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Jenny Ochoa Jul 2020
We're having a little Boy, A little prince all dressed in blue...
He started as a little bean, and into a baby boy in the womb he grew...

We're having a little boy, A little prince you see...
An elephant themed nursery, and the walls the color of the sea...

We're having a little boy, A little prince we overly love....
Baby clothes, baby toys, and lots of baby hugs...

Were having a little boy, A little prince our shining star...
We cant wait to have you and to hold you; December seems to be oh so very far...
We finally found out the gender of our baby after 5 long months!!
A little prince we can hardly wait to hold<3
Jenny Ochoa Jul 2020
I found out I was expecting...
I wasn't sure how to feel...
At first it was a bit concerning....
and then it felt extremely surreal...

I found out I was expecting....
I was later filled with pure joy....
for I knew soon I'd hear a little heart pitter pattering....
and then pondered at the question, little girl or little boy?.....

I found out I was expecting...…
Our hearts were made complete....
Seeing our little jelly bean quickly growing....
and waiting anxiously for December so we can finally meet!....
Jenny Ochoa Mar 2020
I'm not ready, I'm not prepared, the thought of little pitter patters makes me scared..... The thought of labor, the thought of pain, makes me want to run the other way!
Am I expecting, or am I not, not knowing for certain has my stomach in knots..... what if I am, what if I'm not, having someone call me momma is one crazy thought!
I am a little late && im a little shook!
Jenny Ochoa Mar 2020
L  LovelySmilez he nick named her because

O* On her darkest days her smile shinned

V Very bright  like sunshine ray's

E Even though she doubted her own natural beauty

L Laughing with her you'd realize

Y You'd fall for that naturally smiling cutie

S She with held the perfect smile you know the type that

M Made you smile thru your pain and her smile

I Incredibly would stay imbedded in your brain

L Little did she know that the impact of her smile and

E Even her unique energy she gives out will

Z Zap you from hundreds of miles
Jenny Ochoa Mar 2020
Conoci a {M}i angel en un Verano lleno de amor [061818],  

Sin saber que llegaria tan pronto un {A}dios [07

Muchas aventu{R}as tuve a su lado,
empezando con la feria bajo la luna llena del verano [06

En el {T}elefono platicabamos hasta el amanecer,
en esas dos semanas, mi Corazon lleno de placer [06

Mirando "Los {I}ncreibles" con mi hermanito en el cine,
tu mirada se distraia de la pelicula al reirme  [06
Una tarde en Chuck-e-Cheese co{N}ociste a mis papas,
sentia cuanto me querias pues lo hiciste por volontad [07

Me pego un depression no entedia el motivo,
lloraba sin Consuelo mi Corazon sentia un vacio [07

Lunes en la noche espere que me llamaras,
me dormi triste y en un llanto, nunca pense que se te olvidara…
te mande mi ultimo mensaje tu mensaje de buenas noches,
al recordar este moment, siento como el Corazon se me rompe [07

Martes en la tarde recibi la peor llamada,
Mi Amorcito Corazon se habia convierto en mi Angel de la Guardia [07

Sabes ese refran que dice "no sabes lo que tienes hasta que se te va"
Es mas que comprobado que es una triste realidad!

Hoy, Manana, y Siempre en mi vive tu recuerdo,
Te amo para siempre Handsomes espero anciosa nuestro encuentro!
Jenny Ochoa Dec 2019
I wrote a letter once, a letter for my mom
it was filled with deep emotion, a letter for the strong!

"A developing girl growing in all places, boys constantly attacking cruelty on their faces. Sasquatch, big foot, gorilla they taunted, a poor vulnerable developing girl they haunted.
popular girls: you're dark ugly and fat
popular boys: mustache unibrow, why you look like that?!?
silently she wiped her tears every day & every night, her heart in constant pain, her brain slowly giving up the fight. laughing & smiling while dark thoughts took over her brain; drown yourself, hang yourself, hurry before you go insane. its finally her breaking point goodbye & farewell to all, she sits to write her letter to explain it all!"

I wrote a letter once, & stuck it between my bears
I hugged my mom so tight, she never knew it was my farewell!

"I parted from her loving arms trying no to cry
she handed me a positive test, I knew it wasn't my time!
I promise to love you and protect you from everything that is bad, I'm going to be the best big sister any brother could ever have! I grabbed that letter, you know the letter full of pain, I threw that letter to the trash, had to be love on the brain!"

I wrote a letter once, a letter for my mom to read
it never got delivered, for a special baby brother seemed to intervene!
I considered hurting myself back in 2008 I was bullied and taunted since elementary all the way to my freshman year of high school! my mom couldn't get pregnant after having me so I was an only child for 14 years and finally the year of 2008 that I decided to end my life god decided to bless my life with a little brother! safe to say I never attempted anything ever again and I'm constantly making sure he is okay!
Jenny Ochoa Nov 2019
Hasta el Corazon mas fiel y sincero
se convierte frio y rigido
despues de tantos mal tratos....
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