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Dec 2023 · 322
Merry Christmas HP
My Dear Poet Dec 2023
To all my friends and followers
My Dear Poet Nov 2023
She wasn’t everything she wanted
so in her soul she moulded
a figure of someone else

Till her inner being went bleeding
along a lonely road of longing  
yearning for herself

Then there came along a flower
from an Ivy **** upon a tower
that wove her name with love

and upon this sight and seeing
it’s beauty won her heart and healing
“If that’s me, then me is enough”.
It’s been awhile. I hope you enjoy.
Oct 2023 · 451
My Dear Poet Oct 2023
Do not fly higher than the sky
although eagles often try
keep your head instead, below
where worms squirm the earth
and grow
along roots wrought from trees
crouching out to open seas
when cages are without keys
crawls a hope, when wings can’t set
you free.
Aug 2023 · 1.2k
Sleep The Morning
My Dear Poet Aug 2023
I woke
the morning
for it had slept in
still in bed
and I too keen
to turn its head
I gave
a nudge
it gave
a grudge
and rolled over
the other way
in bed

That night
I kept my dream
while people slept
I dreamt
the day
come the
the sun
stood still
of it’s own will
and I, falling

In hope for light
and life  
I dreamt this dream
and wept
a stream of sleep
while wailing  
many a day
in mourning  
I watched
my defeat to
keep the 
dawn of day
hiding away
In pursuit of dreamlands and a better day
Aug 2023 · 1.5k
Together apart
My Dear Poet Aug 2023
We walked together
till together walked away
We stopped the walking
and sat down to lay
wondering how
life is heavy this way
not to carry
together’s slack
and whether we could carry
together another day
if together
were to ever come back
to stay
Can’t live with or without them
Aug 2023 · 181
Elementary Dear
My Dear Poet Aug 2023
Moonlight specks of stardust
Tinsel tints of gold dust
This one thing I must
do before I rust
Take my time and tell you
just how much I love you
with all my heart and sinew
I truly really do
It’s fun
Jul 2023 · 1.4k
You say he’s everything
My Dear Poet Jul 2023
Except for one thing

…he’s not me
Jun 2023 · 1.2k
My Dear Poet Jun 2023
For every drip that drops
theres a kiss on your lip
we can’t stop
the tick proceeds the tock,
on every clock

Little bits of bitterness
makes a mess of emptiness
The pleases of teases
satisfy our happiness
And all that it will leave us
is pure **** of nothingness

Other than that soft
sweet scent of sweetness
Where only you can meet this
going back to our first kiss
that I myself so miss
My Dear Poet Jun 2023
When I said I love you
I never considered the day you would part
You packed my soul in a suitcase
and locked the door of my heart

When I said I love you
I didn’t think by now you’d be gone
You filled my head with darkness
Left me in my head alone

When I said I love you
I never saw the day you'd leave me blind
You stole my sun in broad daylight
and turned the light off in my mind
Jun 2023 · 923
Little Big Things
My Dear Poet Jun 2023
All the little things about you
are the big things in my life
Jun 2023 · 3.5k
One Moon Is Never Enough
My Dear Poet Jun 2023
That day,
when I turned
and saw your eyes,
the sun grew in size
That kiss
upon your lips
exploded the stars
into shimmering
Sailing away
to where
the 14 moons
of Neptune
were due
to rise
Jun 2023 · 1.3k
The Boy and the Willow Tree
My Dear Poet Jun 2023
“Why is your flute so tiny
and all?”,
said the Willow to the little boy
“Maybe cos my song
is low and light
and my fingers
are so small”

“Why’s your arms
so stretched up high”
asked the boy looking up
“Maybe to send your tune,
past clouds and sky,
that resonates from my stump”

So together it dawned
the day they joined
spreading  the sweetest sound
The one who sits small,
with one standing tall
Together, reached heaven
from the ground
Sometimes all you need is just some simple support
Jun 2023 · 273
My Dear Poet Jun 2023
Why can’t we build a tree house?
In our own backyard behind the sky
away from a wailing world
far from where we lay and die
Why can’t we build a tree house?
To house and hold our dreams
our pictures pitched on wooden planks
’we were once ere’ inscribed on beams
A heart etched in a tree stump
Below where our forbidden kisses are found
No one to discover our hidden bites
Unless we let the ladder down
Our insecurities were safe up here
while I sketched your naked skin
every curvature and crease of secrecy
You read your poetry and let me in
on our backs, we gazed at the night sky
we sipped wine or drank some tea
In silence we shared unspoken words
wondering if stars have a tree
And now often I wish upon a star
now your another’s spouse
…are you happy?

…or dreaming of the same star
with our own tree house?
Remember the days of tree houses
May 2023 · 607
The Best of Bear
My Dear Poet May 2023
The Big Bear and Little Mouse were what you call  ‘Best of Friends’.
When Little Mouse would trip, Big Bear would giggle, pick him up and gently place him back on track.

When Little Mouse would fall, Big Bear would laugh, carefully lift him up, dust him off, and patiently put him back on the path.

One day, Little Mouse got stuck trying to get some cheese. Big Bear, thought it was hilarious. He pulled him out. Licked his sore. Gave him a pat and set him down to eat.

Big Bear and Little Mouse were the best of friends. Till one day, Little Mouse was sick and tired of Big Bear always laughing at him.

And left.
May 2023 · 1.2k
A Broken Poem
My Dear Poet May 2023
One night I sat
in my chair to write
what was to be one of the most
beautiful poems ever written
and in the middle of my poem
my pencil broke


Just like the centre of my heart
in the middle of a dream
between your smile and eyes
and everything inbetween
now broken in this poem
like these lines
May 2023 · 400
Poetic existence
My Dear Poet May 2023
Why do I keep trying
to piece together a poem
when my own life is falling apart
Poetry of grace
May 2023 · 737
Often and Always
My Dear Poet May 2023
There are those who know of pain
Often and always take time to heal

There are those with promise broken
Often and always need time to seal

Yet, there are those whose hearts forgive
Often and always will
May 2023 · 738
My Hour Glass To Shine
My Dear Poet May 2023
I’m falling
through an hourglass
I’ve no time to think
Like all the others
falling through
it’s now my turn to sink

Closed in
by glass unseen
I thought I was almost free
Dropping down
I hit the ground
my escape, high above me

Smash the glass
and fight the flow
can’t be shut in any more
till I break the mould
I  put time on hold
I lose the hour I was born for

Awaiting my turn
taking time to learn
to be forever falling again
as long as I’m bound
I am forever crowned
no more than just a grain
May 2023 · 1.1k
My Dear Poet May 2023
I don’t want to swim
in your ocean of tears

…i want to drown
May 2023 · 1.0k
The Things We Lose
My Dear Poet May 2023
Things that fall apart
often fall out of place

Things that you lose
are often lost without a trace

Things that are stolen
are often taken before your face

Things that are returned
are often found without a case
My Dear Poet May 2023
father  said
you should
only dream
with open eyes
to see clearly
the rays of lies
dreams are only
made for sleep
not for day
nor light to seek
keep your dreams
beside your bed
and a candle lit
inside your head
keep it there
and keep it where
vision withers
for  no light
redeems or
day delivers
your dreams
once your dead
May 2023 · 438
My Dear Poet May 2023
i have so much love
such enough love for
loving you nonetheless
and loving you all the more
May 2023 · 713
Heart and Craft
My Dear Poet May 2023
We’re all drawn
into friendships
glued together by life
but not everyone is
cut out to be a friend
May 2023 · 2.0k
The Day the Kiss Died
My Dear Poet May 2023
What was known yet unseen
was a king and a dying queen
holding their last kiss good bye
That day the kiss died

He then ordered all his men
to bind all lovers in his den  
Every embrace ever lied
The day the kiss died

The Judge and the Law
all came to find flaw
In any poet or guide
The day the kiss died

Finding two lovers, that spoke
of how his and her lips broke
Evidence, they could not hide
The day the kiss died

They cried,
“We hold and we touch
yet it’s not enough in as much
a kiss can’t be denied”

The day the kiss died

With a kiss hid in their heart
They tore them apart
and took them aside
The day the kiss died

Children chanted, “the kiss of death
will draw your last breath.
Don’t or dare to no longer abide”

The day the kiss died

And all the people they wept
and the sweepers that swept
the sad streets, they sighed
The day the kiss died

In lace they all dressed
in hope to lay the last kiss to rest
In a coffin to confide
The day the kiss died

That night,
Artists repainted the sky
Lanterns hung high
In the black rain they cried
The day the kiss died

While white doves bled red
It was heard and it was said
even the angels cried
The day the kiss died

The clowns in all places
Painted a frown on their faces
for all grooms and the brides
The day the kiss died

Old widows slept as it seems
waiting for their dreams
nuns by their side
The day the kiss died

The romantics broke doors
of bottle shops and liquor stores
yet the wine had all dried
The day the kiss died

Yet, still up north and down south
lovers, for love, open their mouth
welcoming death near and wide
The day the kiss died
May 2023 · 375
Every Now and Then
My Dear Poet May 2023
Every now and then
we touch on things that matter

Every now and then
we hold on a little longer

Every now and then
we hold to things we suffer

Every now and then
we grow a little stronger.
May 2023 · 3.0k
Can you hear me?
My Dear Poet May 2023
I’m screaming
through the eye of a needle
From the top of my voice
…I jump
May 2023 · 752
Stealing a Thief
My Dear Poet May 2023
I saw you steal
a thought from me
I thought you saw
what I could see
I think you think
It would have set you free
But now my minds in you
and your minds on me

So I took my heart
and hid a beat from you
Hoping you’d come
and steal that too
I felt a feeling
and it came true
Now your hearts for me
when my hearts in you
May 2023 · 1.3k
Saving the Kingdom
My Dear Poet May 2023
Maybe, all we need to do
is put our pens down
The poets painted

Maybe, all we need to do
is place our drums away
The drummers danced

Maybe, all we need to do
is lay our shoes aside
The dancers wrote

Maybe, all we need to do
is return our books back
The writers sang

Maybe, all we need to do
is keep doing what we do
The king cried
May 2023 · 2.1k
Quote me
My Dear Poet May 2023
Some throw themselves to fire
Some to a raging wave
We throw ourselves at words
Doubly as dangerous…but brave
We string along a sentence
We bleed line by line
Scraping along defences
We grind the grit and rhyme
Defying the babblers battle
Waging war with a world
where words have no meaning
or power when they’re hurled
We’ll never decay or go rotten
We’ll be writing till we’re read
They may shut us till we’re forgotten  
But they’ll quote us
when we’re dead
A tribute to all poets
Apr 2023 · 462
Put the volume down
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
If only you could
put the volume down
to your abrasive cutting sounds
you would hear me bleeding

If only you could
put the volume down
to your suffocating exhausting sounds
you would hear me breathing

If only you could
put the volume down
to your mourning wailing sounds
you would hear me crying
Apr 2023 · 1.0k
Come back to bed
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
My breast had been your pillow
my body became your bed
You lay yourself down upon me
and dreamt yourself inside my head
You slept a million moons with me
we swept and swayed your soul to rest
Beneath the quilted cover of my skin
upon the mattress of my chest
Only to wake and find beside me
the creases where your body laid
And in your eyes the empty sheets
where my heart was left unmade
Apr 2023 · 125
Suck it up
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
I warned you
not to ***** it, it will pop

I told you
not to flip it, it flops

but you had to pick it up,
and it dropped

now you want me to lick it up
but it’s slops

if only you would **** it up
so it stops
Apr 2023 · 525
You liked me like this
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
You kissed me like a promise
You kept me like a case
You held me like a picture
You passed me like a place
You left me like a thought
You hung me like a bell
You judged me like a court
You wished me like a well
You released me like a sparrow
You sealed me like a will
You waited like tomorrow
You searched me like a hill
You forgot me like an orphan  
You missed me like a kiss
You lay me like a coffin
You liked me like this
Apr 2023 · 449
The Nothing Song
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
“No strings attached”
said the flute to the violin

“Nothing to pick on”
said the piano to the harp

“Nothing to fret about “
said the drum to the guitar

“Nothing to dance about”
said the minstrel to the musician
Apr 2023 · 711
Scraps of my mind
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
What becomes of a mind
when the thoughts that you bind
are filling up a cracked shell
and every moment of dull
poured into the skull
will only implode if you don’t tell

So if you’re falling apart
pour out your heart
or that too will fall out of place  
speak and reveal
all the hurt that you feel
let it beautifully leak from your face
Apr 2023 · 184
I want to die before you do
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
I want to die before you do
I know it’s selfish, but it’s true
for all the pain I fear to know
would have me desire
to die before you go

I dread the memories we make
coming back to torment me
and for my sake
I’d rather die and know
that I’ve left you behind
than I to live and let you go

I don’t think I can bare
the weight of another breath
if you first leave,
every thought of you, I do
I’ll relive another death

Nor do I think I can carry
another hour of an empty day
where you once filled every second
and now you’ve gone away

I’d rather die than miss you
I’m sorry, but It’s true
I know I’ll leave you with pain
and you may or may not live again
but, I could never be without you
so I’d rather die before you do
in shame
Apr 2023 · 281
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
We hold on
only to break

We hold strong
only to shake

We hold in
only to explode

We hold out
only to implode
Apr 2023 · 142
The Wait
My Dear Poet Apr 2023
Do not hold
to anything too tight
Loosely let go
without fight
It’s a matter of time
you will find,
what is yours,
requires no mind

nor might

Judge nothing
too soon by night
or be too quick
to judge before light
You’ll find reason
under the sun
wisdom will come
where faith
runs ahead

of sight

Desire not the crumbs
off their plate
Guard your desire,
appetite and state
Hold your hunger
and pause
Feed only your cause
Be still,
till all will be yours

if you wait
It’s been a while
Mar 2023 · 235
My Dear Poet Mar 2023
I ryhme
a word like vine
flowering a flower
on every line
forming to fruit
found from the root
of every thought
of my mind
Mar 2023 · 207
Closer Than Ever Away
My Dear Poet Mar 2023
while you’re away
and forever
be never further
than closer than ever
to me

may you always stay
and never
leave here
for here is nearer
than you’ll ever be
Mar 2023 · 345
My Dear Poet Mar 2023
I have, I have
then I am done
ready to be born
poems not on paper
digital drafts cannot be torn
awaiting patiently my pity
awakening awkwardly my flaws
flippantly pop pops
my plop drops
and splatters
ink on the floor
Mar 2023 · 776
My Dear Poet Mar 2023
you cried all the summer rain
and howled the winter moon
along you sung a spring of sad
and played an autumn solemn tune
years of tears left seasons dry
a drought of death you bloom
mountains of fountains
of clouds in your eye
rained our storm and doom
My Dear Poet Mar 2023
when every unsaid is spoken
you lose that light in your eye
where the carefully carried is broken
and the boundless could be untied
when every apology is a memory
that forges forgiveness like a yoke
we forget to laugh ourselves freely
and every lie becomes a joke
our feet are forced for parting
on a path paved for pain
the bend behind dissolving
even, if we desired
to turn around again.
Mar 2023 · 177
My Dear Poet Mar 2023
give or get
Feb 2023 · 704
When you love me
My Dear Poet Feb 2023
I can hold on
when you hold me right

I can hold long
when it’s all your might

I can hold strong
when I’m all you hold tight
Oct 2022 · 601
To untitled
My Dear Poet Oct 2022
To all my untitled poems
you have kept me sane
I’d like to say thank you
but I don’t know your name
Sep 2022 · 1.6k
Glow the distance
My Dear Poet Sep 2022
You are a super star
with promise to always shine
You glow and glisten from afar
polished by the trials of time
When night deems in a little darker
drawing the dirt and the dust
you burn all the more brighter
your lustre always lasts
You are stronger than the fire
within that spark in your eyes
The sun is your envious admirer
your light never dies
So you rise

You rise
Sep 2022 · 832
See yourself in others
My Dear Poet Sep 2022
Not everyone will listen
Not everyone will care
like those who say “I’m always here”
Like most…won’t be there
but as for you, look for the good
that is found in but a few
so no matter what you hate in others
they won’t see themselves in you
Sep 2022 · 2.7k
My Dear Poet Sep 2022
When you’re pulled down
You have a better view of the sky

When you’re shut out
You have a better chance at freedom

When you’re knocked off
You gain a better sense of balance

When you’re let go
You have a better taste of release
Aug 2022 · 2.8k
My Blessings
My Dear Poet Aug 2022
May the flames of my heart
become the fire we start
between us and the storm

May the furnace in my soul
be the heat for the coal
that keeps our children warm

May the spark of my mind
become the flint that you find
lighting the darkest dawn

May the air in my lung
breathe the breath of the sun
and birth life into a love reborn

May the jewel in my eye
Have you searching the sky
and all the riches heaven has sworn
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