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Knee deep in icy waters
But surrounded by fire
No way to help
But no way out
The wind whispered to the trees
Who sent messages in fallen leaves

The bluebell rang out the alarm
And the rabbits burrowed out of harm

The birds carried the message on a wing
Then the forest fell asleep until the spring
Thank you for bringing back to life a 2019 poem.
There is still time
To have breakfast in bed
after we woke up
There is time to talk
Picking words which don’t hurt
We can still hold hands
Gaze into each other’s eyes
Be kind
Be nice
We still have time to laugh
Watch each other smiles
And be amazed

It is not too late
My eyes are blurry with tears but oh,
How the lights glow in the haze
I try to step outside myself and
Ask the sky what made me this way,
But the fog only stared back silently

One single star blinking back,
The same star that I’ve always seen
Under the same sky I’ve always breathed
In the same place I’ve always been
Nothing has changed except everything
(And even that has faint traces of you)

You and I, I liked to believe we’re the same
But your life isn’t mine
And your love isn’t mine
The distance between us, tied together
Over countless fields and mountaintops
Stretching from here to there
               lets meet somewhere in the middle,
               where it grazes Missouri.
               or is it Montana? I’m not sure but
I’ve always
Been sure
Of this heart
And I left it
In the airport
The night I left you
With sleep
In my eyes
And tears
On my cheeks

Oh, tears, tears.
I am always half awake,
Occupying the space between
Then                   and now
        Today                     and tomorrow
One half dreaming, dizzy,
                           Falling. Always falling,
Graced in gravity’s pull
I’ve never found the bottom
But when I do
I’ll just keep digging and
                 keep falling.
the feats of butterflies! something of reckoning.
watch it part the sea of still bodies
linger above this shiny world, relentless wings
bated breath and sweet hope swells. stillness stillness
the light is green and of course the bodies jolt and sing
sweeping them into an existence where all the lovely unseen creatures go
today the monarch butterfly tried to cross six lanes of traffic
Today, a simple day
To wake with someone
Gentle and sweet,
Who I will be extra quiet for
When I zip my things
Fluttering in and out of sleep,
I can’t predict when you finally speak
             “Are you going on a walk?”
                             “Not yet, darling.”
But I leave
Before you rise
Yesterday, you held me
When I cried
And looked at me
In a way
Made me
To kiss you,
Instead of wondering
When I will stop
Feeling so ashamed.

But I, ever-miss touche-à-tout
Have never steadied a decision
And can only look away, fear
Of what I’d do

Oh, but today
You told me
You dreamt of kissing,
A vague and hazy
Something to remind me
Not to tell you
That I dreamt the same.
My God
Away from me.

Told me
I couldn’t be loved
By You
Can you believe it?

Your believers killed
And I
Was to worship
Blood instead.

Sink in all
The shame inside,
And take it as
A lesson learned.
You say. You say you
You feel
Dizzy when you kiss me
And I say,
So do I.

Is it the slow dance of dopamine
Deepening grooves between our bodies?
Or is it the intoxication of desire
We are drunk on?
Is there a difference?

You try. You try and try and you you you
To decipher
The way
I look at you

Do you see it?
This is hunger
This is wanting
Anything more definitive,
And you will scare the birds off.

I thank god god thank you god thank god
That you
Cannot see
The desperation
Beating beneath me

I love to burn slowly
But you (dipped in Sun, blessed by God)
Looked so sweet
Beneath changing skies I couldn’t
Help but tilt towards your beams

Tangled in your taste,
I try
To decipher
What lies
Beneath desire.
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