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Jaelene C Aug 2018
They say everything happens for a reason  

every choice

every life decision

especially every heartbreak.

It’s all a part of the journey

the preparation

after all you can’t feel

joy without the pain.

It’s almost like a game

the game of life

only a few are lucky

to get free passes

but the rest of us

have to find the way

to the life leading

up to you.
  Jul 2018 Jaelene C
Denxai Mcmillon
She's lightning at the beach.
I'm the sand underneath.
She reaches down to touch
Shapes a peice of me
A work of art
Even I can see it's radiance.
  Jan 2018 Jaelene C
our love...
our love exists,
behind closed doors,
behind four walls
that push up against my lungs
squeezing until I suffocate.
our love exists while you
stand there and stare,
open mouthed
unable to accept
the fact that you denied
a delicate butterfly
the right to take off
that you set fire to a field
of tulips that were begging
for new fallen rain.
you touch me with electricity,
but i am used to this burn.
i am used to this broken feeling;
the feeling after your wings have been
plucked off
and every last layer of skin
has been set on
for you.
  Jan 2018 Jaelene C
Ankush Samant
Lonely thorns,
Have caressed me,
And pierced me.

With extended arms,
They reached out,
Felt me beneath the skin,
And felt the agony.

Then they bloomed,
Sparkling flowers,
Gifting me,
A bouquet of joy.

Watching me smile,
They rejoiced,
Danced around,
And I danced along.

The million arms,
Dug into me;
And my heart soared,
Reaching out,
Every pore,
Till I was,
A loving being,
And they,
Were the thorny me.
  Jan 2018 Jaelene C
Eleanor Rigby
Am I allowed to be jealous?
Am I allowed to be sad?
You're always what I've wanted
Turns out, she's your better half
  Mar 2016 Jaelene C
A Love For Hatred
I saw forever in your eyes. . .

                Then you closed them.
Wrote this when I found out my husband was in love with another woman.
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