blind

I tried to feel your words
but I was numb at every line
1.4k · May 2022
Give me your eyes
My Dear Poet May 2022
You can take
every part
of my heart
the truth
and the lies
every page
from the start
but please
give me
your eyes

You can steal
my will
every seal
of my soul
every piece
of the whole
take my breath
and my sighs
but please
give me
your eyes

You can take
every chapter
for free
every part
you can see
what lives
and what dies
but leave
me your eyes

take all
you can find
from the lines
of my mind
to every piece
you can break
leave nothing
so may I
for my sake
make your eyes
I need you to see
every part of me
you take
1.4k · Jun 2022
My Dear Poet Jun 2022
We fit perfectly outside the puzzle
1.4k · Oct 2021
I am not broken
My Dear Poet Oct 2021
I’m not broken
Just dinted

I’m not burning
Just scorched

I’m not shattered
Just splintered

I’m not dying
Just hurt
1.4k · Apr 30
…by any other name
My Dear Poet Apr 30
She said,
“My name is a flower, you see”

I said “Lily…it must be?”
She said, “no, no, no!…

...a Lily…is soooo,
not as beautiful
as me”

She replies
bashfully and wise
I’m just as much beauty to the eyes
as I am to the nose.”

“Oh!…you must be Rose”
She laughed
and cried more ‘no’s’

“It sounds a little crazy
I know and maybe…
but you must be a Daisy??”

she giggled all the more
“who knows?”
and winked
“.. if only baby”

I put my thinking aside
I tell no lie,
while I, still in my head

she sighed

”My names not ‘white’ or ‘plain’
‘Self raising’ “
, she said
”…is my name”.
1.4k · Aug 2021
Tears for fears
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
Her Iris
from her eyes
start to slip
from the blows
of her nose
they drip
sliding south
to her mouth
to her lip
takes a taste
of the tears
at the tip
1.4k · Mar 2022
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
my heart    is split
into two   parts
  the part that   is now left
        and the part   that was right
1.4k · Apr 2022
My Vow
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
I can never promise
             to never hurt you

but I can vow

             to never leave you

and live my life in such a way
              that you will hurt

to not stay
1.4k · Aug 2021
Love at a glance
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
Sitting in the library
among dusty books
You, behind a novel
throwing me ***** looks
peering over pages
finding your stare
back to your book
I take it you don’t care
I pull my tongue out
you roll your eyes
Is that a smile?
I wave…like I’m shooing flies
you turn away
I feel the red in me rise
I look at my watch…”oh my”
…how time flies
leaving this engagement
I tuck in my chair
locking eyes, we do a dance
…one last stare
If only you weren’t as pretty
and played so hard to forget
I would have made a move
and maybe we’d have met
We could have been love at first sight
…okay…sure, love at a glance
Oh well…Good bye
pleased to make your acquaintance
1.4k · Feb 2021
My Dear Poet Feb 2021
I’m trying hard,
not to think you’re unkind
But your footprints in my heart
have left me scars in my mind.
1.3k · Jul 2022
See, Think, Feel
My Dear Poet Jul 2022
When you’re hurting
look intently at the wound
and ask
“Am I bleeding…
or am I bruised?”
and whether it’s red
or whether it is blue
thank God
you can still
and feel
My Dear Poet May 2023
father  said
you should
only dream
with open eyes
to see clearly
the rays of lies
dreams are only
made for sleep
not for day
nor light to seek
keep your dreams
beside your bed
and a candle lit
inside your head
keep it there
and keep it where
vision withers
for  no light
redeems or
day delivers
your dreams
once your dead
1.3k · Aug 2021
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
Your tears make it so hard
to see my reflection in your eyes
1.3k · Jun 2021
Like Lavender
My Dear Poet Jun 2021
A Lily never lies
unlike a neighbouring plant
where shrub and grub
are given a rub
like lavender to enchant
A Lily never lies
like your eyes
even if you tried
you can’t recant
you send a scent
and as soon as it’s sent
like lavender you replant
1.3k · Jul 2021
My Dear Poet Jul 2021
the hand controls
the steering

and the steering
controls the wheel

and you my love
control everything

and everything I feel
1.3k · Mar 2022
The mirror in my mind
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
my mirror
has been screaming at me
for a while
I chose to walk away today
but it began to follow
became a black shadow
creeping into my cranium
to stay

broken reflection
in my head
that closing eyes
couldn’t save
shaking the grains
in my brain
didn’t help
like shattered glass
it slithered and sliced
my skin and scalp

cutting the chords
of light from my eye
bleeding fingers from braille
left me blind
without vision
there’s no escaping
the mirror
of reason
in my mind
My Dear Poet Jun 2021
You asked me what my name was
You asked if we could dance
You asked if you could have my number
You asked me to call
You asked me to pick you up
You asked me to hold you
You asked me to wipe away your tears
You asked me to just speak nice things
You asked me to stop fixing things

I never asked for anything
And now I’m asking why
1.3k · Mar 2021
Be Rich In Giving
My Dear Poet Mar 2021
I have a bag full of money
Filled only with paper notes
it’s not really all that heavy
Infact, It’s so light it often floats
So I’m glad I don’t carry
The weight of the rich
on my back
because life would be so scary
weighed down by a sack
I’d rather be up and airy
strung along by a balloon
Flying up like a fairy
Scattering money from the moon
1.3k · Jun 2023
The Boy and the Willow Tree
My Dear Poet Jun 2023
“Why is your flute so tiny
and all?”,
said the Willow to the little boy
“Maybe cos my song
is low and light
and my fingers
are so small”

“Why’s your arms
so stretched up high”
asked the boy looking up
“Maybe to send your tune,
past clouds and sky,
that resonates from my stump”

So together it dawned
the day they joined
spreading  the sweetest sound
The one who sits small,
with one standing tall
Together, reached heaven
from the ground
Sometimes all you need is just some simple support
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
If you help me with this letter
I may not need to send it
1.3k · May 2022
Stubborn Fruit
My Dear Poet May 2022
Nothing is as sweet as you
but you case the hardest pip
1.3k · May 2023
Saving the Kingdom
My Dear Poet May 2023
Maybe, all we need to do
is put our pens down
The poets painted

Maybe, all we need to do
is place our drums away
The drummers danced

Maybe, all we need to do
is lay our shoes aside
The dancers wrote

Maybe, all we need to do
is return our books back
The writers sang

Maybe, all we need to do
is keep doing what we do
The king cried
1.3k · May 2021
My Dear Poet May 2021
Turn the dial
on my back
and spin me around

Press the button
on my head
and push me down

Ring the bell
in my ear
bring on the sound

Push me off
the ledge
pick me off the ground

Check the crack
in the battery pack
no longer around
1.2k · Aug 2023
Sleep The Morning
My Dear Poet Aug 2023
I woke
the morning
for it had slept in
still in bed
and I too keen
to turn its head
I gave
a nudge
it gave
a grudge
and rolled over
the other way
in bed

That night
I kept my dream
while people slept
I dreamt
the day
come the
the sun
stood still
of it’s own will
and I, falling

In hope for light
and life  
I dreamt this dream
and wept
a stream of sleep
while wailing  
many a day
in mourning  
I watched
my defeat to
keep the 
dawn of day
hiding away
In pursuit of dreamlands and a better day
1.2k · Jul 2021
My Dear Poet Jul 2021
I’ve stolen your heart beat
snatched straight from your chest
I placed it inside me
to give my own heart a rest
but it’s a step and tap out of time
to the rattle of rock and roll
I didnt want to skip a beat
to the rhythm in my soul
I pulsate to your heart rate
threw me off the beaten track
not knowing if it’s a heart break
or I’m having your own heart attack
1.2k · Jan 2022
Plant a garden
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
Don’t cry tears
cry seeds for roses
who found no place in Eden

Don’t grow guns
Fight for the flowers
that bloom in shadows hour
waiting for the sun

Like crawling moss
inside cellars
where wine is stored
from twisted vine
Guard your heart
and mind

Or ivy in attics
where memories are hoard
away from eyes and light
Guard your sight

Tears fall like pellets
scattered shells of bullets
buried in dirt, like seeds
that shoot up into hurt

But if you’re wounded
by life
plant a garden
in every light of your love
Keep your head up high
wait for the sky
to shower you from above
1.2k · Dec 2021
Kiss me
My Dear Poet Dec 2021
It takes only one true kiss
to erase the lies tattooed on your lips
1.2k · Jan 2022
Written on my lips
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
If only    this kiss
can pour into your mouth so my
|                                                        |
­thoughts flow north to your mind
and down to where your heart
hides south
1.2k · Jun 2021
A familiar fragrance
My Dear Poet Jun 2021
Every flower has a name
till you became the fragrance
that named every flower
I smell
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