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One half of the world is on fire
The other half’s drowning in mud.
The crows are attacking the chickadees
And the roses were lost in the flood

The wheels of goodness spin backward
And evilness rules on TV
The lemmings are running in circles
While the cliffside erodes to the sea.

Thousands of prayers go unanswered
And nobody understands why
The ground that we stand on abhors us
And darkness is filling the sky

The one who might save us is failing
And nobody covers his back
There isn’t much hope for tomorrow
He will be replaced by a hack.
Ruminating on the state of the world these days.
Certainly the brashest child in the family
Not the oldest, by far, nor the youngest either
But the one who ended up on center stage
When the lights came up on the century.

Big brother to most of the younger ones
In squabbles with some of the nearby ones.
And sometimes not willing to play with the neighbors.
Who were often friendly and usually needy
Of help in some kind of form or another.

Shaking hands across vast distance
Finding reasons to feel the same
Playgroups were formed to rebuild the playhouses
After the bullies had knocked them all down

Reveling in luxury not always entitled
Exporting ideals not followed at home
Growing fat and complacent with what it produces
And sometimes self righteous and greedy for more.

Some say they sense twilight and see the stars dimming
The weather will **** us they shout to deaf ears
The playground divided into blues and crimsons
And lost sight of the goal line in quest for a win.

The maggots all swarmed on the beefiest cut
Rotting under the hot lights of justice
Not enough brooms could be had by the voters
To manage to somehow clean up such a mess.

Teetering on the sharp edge of destruction
The clock reaches midnight and bells start to toll
But is it the weather that going to **** us
Or some human weapon the powerful chose.
Just sayin'....
Born at home and almost left behind
When the ambulance came,
I’ve spent my whole life
Trying to be remembered
And not overlooked.
True Story, as told in my spotlight narrative.
A nation ravaged by political *****
Unable to look around and see
The mess they made that we must live in.
Seeing only the cookies on the counter,
Not minding the crumbs all over the floor
And the rats that are enjoying them.

Hearing only the Devil’s whisper
Oozing from the screens they watch
Telling them that Christmas tree lights
Are worth the death of all the reindeer.

Remembering a yesterday that never was
And trading in tomorrow for a fantasy
Of “there’s still time to fix the problems”
And “It’ll be all right on the day”.

But that day is going to be next Tuesday.
Keep coming bak to this theme. Indulge me, please.
Ba-doom,  Ba-doom,  Ba-doom-doom-doom

In my weary soul I hear the drums
That mark the cadence of expiring.
The beat is irresistible
And though my feet are torn and bloodied
I can not but take another steep.

Ba-doom,  Ba-doom,  Ba-doom-doom-doom

The road has been a rocky path
With danger just around the bends
And bandits in the roadside trees
Notching arrows to their bows.

Ba-doom,  Ba-doom,  Ba-doom-doom-doom

Another day, another hour.
How many minutes are left to me.
How many more steps must I take
Before the drum turn into violins
And I am free to join the Minuet.

Ba-doom,  Ba-doom,  Ba-doom-doom-doom
Started last year, finished last week. I like it.  Has a good beat.
The drums of doom are echoing
Across the barren hillsides.
  Heavy carts on wheels of hatred
   Loaded high with steaming tubs of vitriol
    And the ugly trolls who brewed it,
     Are rolling down the twisted roads,
      Toward a city newly named Perdition,
       There to dance the Sarabande
        While flocks of screaming Peregrines
         Circle through the storm black clouds
          And all the shutters are nailed tight
           Against the wind that that rattles doors
            And augurs the millennium.
One of the longest sentences I've latelywritten
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