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Tom D 18h
I’d rather
the consequences
of 6 days in sin
than suffer the hypocrisy
of repentance on Sunday
Tom D 2d
Is he like a lowly worm
that crawls along the ground
Blind to what’s in front of him
not knowing where’s he bound
Has he lived a good life
or been dying a slow death
Has he lived his life freely
or struggled with each breath
Is there more to feel sorry for
More actions to regret
Will there be more apologies
Perhaps more blood to let
Is all that’s left are tired thoughts
with nothing new to ponder
Or it time to look for grass
on the greener side of yonder
Tom D May 26
Never one
to hold his tongue
the devil child within me
transforms the light breeze of peace
into a tempest of chaos
blowing storms over
my sea of tranquility
I need to give him
a warm loving embrace
of understanding
but all I want to do
is slap the brat’s face
Tom D May 25
It is what it is
but all is as it should be
Be thankful your trouble
isn’t all that it could be
Tom D May 24
Nothing like heavy suffering
to appreciate the lighter weight
of it’s absence
Tom D May 24
How can one
embrace insanity?
Hug this unhuggable
It’s a rollercoaster ride
at a carnival of crazy
I stare at the abandoned pieces
of myself
and the defeat of it
makes me want to cry
because a cage
is where I belong
Sometimes my outbursts make me feel like the bearded lady
Tom D Apr 28
He stood in this forest
of trees at night
and he couldn’t help but stare

at the light
peaking through the leaves
letting him know it was there

He gazed upon
this beacon of hope
waiting to say a prayer

asking God
what he wanted of him
and why should he even care

Then came
an ethereal answer
as if riding upon the air

“Look for all that is good
in your life
Then be grateful enough to share”
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