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Jessica B Sep 2020
It was different this time,
Staring back at me with all its mysterious

I swear I saw you in it.
Radiating your color,

Vibrant and glowing.

You must have found me,
In the midst of the

Jessica B Dec 2021
This kind of love
seems to be dying…

All around us,
Can’t you see?

You said I’d find it again.
As We sat and spoke about its rarity.

There can’t be anything more powerful than this.

More perfect than this.

More Magical than this.

There is no one else that fits the way that you do.

And Now I wonder
if you can see……..….

That rarity…we once spoke about.
Jessica B Jun 2020
Eyes closed;
My fingers gently glide across.

These Mountains of records;
Scattered every which way.

Breathe in,
As I browse through every artist...

That has changed the world. ❤️
Jessica B Dec 2022
They say imma Searcher.

One of those odd human beings.

In between the intro’s and the extro’s

Just Searching for my place in this World.
Jessica B Jun 2018
How I feel timeless in the present, wreckless in the past and consistent in the future may never compromise my free spirit.
For I have no control,
only thoughts and they soar high above the universe as they reflect off the ocean with a single glimpse of our souls.
The stars spoke.
For I have touched them with untold stories.
And we speak to them unconsciously and unaware of our entire selves. ❤️
Jessica B Nov 2019
And she walked away;
Wandering the earth with her bare hands.
Open to the world beside her. ❤️
Jessica B Aug 2022
For There is more than what meets the eye✨

To see further than the average….
More than the ignorant…
yet, humble enough to recognize that perfectionism can not be possible in this world.

It’s just….
that light….
that beautiful,
enticing light I feel most attracted to….

Like the wings of a night moth…
As it radiates towards what is familiar.

And yet…

I see the underestimating…
I recognize their energy,
their dark spirit,
Their shadows….
…that linger in the corner
of the enemy’s eye.
Jessica B May 2018
This love is infinite.
It was just as though;
I already knew it to be.
It was when our hands first met.
For the first time,
I came home.
It was when you asked me,
Can I kiss you?
And For the first time
i saw you.
Jessica B Jun 2018
I know love is real
For I have held hands with the angels
And tasted what is evil
For I have touched the colors of the unseen.
And drowned in the darkest of hours
How beautiful?
This conundrum.
For One can not exist without the other.
Almost like a love between two souls
As one can not exist without the other
How beautifully ironic
This thing they call love
Jessica B Jan 2020
It’s been a long while now.
As time moves quickly, yet slowly all the same.
It stood still for me once.
Just circling around me on repeat.
You never had to tell me about it’s presence, I knew.
As Time did too, for
The moment it stopped, I met you.
When I first saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew. -W. Shakespeare
Jessica B Jun 2021
Dear Daughter,

Always be Weird and eccentric.
Always be unique and different.
Light up the world with all your greatest passions.
And understand that relationships Are sacred.

For your signature is forever written.
In the sands of time
this world has given.
Always reminding you.
That there’s no one else like you.

Understand that,
You can change things.
Things bigger than ourselves.

Be in the moment.
As it is.
And listen for the answers.
God will give.

Jessica B Jun 2018
F* this *****
In reality I hate this
But he shall never know How much exactly
It hurts this time.
How could I let myself fall
Why did I let myself fall so deep into someone I barely know.
It doesn’t make sense.
It never seems to, why this, why now?
What was it about him?
Why does this seem to make so much sense yet the timing does not. Maybe I am wrong, but when I’m with him it feels exactly right.
Everything, his smell, his touch, his smile, his eyes that tell me so much more.
It’s there, I know it, I feel it, I’m not crazy.
But This is crazy.
This is more real than anything I’ve ever come across, much more.
And I was meant to teach him, just as he Was meant to teach me.
I can’t shut this door, not completely, so I will leave it cracked, just so I can check in and see my love every now and then.
to make sure he’s okay, and that he still thinks of me as I think of him.
I never told you I loved you
And again the possibilities are endless, just like the love we never got to build or express.
And yet maybe one day.
Jessica B May 2019
I just can’t seem to find my place in this
And then you fall in love for no reason.
Jessica B Mar 2023
And on the Darkest of Nights….

When I feel its magic.

I ask the stars about you….

Jessica B Jan 2
Just Live to be. my Love.

It’s really not that complicated.

And all the answers you seek.
They’ll find you. 🖤
Jessica B May 9

Life is more than who we are….
Jessica B Sep 2021
Don’t let your anger defeat you.

You’re better than that.

Jessica B May 2018
Love is complete freedom.
The freedom to be yourself, to be free of all worries and doubts.
To understand you without thought.
We’ve met once before.
To feel your entire existence as
My hands become your hands and your hands become mine.
And In that moment I float away with freedom.
Jessica B Aug 2023
“It’s only but a Seed...”she said.


“What a small and beautiful Wonder.”
Jessica B Oct 2023
And she looked over at him….
Over from the stars.
Eyes brighter than the sky,

And whispered,
“I see God in you.”
Jessica B Nov 2020
They say….
“you sweep the stars Unwittingly….”       

Searching for your place in this world.
Jessica B Feb 2021
I feel like I fit there,

That place in time.

Jessica B Jan 2020
There are no thoughts when I write.
These words come to me in waves of  
Telling me their stories, as the tide turns along the ocean.
You’re lucky if you catch one,
I open up my arms to them.
Surrendering these empty thoughts as they fill them with meaning.
Taking them to a place of secret.
Only to return to you with its honesty.
Ready to share with the
To be heard once more.
You can choose to pick it up if you want;  
these seashells of secret.
I saw you in it, so I didn’t hesitate.
Radiating your color, Vibrant and glowing. You must have found me, In the midst of the unknowing.
I pick it up to hear the waves of your story. Understanding  its every meaning.
Listening to the sound of your voice, one last time.
There are no thoughts when I write.
You’re lucky if you catch one.
Jessica B Aug 2022
And she looked over at him…
Over from the stars.  
Eyes brighter than the sky,

And whispered,  
“I see God in you.”
Jessica B Dec 2022
We’ve met once before.

In another Lifetime.
Jessica B Mar 2023
Even after all these years…

You still remain.
Tethered to my soul.
The thought of you never left me,
taken by your memory.

I’d lost you once before.
In a past somewhere we can’t remember,
maybe that’s why you felt so familiar.

“I’ll never forget you,” you once said to me.
Loving you in ways i never thought possible, now and so many lifetimes ago.
Jessica B Apr 2020
You can’t truly understand the world,
until you’ve seen it.
Jessica B Feb 2020
I’m learning, if I’m learning.
That the world is a much better place if I see it that way.
To learn ones very existence.
Ones very meaning.
The one soul,
as we start from the beginning.
Who we are together.
As one we are.
The very life and purpose of this world; connecting.
How one affects the other,
As one action creates another.
And the stars stay silent.
as we are one.
Jessica B Apr 2019
How can something so rare possibly be explained.
It can’t be.
That’s why we touch it with such gentleness, as it’s kept under lock and   key.
Given with such sincerity, as our vulnerability shadows us.
Is Love merely a sacrifice?
A piece of ourselves willingly given?
Love can not be so specific, where’s the magic in that?  
If I could count the reasons I loved you,  then I never truly loved you at all.
Jessica B Oct 2018
I feel nothing now
My hands are numb as I write this down
My feet crumble beneath me with knees of no stability
I feel nothing now
I re-read these beautiful poems of the past I wrote just for you
And as I read them
I feel nothing now
I built a tower just for you
And decided to burn it to the ground
The remains of these broken ashes burn with everything I had felt for you
I feel nothing now
I sacrificed my pride and everything else just to put my heart on your table
That table is empty now
With nothing left but blood stained pain written in your name
I feel nothing now
Jessica B Feb 4
an Artists Mind is like a maze of complexities that sink deeper than the sand.
Not even the depths of the oceans could understand.
Where madness Lives & Love reside.
Jessica B Jan 2019
Words are powerful
Words can change the mind
Words can express
Words can communicate
They portray real emotion, meaning
Words can inspire
They sing and dance
Words could detonate within these intrigued minds of ours
Words are creative, free flowing
Words could change your life
Change the world
They travel
To every inch of our universe
words are powerful
Jessica B Jul 2019
There you are.
I see you.
Your eyes tell me so many stories.
Colors so transparent;
As they paint the sky’s  Gray and blue.
We danced again.  
Underneath every star that could see us, as their reflection touched ours.
Perfectly placed,
as my body moved the way yours did.
Underneath the spotlight of the universe,
Tracing the stars, as we gently cross over each constellation.
Bringing a sense of completeness to the world as it fades out behind us.
I see you.
I could feel the music flow through my fingertips as our hands slowly come together.
These Colors swirled around us in shades I’ve never seen before.
Blending together as one.
Synchronizing to the sound of music
As it played Yellow.
With such grace as it flows with every step we make.
There you are.
I see you. ❤️
Jessica B Jul 2018
When I met you, everything Started to make sense
And my life Began to come together
You had that ability
That one of a kind ability
to unlock the most beautiful part of myself
So beautiful, I didn’t even recognize her
You held that
You always held that
As I had always held yours

— The End —