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JG Jan 2020
People say depression is a  fake smile,
You say “I’m fine” when you’re not,
That’s not the whole truth.
They say anxiety makes you feel worthless,
It does but that’s not the whole truth.
Depression is when you feel sad a lot,
Its when the simplest thing can break you.
You’re too tired to do anything.
Anxiety is feeling worthless,
Or like no one loves you,
Or no one cares,
No matter how hard you try to tell your self you matter,
Anxiety gives fake evidence that no one cares.
Anxiety makes you worry,
It makes you do many things.
And having both is complete hell.
JG Dec 2019
I can't wait to feel your lips on mine
To be in your arms
To see you, face to face
To cuddle with you.

I want to spend forever with you,
To be able to wake up next to you,
To be to go to sleep beside you every day,

I want you forever.
Your insecurities,
Your messes,
I want it all if I can have u.
To have Your beautiful face to wake up to.
I love all and everything about you.
JG Dec 2019
She laid with her head in the water,
The voices kept repeating,
"6 minutes,
6 minutes,
6 minutes.
Over and over again.
The scariest part is,
It takes 6 minutes to drown.
She pulls her head out of those thoughts,
But the voices bring her back,
6 minutes,
6 minutes,
6 minutes.
JG May 2019
What if I told I like you?
Would you stop talking to me?
Would you stay with her?
Would you hate me?

What if I told you I like it when you hold my hand?
Would you laugh?
Would you smile?
Would you call me crazy?
Or would you grab my hand?

What if?
I ask my self
should I tell you?
Or should I hide it?
JG May 2019
When I hold your hand I'm not being friendly.
When you say her name you don't see my jealousy.
When I go to you because I'm hurt I trust you.
there is something I want to to tell you but I can't,
Because you are with her I can't tell you I have feelings for you.

She hurt me and I don't want her to hurt you.
I tell you everything,
You're more beautiful than a pearl.
As I sit here and write this you're in front of me,
But you don't realize that I Love You.
sorry I'm just feeling this way as my crush/bff sits in front of me
JG May 2019
I'm tired of the pain.
I'm tired of the name calling because I'm different.
I'm tired of feeling worthless like I don't matter.
I'm tired of people telling me it gets better.
I'm tired of trusting people than they stab me in the back.
I'm tired of living.
I'm tired of everyone yelling at me.
I'm not perfect I'm sorry but I thought I would still be loved.
I'm tired of you telling me I'm alright.
You don't know what I'm going through so stop judging me.
If you ever need anybody to talk to I'm here
JG May 2019
I'm sorry you have to  hear me complain about my life
I'm sorry that I'm not a silent person
I'm sorry I speak my mind
but if you truly care
if you really are my friends, you would listen

I'm braking and I need help
trying not to cut again
but it's getting harder to deal with the pain

the drama,
the names I get called,
my own mother makes me feel worthless
but no one helps me
I try to stay strong
but I can only try for so long
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