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Khaab Aug 2020
I believe sky was made to inspire poets.
*looks at the sky*
Khaab Aug 2020
The body heats up and the mood, swings
The blood that she cringes over is holy,
It's painful because it's the shedding
of all the preparations that were done to welcome a new life.
A life that was going to be a part of her body.
The pain is the scream of her body
as it had worked hard for the 9 month ceremony🌸
But has to let it all out!
To all the girls out there! you are a Goddess
As the world rises from You.
Every girl's body becomes a mother every month by preparing for the welcome and then sheds tears at the end of every month. I love the fact that every girl is born with feminity in every part of her body.
Isn't she beautiful?
Khaab Aug 2020
I look at myself dancing
to the song Truth Faith.
It says," I get this feeling I'm in motion
A sudden sense of liberty..."

I can feel it!
Being happy is free!!
Khaab Jul 2020
She is sitting on the table...
Turning on the lamp and then switching it off





It's been 5 minutes and the lamp is still off
She can hear someone...
Oh! It's her heart screaming for an adventure...
Khaab Sep 2020
Friday                                                           ­                11:45a.m
Earth's oldest band: Thunder was having a concert on clouds
And raindrops wearing anklets
danced in her verandah
The wayward wind tickeled the branches
of Gulmohar tree,
And the newborn leaves wondered who it was?
There she the warmth of moment
listening to the untold stories of faraway lands.
Rains.....*sighs in relief*
Khaab Sep 2020
The sun has done it's duty
And's handing over the sky to the moon.
The sky and air sound gloomy....
People...there are crying
Some are family and some are friends
He was there...he was just there!
I had met him last year...
And I saw him last week
He was different from the herd
And asked me to relax...
during our stressful exams.
He made everyone smile...
I remember when he told me,
about him being the best teacher in the world
He was just of my age
But now...he is no more.
Khaab Sep 2021
Some magic runs between the golden hours of 3 to 5...
Everything is feels divine
A time...I meet myself...
My place...hates the presence of light
But the awfully stubborn sunlight sneaks in secretly
through the thick curtains...
lighting of my dark room
And there I am laying on my bed...
I feel so complete, with my soul in high spirits...
Old songs playing on the radio...can be heard.

It's that serene part of the day...I live for
The whole house is in deep slumber...
As I dance through the hallways...celebrating my afternoons
The seasons change...but the loyalty of these afternoons surprise me...
constant...from the day we met .

The hot summer afternoons...drown me in siestas
jumping like a dolphin from one dream to another.
There is something about the stormy rainy afternoons that makes me feel over whelmed...
bathing me in memories of someone I've never met.
The autumn afternoons see me fickle
As I lose myself completely...for a new change.
The darkness of my soul rises during the winter afternoons...
As I dance through them with my demons.
Vintage melodies fill the fragrant air of spring afternoons
as my camera captures Nadar's smile under the big white clouds.

The silence of these afternoons...rests like roses in my soul...
Only for them to the harsh evenings.
There is something about this time of the day...I can't deny.
Khaab Oct 2020
They say," change is the only constant thing..."
And she changed...
As her soul danced between the four seasons
From feeling powerful to the most miserable person
She felt everything...everytime.

There were times when summer flourished
When she took dips in the ocean of stars
And danced the nights away with the fireflies.

But she enjoyed the winter more
Where the winter rains calmed her
And the Dark and Cold felt as her own people.

But before she met them...the maple tree in her garden
was changing colors...from green to orange
She picked up the fallen maple leaves
and played among them.
As she saw everything around her fading away...
She felt autumns were beautiful,
Because she had to be dead to feel live again.

The time passed by...
I remember her sitting...eating her cake
Waiting for the winter to end and spring to come
Waiting to sing songs under her cherry blossom.
Her heart was her home and she sat their celebrating the seasons
She loved all the seasons but something was special about winter and spring...♥
Khaab Sep 2020
Socrates said it right,
"True knowledge exists in knowing
that you know nothing."
You are not that great...humble down.
We are a tiny part of this nature...
So let your roots be grounded
But grow tall and high...reaching the sky.
Just like a tree...which humbles down
as more and more fruits grow on it.
Remember being humble is not your weakness
As being humble means
you know where your inner strength lies.
So be courageous and lead a beautiful life.
You are strong.
You are different.
Keep your self esteem high...buddy!
And do not change it to arrogance.'s rare to find a humble person.
So let's be rare😊
Being arrogant won't let's just try being humble.
Khaab Nov 2021
Some days I do wonder about love
A poison people drink happily
They say the dopamine and oxytocin flood the brain
And a person goes all weird…
Well, is that true?
I hate love…and those kids of my generation
Acting all in love
How are they mature enough to name it love?

But I have seen love…
from the balcony of my dark room
Between that man and lady...
living in their own rainbow world...
The old man, above 6ft…
loves a lady, below 5ft…
Sharing the same room and life from past 50 years...
You see...they are not a necessity but a habit...
The radio plays...while he reads the newspaper...
and she knits a sweater...
Not even a single word is said...
But the air is filled with their love for each other...
There is something about the old lady that makes old man fall for her more every day…
The king himself...treats her like a queen...
It's funny to see the laws of physics come true...
As they said...opposites attract...
If he is an ocean filled with composure...
then she is the tide...
If she is the sun...
then he is the warmth...
As they sit together in their dazzling love...
The flowers they planted in name of each other...
Bloom fresh to this day...
The restlessness in his walk...the sadness in his eyes
when she is not around...says it all...
It was a gloomy November, when she got sick...
Only for him to get sick too in the coming week...
It felt like a connection of souls...
A fire burns in his heart...with a promise on his lips...
never to leave her side...

I wonder...the love I hate...
Can it really be this pure?
Nothing to expect...but just give endlessly...
A love so deep...that other's existence becomes a norm...
In this world of 14 billion faces...
Will I love someone this way?
The way my grandpa loves my granny.
Khaab Jan 2022
I met a man like moonflower...
The air was filled with his vintage aroma
But the petals bloomed fresh....
I looked at him in an awe.
As I had a history of meeting sunflowers...
I told him with a smile...
I had never seen one like him before.
There were questions in my head for his town's soil
With some painful happiness in his eyes...
A satisfaction in his heart...
and a smile on his lips...
He said," We grew like wild vines...
My gardener forgot my location..."
Through his hazel eyes...I saw his seed soul...
standing all strong...
"How you turned out so well then?"
I asked him.
"I didn't have the sun, but the moon
never left me alone..."

The wind had begun to whisper...
As I saw his white petals bloom
under the moonlight.
Khaab Aug 2020
With a torch in my hands

I look for happiness in the dark.
Oho! where did I keep it?
Khaab Jul 2020
For her, it's not about being alone
It's about being lonely.
Sometimes she feels like
getting lost among those strangers...
where no one knows her name
where she's just a girl with a
mysterious pair of eyes.
She feels free among strangers,
free from the burden of everyone knowing her.
She enjoys being lost among strangers.
A beautiful place along the sea with lights and soft music
waits for her.
And there she is...
with her hands in the air and open hair,
she dances the night away among strangers...
And at the end they all become strangers
but with memories...
She was an adventure in world that had stopped believing in fairytales...
Sometimes you are just tired of a place and you want to run away from there.
Khaab Aug 2020
that house felt like home...
They didn't want to leave the old couple alone.
She visited that place since chilhood. But that day, I remember her standing there looking at the house that had become home. They all came back with memories but now it was time to say a goodbye.
Khaab Jul 2020
She knows she has got the power!
And she'll not let the demons conquer her
Let them play with her...
Let that anxiety tease her...
But! She is a QUEEN
When the time comes
she'll rip the demons apart!
Tell the demons not to come near her
She is not that weak to let them play with her heart!!
Khaab Aug 2021
They say," You learn from your mistakes..."
But, what to do if mistakes are done on every edge...
I packed my bags...and went back to my island...
once I saw how crowded the city was...
filled with bright faces and black hearts...
I completely reject...that my heart is all red...
But not all black...
I gave them my treasure...for them to feel good...
But...look at them...trying to crush me with their heels...
They think...they know it all...
and I won't deny...
They know me...but they don't know me...
I am always at that same place...
They call me out as...boring...lazy...the list goes on...
Giving me...advices...on socializing
But do they really know?
Where I go...or where I went...
There are millions of secrets inside me...
With the fire burning higher and higher...
My heart turns darker...
But there is a difference between us...
I am my own treasure...
I am my own graveyard...
And yes...I do have a black heart...with a red door...
behind which...I save the love...for the handful...I trust...
They tell me...things about myself as if they own me...
A smile comes on my lips...
A smile full of pity... for them
as they continue to think...they know me...
Khaab Oct 2020
She was happy and angelic
Just like a Disney princess...
Believed in an asthetic world which never existed...
Believed in people who didn't know how to love...
She celebrated each and every day with them
Gave them her heart and trust....silly!
But how could she forget...
Neither it was Disney nor she was a princess.
They hurt her with their knives of words and actions.

She bleeded everyday more and more...
But she was not a it ain't in her blood
She picked up her sword and the bruised pieces...
Put them back with the bandaids.

They thought of her as a dream...that could be broken easily,
But she is a nightmare...dressed up as a dream.
In this world of princesses,
She will be a Queen...
Now don't get near'll get burned
Her heart is all black...
I saw her pretending to be happy.
But now I guess.... she is tired.
The demons that once played and made her cry
They are bowing down to her.

Even though she is all black  
But I'll miss the old her...whatever she was
Atleast she was mine.

To all the girls out there who first lost themselves but then found a Queen inside them.
Khaab Aug 2020
A person with a turban and long hair
That is how people locate us
But we are lot more than that...
It's our values and the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib
that make us shine bright!
As Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave us the value of Vand Chakko,
We can't discriminate because
Guru gave us the value of Langar
where everyone sits together to have food in Gurudwaras
without consideration of caste, creed, race or gender.
All we know is that the blood of all humans is red
And that reason is enough for us to treat everyone equal.
We have been nurtured with the values of Kirt Karan and Naam Japan.
That keeps us on the right path of hard work.
Gurbani flows in our blood.
Our Guru made us strong!
As Guru gobind Singh ji said," The one who goes through injustice is wrong but the one who sees injustice is worst!"
So neither we take it nor we see it!
Everytime we say Waheguru...we believe God is one.
Our beautiful long hair are a symbol of our faith...
Which are covered by tubans that are not only mere
pieces of cloth...
But make us Kings and Queens.
Being a sikh...I was born with the responsibility to make this world a better place.
Khaab Jul 2020
The complete universe resides in you
Your eyes shine like stars
Your smile is like the cresent moon
that brightens up someone's night!
You are strong and confident like the sun
Your mind is the place where galaxies live...
And your thoughts are gracefully spread like
millions of solar systems
Still you love to live in your
earth like heart
which is filled with clouds and
waterfalls of love
You are gorgeous!
You are your own heaven...believe me!
Nothing can make you better than you. Believe me! you are precious. Love yourself for that soul that resides inside you not for what others believe or have got this!
Khaab Dec 2021
What is this between me and her?
Our moments hold love and hate
Why is she like this?
Fighting everyone, who hold flowers
on their tongues for me
They feel sad for her for being this way...
criticizing me for my ways
As they say, that I am no genius
And why can't she accept...
a life so normal for me?
I hold tears in my eyes
As her words hurt my soul...
But now, a part of me knows
those words coming from her...
hold a meaning lot deeper...
I see someone, there in her eyes...
Someone shouting behind those words...
"You are not normal...
There is a reason...I gave you this name..."
I have begin to understand the enormous love,
She holds behind those thorny words...
My past holds a thick account of good deeds...I guess
As out of all, the creator of stars gave her to me...
She, who has the courage to leave her own joys
to help the ones in sorrow...

Somedays, I don't like her ways...
But, at the end of the day...
She is the best part about me...
But, even at the end of my life...
She will be the best part of me.
Khaab Nov 2020
This world is full of some people
who hide away from the truth like cowards
Do not have the guts to accept the reality.

She fell in the clutches of food disorder
because she wanted to be like the flawless instagram model.
He did not cry after the break up
because this world is in love with bad boys.
The mother did not complain about the backache
because this world believes in supermoms.
He didn't open up about liking his neighbour
because his love interest was not according to this world.

Unrealistic expectations are kept
from a person made of blood and flesh.
As they consider themselves to be in an application
where they can add filters and photoshop all the flaws.
But this a flawed one!
Here people are full of imperfections
they laugh at wrong times
they wear same socks for many days
they are not pretty all the time
they are not strong all the time
and they do not smile all the time.
They cry...suffer from anxiety...
they fall...but get up!
Get up everyday to fight their battle.
So please...let us breathe
Let us embrace all our flaws...
because that's how we will fall in love with ourselves.
Nothing needs to be's's okay....The ones who love you will always be there, no matter what.
Khaab Aug 2020
She looked at herself in the mirror
Her eyes were calm.

Just the way...oceans are calm before the storm.
She did not let the tears fall
Proving to herself that she was strong...silly girl!...huh!
Khaab Jan 2021
Where were we lost...running in a race!?
Noone had the time to enjoy
And then 2020 created history...the worst of all
A year that felt would never end!
Or would it be possible for make it till the end?

But as they say," A strong person is the one who finds
the seed of love...even in the heart of devil."
2020 was the devil with that tiny seed of love...
The love that grew as we were locked in our houses
Some were alone....and some with loved ones.

Some missed their loved ones
And some missed that fresh air...
where they were free...unstoppable...creating memories
And that was the time we all
learnt the importance of each and everything. when we move out wearing those masks
Stop for a second to feel that fresh free air
Stop for a Hi! to your neighnour
Stop by the river to see the water flow
Stop by your mom to kiss her a goodbye!
for the unstoppable you...coming this year.
Hey everyone! I wish the best for all of you. Let's wish the best for all of us this year and cherish every moment. And yes Happy New Year to all!!♥♥
Khaab Jul 2021
"Artists...artists are like butterflies...
They have delicate hearts
But this society can't handle them..."
My mother answered as I told her
about Vincent van Gogh...
The Starry Night painter
was once said to be happy in London ...
With a rainbow heart and sky mind
He drenched the canvas with his emotions
People unaware of this legend
put him in an asylum...
'cause the decieved Vincent cut his ear lobe!
But he paints and brushes
were still there...just like his brother.
He was 37... when voices were all over his mind
It was not easy to stop them...
So he picked up the gun...
And the bullet went straight to that golden heart
I wonder how many colors died that day....?
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you..."
                                                                                              - Don Mclean (Vincent)
Khaab Aug 2020
No matter how scared you are  
No matter how deep you go
in a dark place filled with pain.
The creator of stars will
hold your hand
And pull you out
in the morning sun.
You can believe in him.
Khaab Aug 2020
Every cell of her body screams
As light falls on her
She is done with these days
carrying this big ball of fire around!
She craves for the nights to come
The dark comforts her
As she loves playing with her demons
Under the moon.
What's up with her!? I can't understand...
Khaab Oct 2020
It's midnight and I miss you really bad
I look at the place where you sleep.
And I have these thick tears in my eyes,
Everytime you feels like spring🌸
But everytime you feels like the harsh winter.
I feel like pianos playing when we all are together
The way we laugh...make fun of each other...share stuff and more
I remember the movie nights till 4 in the morning
And I remember us talking about avengers all the time.
Everytime you leave I love and miss you even more
Being your elder sister...
I feel like recording your tiny voices
before puberty strikes them and they become hoarse
I feel like holding your tiny hands
Before puberty strikes and they no longer fit in mine
I feel like taking pictures of the tiny you
Before puberty strikes and you grow taller than me
And all I feel is lucky to have a brother like you.
Tonight it feels good to be an elder sister.
Khaab Jul 2021
It feels like a graveyard inside...
Everything is dead...
But the demons...were still in hunger...
So, they dug up the graves...
They were feeding on my dead...
But these graveyards are good for nothing
So they are...on their way
to the forest... am...
I don't know...when I lost my way?
And ended the middle of the ocean...
Everyone knows...I don't know how to swim...
I am drowning deeper and deeper...'s been a while here...
so it's be breathless...
I have memories of the radio in my dark room...
It doesn't work any more...broken...
I would be safe in here...
deep down in the ocean...nobody would come...
But the spiders are everywhere....
Just like...they were across my room...the garden...everywhere!
They live all over my head...
Digging mind...eating every piece of it...
I guess...the demons couldn't reach down here...
So these spiders make my mind rotten...
I don't know...where I am?
I just float around...deep down in the dark ocean...
with the my eyes wide open...
I can see the light disappearing.
Khaab Dec 2020
The blue whale sat in a cornor of the ocean
As she had seen centuries change
Everyone came...evolved....and then withered away
But she was still there...
Her daughters were bigger than her
She couldn't believe her tiny whalies
had become responsible mother whales...just like her.
Did her mother feel the same way?
As she saw centuries she saw her grow
As she saw her playing and singing songs across the ocean.
Did she feel the same?
The blue whale missed her mother
As I heard her singing supermarket flowers
sitting in my boat...counting stars.
Khaab Jul 2020
They were angels flying high
in the clouds of fantasies

Oblivious of the flat fall
on the cruel ground of reality.
Chilhood is a dream we live
before waking up in adulthood.
Khaab Aug 2020
I was never alone
They say there is no one beside me
But they don't know whose behind me
He is a man of principles...
with glassy eyes and a golden heart
full of love and pure values
The ones who raised him are proud of him
and the ones around...are prouder!
Today, I apologise for taking him for granted
And grateful for the times when he heard me.
Its been 17 years
But his shoulders have been the highest point
I have reached.
He raised me with the values of love, respect and justice!
Always there for me, he is just one call away.
Indeed a gentleman
I feel so proud to be called as my Father's daughter.
He gave me the shoulder to cry on
He is the one I have learnt from.
Khaab Jun 2021
Black is all I can see
Vacuum is all I can feel
This place feels like the universe
And I am...just floating around
Hiding away from the truths of the world
Going increasing the volume of the music
So that I can't hear them
Going pretending to sleep
So that I can't see them...
Just trying to survive in this world of science and logic
Where I can see artists losing their worth
where poetry or painting should be taken just as a hobby
                                         O really!?
How will you survive with that empty bucket of emotions...
that lays inside your heart?
I am just tired!!
This world is nothing more...but a race
Where is the peace?
They ask you to feel...
'Peace!' (smirks)
Ask the kids who survived the war...
who still see missiles in their dreams...
the family who lost their son...why?
the dumb police officer couldn't stand his color...HIS LIFE MATTERED!!!
That depressed kid in the corner of the classroom...
Ask them about the peace...
and it would be a bird they heard centuries ago
Where is the love?
They write about....
Look at the ****! we are calling love these days
Teary eyes, broken hearts but smiling lips...
This is my generation...nothing more but just
Where is the freedom?
when they say...follow your heart!
As they have got problems...serious problems
with your faith, color, body, sexuality and what not!
That they do not even hesitate once...while crossing limits! won't happen!
The doors to peace, love and freedom are locked
in this world... heard it...I saw it...
And may did too.
So...let's just find the lost open these doors...
I will begin first.
I am sorry...but I am kinda frustrated. I respect the fact...that science has made our lives 100 times better...but how will it save the vanishing humanity?
Khaab Aug 2020
She thought that she was left all alone
But after that one call...she truly believed
she had earned a lifetime friend.
Sometimes you feel you are left all alone...but there are people who enter like a ray of light in your dark world and brighten it up!!
Khaab Oct 2020
It was an idle evening
And I was sitting in the lap of Past
Resting my head on her chest
As she slightly moved her hands through my hair.

I told her about....when I painted
With colours and brushes....a colourful world of mine
When canvas and sheets were drenched with bright colours
Bright colours like red, yellow, green, orange and so on.

But now...I can't even recognize them
They are lost in some dusty drawers
Somewhere I can't even remember
Now I live in a world of black and white
White pages drenched with black ink...

Did I lose my bright colours?
Or am I just homing in this black and white world of mine?
From canvas to white pages....from paint brushes to black pens
There was a time when I used to draw and paint all day...but now I just write...I have completley forgotten how to use these brushes and paints...It's just I miss that time. Now it's just me and Poetry♥
Khaab Dec 2020
"Tomorrow is another day...."
She said, as she kept her head on her pillow.
And just like every night...she cried herself to sleep.
The day was sunny but it rained at night.

Well is it really okay to not be okay?
Then why do they call it 'another drama'
When she tries to say,"....I---eh---I am not fi--fine..."
They say it's a genration gap...and these teens act this way!
But if they see this...then why not then...
when she sits alone in her room all the time
when she cries on tired afternoons
when her anxiety takes over...where are they!?

Her best friend...a person she believed the most
Betrayed her...and she is broken from then
She disgusts over the world...can't trust anyone
sometimes lonely...its all blue and grey.

It's good to feel deeply
But for her it has become a curse
As she still battles with her pain everyday.
I want her to go on...and not give up....she will surely reach somewhere.
All the best dear♥
Khaab Nov 2020
Some people are used to goodbyes
And I am one of them...
Believe me! I know it really well.

But some of them did not even say a goodbye
They just banged the door while leaving
And messed up my home.
By breaking all those moments in frames...
Painting my red door black...
And smashing the radio...
Now I have these walls
Really long blue walls...around my home
Allowing noone to enter.
You treat them really well...but they end up breaking your's upto to you how you keep yourself safe.

                                                     Take care❤
Khaab Sep 2020
There is nothing like good or bad,
I guess this world is something above that.
The things which were repulsive
and horified me as a child
are conventional in this world.
It was just me...a kid, splitting up
this world into good and bad.
My father has always told me...this world is completely different than what it is in my head...Today I understood your point Pa!
Khaab Aug 2020
All the memories float in front his tear blind eyes
As his father steps in heaven.
It's not easy to lose someone.
Khaab Jun 2023
I listen to these songs
one after the other
playing on my playlist
But each of these songs
hold tags of memories
The memories I live everyday through them
Well, there is a memory of a boy
Not a man
whom I liked
Not loved
And that one song looks like him
The song I played
As I passed through those corridors
to get a glimpse of him
But here I am humming ' Heather '
As I see his girl
laughing by his side
I never imagined myself at 'her' place
But he looked beautiful from a distance
It gave that restless heart a kiss
It felt good...
So now I don't look at the boy I liked
But his lover
What 'she' wears
How 'she' talks
Her demeanor, that attracted him
I am not jealous
But 'she' makes me curious
And I feel like learning about 'her'
Turns out, Khaab was better than her
But still not in 'her' place...
I can't get jealous
I never had that right
Because I liked him
from a distance
He is not my moon
But he looked charming
'She' loves him
And sees his flaws
They love each other everyday...
And that can not be me
As loving is tiring
I do not love everyday
But I do hate this flesh everyday
How could I be 'her'?
When I don't love myself

And I get back to those songs
Where I feel like the protagonist
The unloved one
The one, some call ' The villain'.
"But I watch your eyes as she
Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized while I die..."
- Heather ( Conan Gray)

How are you all doing?
Khaab Dec 2020
It's getting difficult day by day
To cope up with this species
Even though I am one of them
I still don't want to be the one
I feel like being the dust or a blue whale...
Rather than being a human.

The reality is lost under the masks
Masks that cover evil smiles
Smiles that can break you...
into millions and millions of  pieces.
The good ones have become rare like vaquitas.
Khaab Mar 2022
Please be kind to me...
I am learning...
learning to suffocate the voice of my feelings...
I am learning ******* them slowly and steadily...
I had dug the first grave last night...
And today morning...I put them in the coffin...
My eyes were tears laughed at me...
I was told," expectations hurt..."
But why does it feel like this everytime?
I am there...always there...
prepared with my shoulders...
the shoulders, whom I have been teaching
that they are here just for others...
The shoulders I am trying to make stronger
with each coming day...
I want them to be so firm...
that no matter how heavy the head is...
they don't break down...
Then, where did I go wrong?
May be it's my tounge...who is to be blamed...
The words laying on it...may be hurt them...
But why can't they...for once...
understand the intentions of my soul
A soul which not behind this bark skeleton
This is where it is...
How can I even expect this ?
May be...I am the one to blame...
So...Please be kind to me
Because I am still learning...
learning to make the grounds of heart fertile...
Because a forest holding secrets is supposed
to grow there in the future.
I know I am not enough...and I am not saying I always do everything...but this is my safe place.
Khaab Aug 2020
My mother is the aid to all my aches
I can feel her warm hand on my head
when I sleep with a cold heart.
Even though she strokes my head for minutes
It keeps me warm for days.
I am sorry Mama! I know you deserve
a daughter much better.
Not someone like me...a girl fighting with her
own mind day and night.
I am sorry Mama! I am sorry...
All I can promise is to make you proud one day.
She is an excellent lady I live with.
Khaab Aug 2021
It would come for me...
When all the sand of my hourglass would
be completely on the other side...
May would have a reason...may be not doesn't need one to arrive.
Last night...when a pain arose in my chest
And my heartbeat was all I could hear...
My breath was like a storm...
and my mind was surrounded by agony.
I doesn't matter...if I leave.
What will happen when I die?
A funeral comes in my mind
Some people called the closed ones...would cry
But ask them...not to shed tears
It doesn't Rumi said," Death has nothing to do with going away..."
But would I be a hero or a villain...when it arrives?
Would Hades send Thanatos to take me or would I reach the Elysium fields of Zeus?

But still here I am...not able to welcome it warmly...
There are people I have hurt...I have to put aid on...
There are places I have to reach...
There is someone I have to meet...
And there are verses I have to write...
there are verses I have to write...
Will I die...a hero or a villain?

By the way, an old draft.
Khaab Dec 2020
I feel like...
Blue whales are gods and goddesses of the ocean
As they make the ocean...complete as a heaven.
They harmonise in the ocean...singing their songs
And their heartbeat fills the void.
These huge peaceful mammals
make this world a better place.
They sprinkle out rainbows when breathe
And the flip of tail...makes the ocean dance.
I feel like...bowing down to them
And at them a goodnight hug.
I wish I was friends with a blue whale.
Khaab May 2021
They call me cruel and cold
But all wicked things start from the innocence
After the hell...that I lived in for years...all alone
I fell in love with you
I was a queen living in the world of monsters
You were just a prince living in a dreamy world of yours
I decided to **** those...who wanted you dead
All your enemies...obstacles...were mine
But...despite decided to **** me in the end... were in love with the princess...her voice...her beauty...her everything
I could be her...but your eyes were perfectly blind to see my beauty
Being kind to animals and sing for them was not that of a big deal..
But I asked myself  what kind of love it was...?
if you wanted me to change...
I realized I couldn't sacrifice myself for your happily ever after
I am not a could find wandering in your kingdom's jungle
I am a queen....ruling her kingdom dare you...decide to **** me...
to please your mark my death as a symbol of your bravery?
I got it.... I am a Queen...I deserved a King
Not a mere prince
And after living in hell for years
Dear, believe me...I am use to the beautiful screams
So I couldn't care more...and I killed you and your princess...
Remember...I was always a was you who said me evil...
'The Evil Queen' flatters me!
But...when centuries will pass...they will narrate our tale...
They would **** me in the you wanted...
And you'll be the brave prince!
And this was all because...
I couldn't sacrifice myself for your happily ever after...
It's just my opinion...that the evil queen is not always evil...
These verses are just sayings of an evil queen to the prince she tried to love...did everything for him...but he was not mature enough to understand...and loved the princess. He was in love with the outer beauty...and never saw the inner beauty...
I think judging someone by their words is not a good idea...waiting and trying to know them...can help us know them more...
Sometimes someone really needs our help...but they just don't know how to approach.
Khaab Oct 2021
There's this secret box under my bed...
It's for you...yes...for you
When you enter my room...
Please don't draw the curtains
The place holds my darkness and secrets...
It doesn't need the touch of light...
But the flame of the candle will support you...
Take the box and open it
You will find some stuff holding memories
of us from centuries...
Ignore them for a while
Take a look at that bundle of old yellow pages...
These are the poems I couldn't dare to complete
Do me a favor...complete them for me...please
I left spaces for your part
Write about yourself...
Write about us...
The typewriter is still on the table...
These pages do hold my soul and tears...
Do treasure's the last of us
As for the secret box, take it or burn it
When you leave my place...with the poems, with our moments breathing alive in them...
Head towards that park with pink bougainvilleas...
which must be brown now...
Sit on that wooden bench under the banyan tree
And read all those poems containing us...
You will find me alive in those verses...
Give those pages your soul and tears too...
At least we'll be together there
Do not forget taking the last stroll in that park
Because...I have left the town forever.
He got the letter...but she had already left the town...

Just an imagination
Khaab Nov 2020
My ears are in love with the music
As Pa! drives through the curvy paths.
And my soul is in love with these mountains
As I pass through the conifers.
I play hide and seek with the sun
As it peaks in through the green windows.
The cool welcoming air kisses my face
As it secretly enters through the window,
The paths are under the shade of woods
I feel like leaving my car...and walk the days away.
My eyes meet with strangers...
And my heart wonders what their stories are...
I wrote this last month. This is how I exactly felt as we drove through the forest. It was such an experience that made me forget all my tensions. It was all divine and through this poem I tried put my experience in words...I hope you enjoyed reading it♥
Khaab Sep 2020
She believes, there is always a shade of light
even in the darkest places.
She feels, even the darkest hearts
have light of love alive in them.
Even if it's itty bitty...
But it is always there.
A person who is cold towards everyone...must have someone he or she loves unconditionally. As we humans are made out of love, it's just the situations...that make hate enter inside us.
Khaab Sep 2020
I gave you space in my home
I gave you my bed to sleep
I gave you my food to eat
I did everything
But what did you do?
But you...Ugh!
You split all that water on my bed
And created a mess in my kitchen
And broke all the things
But! you know it's not your fault
That's how you are!

I was upset
So I packed your stuff
and kicked you out!
And now I hope, you
never try to come back
this way!
It's better to kick some people out of your life! Now I will clean my home and be careful while opening the door next time.
Khaab Oct 2020
What is this life?
Every single time it's a question...
Isn't this funny?
With my feels like a party
Where I feel like dancing...
On some nights, it's like the saddest novel
When the coming day feels like a burden
On rainy days... its like my favourite song
It goes on.....smoothly
On some days... it feels like a comedy series
Where I can hear laughters behind me
And sometimes it feels like....

Nothing!....its wierd that day.
I like I experience different things...feelings...emotions...through my life.I am thankful for every moment....but it will always remain a mystery for me.
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