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Kymie Nov 2020
One day I will have earned the right to be loved by you.

One day you will give me willingly what I need so badly from you.

One day I will look into your face and not see what a burden I have become to you.

But if one day never comes,
I hope that the person who is worthy of your love, makes you as happy as I always wanted to make you.
Kymie Nov 2020
Course and corrupted,
Words escape us.
Broken silence,
Consumes our years.

I can’t find you.
The song is fading.
Courageous beauty
Protected tears.

Children crying,
Lonely dreams.
Helpless fear.

They grow up,
Without you watching.
They move on,
Without you here.

Abandoned hopes,
Issued orders.
Hopeless training,
Foolish prize.

We wait for you,
Always stable.
Unwavering duty,
Bitter lies.

Each moment perfect,
But never present.
Each measure met,
Yet memory lost.

And one day soon ,
When release becomes us,
I will show you
what this life has cost.

13 NOV 2020
Kymie Nov 2020
Unspoken words
stretched between phone lines;
Awkward pauses and silent tears.
No one is sure what’s wrong
Or how to fix it.
But we both feel the pain.

The miles are vines;
Strangling our voices.
Severing the connection between us;
That for so long relied on senses that are no longer available to us.

Time is a cancer;
Rotting our confidence;
And consuming the strength we’ve built together.

We are more polite;
Less informal.
Straining the tenuous foundation of our crumbling peace.

There was a time when your very breathe was a comfort to me.
I knew each beat of your heart
as if it were my own.
But we are strangers again.
I’m lost and alone,
Searching for you in a place I have never been before.
I’m unsure how to find you;
Or even if I’m looking for the same man I lost.
Kymie Nov 2020
Stop pretending that you know what he’s going through.
Stop wanting to make him feel normal.
Stop trying to keep him sane.
Stop doing things to help.

You can’t.
He knows it.
You know it.
You are fighting a battle that doesn’t need to be fought.

Love the parts of him that you consider busted.
Accept the things that are not normal. Embrace the fact that a sane person could not do what he did and be what he is.
Do the things that make him happy and not the things that are helpful.

He deserves to be who he is without giving up what he has become.
Not everything that is broken needs to be fixed.
Sometimes it’s better to love the mess rather than clean it up.

08 NOV 2020
Kymie Nov 2020
Which one is he?

He’s the one that asks for the table by the wall where he can see all the exits.

He’s the one who holds your hand slightly behind him and positions himself between you and the joggers in the park who might threaten your life.

He’s the one who holds his cigarette with the ember cupped in his hand - maintaining light discipline even standing outside the mall.

He’s the one that cleans his plate when you cook for him because he knows what it’s like to live on MREs and ibuprofen.

He’s the one with the smile that never reaches his eyes - the pain that never leaves his soul.

He’s the one that came back to you only in the physical form - who’s mind is still in the field with his brothers.

Don’t ask which one he is - because if you can’t tell - you will never know. The mark is in his flesh -  and in the eyes that see the ugly world the way it is, so you don’t have to.
Kymie Nov 2020
I am a bird.
I soar through the sky and feel the sun on my face.
The clouds whisper to me as I weave in and out of their cottony labyrinth.
My family is all around me.
We sing to the sky the songs of our joy.
I sing loudest of all; for my happiness fills me up.
I am warm.
I am free.

Somewhere in the heavens, a star falls –
An act of God or a deliberate slight.
It rockets toward me and knocks me out of the sky.
It hurts and I fall.
Down, down, down I go.
I know I will stop soon and I will fly back up to my family.
But suddenly, without warning, I plunge into the deep blue sea.

“How did this happen?” I cry.
“This cannot be! What will I do?”
I cry again.
My family circles above.
“We are here for you!” they say.
“Pull yourself out!”
But they do not understand how much I hurt or how far I have fallen.

A wave comes and takes me under.
It is quieter here.
I know that if I stay here long I will perish.
A bird was not meant for the sea.

A fish comes by with his family.
“Why are you so sad, Bird? This is a wonderful place to live,” says he.
I say to him, “Fish, you were made for the water. You are free and happy with your family.
My family is above and I cannot sing; for the happiness has left my heart.”

“Then leave this place and rejoin your flock,” says he.
“It is a simple thing.”
This is not a simple thing, for my feathers are wet and my muscles are tired.
I am stuck down here and I have no way to get home.

As the days grow longer, I grow weaker.
It is so easy to shut out the world and live in my sadness.
I no longer hear my family calling to me to keep trying.
They do not understand.
I am so cold all the time.
I spend my days in a sleepy stupor;
Drifting away without concern –
Slipping away from myself and the world.

Then one day, a shark comes along.
“Why are you here, Bird? This is not your home.”

“I was knocked out of the sky,” I say bitterly.
“Leave me alone. I want to be by myself. I hate this world.”

The Shark thinks for a moment, then says,
“You must leave or I will eat you;
For I have traveled a long way and a bird will ease my hunger.”

I cannot leave.
I know this for a certainty.
So, I prepare myself to die.
I am not afraid. I am relieved.
I will no longer have to live in my suffering
And my family can move on above instead of waiting, in vain, for my return.
“I am ready to die,” I tell the shark.

He lunges towards me with his big, powerful jaws.
I close my eyes and try not to be afraid.
But just before his teeth come together –
Locking me forever to my fate—
I flee.

It is involuntary – unplanned.
Somewhere inside of me is a will to live, though.
I make my choice, there, in that moment.

I swim up.
It is hard.
I am weak and tired but I keep going.
I am pulled back down again, and again.
But, I keep pushing.

I break free of the surface
And see the sun, the clouds, and my family.
“Come on! You are almost there!”
It is still so hard.
My feathers are wet and my muscles are atrophied.
But now I can see what I am working for.
Finally, as my feathers dry and fluff out
And I am warmed by the bright rays of the sun,
It is the easiest thing in the world to live again.

I soar back to my family and they sing praises and thanks.
I sing too.
My throat is rough and sore from my long silence.
Each note I sing gets easier, though.
I say to my family,
“Why did you stay?
Why did you not fly on?”
They laugh and say,
“Silly, we will not leave you.
We know you are strong and do not want to die.
We just waited for you to know it too.”

I hear their words and know they are truth.
The strength was inside me the whole time.
I am strong.
I am able.
My heart fills with joy again and we continue our journey in the sun.
I am happier now than before for the sorrow I have known
And the strength I know to be mine.
Kymie Nov 2020
The fire overwhelms you before you can defend yourself.
Each breath is fuel inhaled into your center and flowing out to the inferno.

It’s something small to anyone else-
To anyone who is whole.
But to you - broken and trapped behind a wall of trauma - it is all you can see.

You see she is hurting, but you can’t stop.
You can’t accept her love right now.
There is no room in this blaze.
So you lash out to keep her away.
You hurt her so she doesn’t burn up in your fury.

But she won’t go away.
She is making it worse.
How can she not see that you can’t be saved?
Why won’t she give up? Stop making you hurt her?

Can’t she see that you want to keep her behind your wall with you?
Doesn’t she know she will wither and die in the heat of your wrath?

But she won’t go away. She stays close. She’s crying from the pain as you explode and are engulfed by the flames. She cries out to you and takes your hand and you know this is agony for her. You try to push her off but she will not let go. You scream together as you burn up in the very force that makes you hate everything that you are.

As the embers die and the smoke wraps you in the remaining turmoil, you can’t bare to open your eyes and look at the destruction around you. You know you have lost her. And you know you have destroyed everything that matters to you.

You are stuck in your head until you feel her hand on your face. You breathe in her scent and try to imagine a world where you can have her - where you can keep such a creature close to you - to stand with you- to love you.

You open your eyes to find her looking at you. Waiting for you to accept her. You see that you are okay - that you are still here and so is she. And you find yourself not asking why she is still by your side, but wondering how you ever survived without her?


4 NOV 2020
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