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 Mar 2022 Cai
Emma P
 Mar 2022 Cai
Emma P
When I say
that you are my Sun,
I don’t mean that you are
Or even the center of my universe.
I simply mean that
I cannot look at you
Without hurting
 Apr 2020 Cai
 Apr 2020 Cai
You were always loving me "despite"
I needed you to love me "because"
 Sep 2018 Cai
Piotr B
Love isn't blind,
blind are those,
who never loved.
 Jul 2018 Cai
Ashari Ty

Skies are beautiful
They have clouds
But they still cry

Why wouldn't you?

You are beautiful
You have poems
You can cry too
Because crying is honesty to your emotions, and honesty is beautiful ;)
 Jun 2018 Cai
 Jun 2018 Cai
I care.
and its the one thing that causes me the most pain.
It breaks me to see and to discover that the people that I care for the most don't care at all, not necessarily for me. But not at all completely.

I have felt the deepest pain due to this "problem"
and no, I can't just stop caring.
Its not that easy.
 Apr 2018 Cai
Acina Joy
I remember your smile,
how it caught mine so eagerly.
Having your fingers latch my heart,
just to make me look silly.

But we were so young back then,
I've yet to learn healing now.
But the imprint of your love burnt me,
and I still have yet to know how.

But I still can't seem to hate you,
nor forget who you really are.
Because you've made me feel like burning matches,
and I still have yet to light the dark.
I was in a mood. Blehp   )*-*(

— The End —