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Feb 20 · 119
Lucifer’s love
Alien Feb 20
I wonder if you love me
I want to know  if it’s true
For I have been casted out of heaven
And now are sent to the deepest pit onto the earth
Will you fall for me still
even when the fall is for eternity
will you love me
I created this to give the devil a little more a human personality. It’s quite interesting his story. Pride was his sin. Satan was the highest of all angels. he became envious or opinionated on his own ideas of free will using lies to tempt Adam and Eve. It’s hard to say if he’s truly evil. Yea he was the creator of where the beginning of sin started. but us humans have created more sin than anything living. so we can’t judge the devil. but forgive. god told us to forgive our enemies. and continue on to the right path. yes the devil has done wrong but god still gave his thanks to the dragon for if he did not sin. God would have never learned to forgive.
Jan 21 · 271
Memories with no time
Alien Jan 21
Dear stranger,
I don’t remember who I am.
I’ve done the best I ever can,
But I have travelled more than two steps back
To reach my shadow  Of whom I once was.
Stranger don’t you cry.
Don’t you shed a tear.
My feelings for you stranger are still the same .
I might not know you, But I love and adore you;
for I am now a stranger to you too
and you love me all the same.
You call me husband, then I’ll call you wife.
Don’t you dare make me remember your name.
I am lost,  that I understand.
Kiss my cheek and hold my hand.
I promised to love you that’s all I know.
I’ll love you forever no matter the time.
The evidence on our rings show.
Alien Jan 11
The love of my father was boxing
seeing my father slicing
The wind with his bare hands
Shadow boxing by his lonesome
Like if he was fighting the wind
The wind was his sparring partner
the sounds of his fists cutting through the air
I saw the violence and art
my dear father moves slower
After many decades
his punches have lost its sound
and his movement
has lost rhythm of time
the wind has beaten him over the years
it has taken my father all he’s had to fight
His last fight  
Even the wind has taken the last wind out of him
Jan 8 · 209
Alien Jan 8
My Rosalie
I have travelled from a far
Could I stay under your same roof
I will be thankful forever more my Rosalie  

For I am cold and my cloths are damp
Could you spare me your warmth
For I will be forever grateful my Rosalie

could I trouble you for some bread
For I have starved for 40 days and 40 nights
The ravens  circle around my being
I will be forever merciful my Rosalie

I will not lie, my Rosalie; I am weak and every heart beat hurts me for it pumps harder for I am with you my Rosalie
Thou I know now this is my last sleep
And you will be my last sight
And these ravens speak on repeat my last words to me
I love you forever more my Rosalie
Jan 8 · 49
Alien Jan 8
500 days and nothing more
No more future
Or expectations
a thousand hours and not a smile
No more laughs
Or  expressions
a million seconds and not a single butterfly
No more nervousness
Or excitement
Alien Jan 2
I remember that large smile
when I would open the door
I distinctly remember light hovering over you
I could hear your laughter
And smell your hair for it created the room to become a garden of Eden

we ate from the same apple tree
the eyes of both of us were opened,
we knew that we were naked
Ashamed of ourselves and each other
we covered ourselves
With none genuine expressions and words

for I cause you headaches with my actions
And your words become whips
Using them to lash my heels
It’s  difficult for us to take another step
For it fells like we are  walking on egg shells

we must remember we are frail ,
broken , and the pieces we are missing are each other.  
for you are made of bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. That connection was the same for Adam and Eve,  and you and I.
no matter the mistakes or the odds we stick together
Sep 2023 · 165
When will I die
Alien Sep 2023
The question I ask myself today
“If I never saw death would I expect myself to live forever; and would this inside feeling still linger like death awaits.”
Sep 2023 · 191
Alien Sep 2023
I am one of those
That will set myself
On fire to keep you warm
Sep 2023 · 62
The weight of love
Alien Sep 2023
I stood
On the scale before I met you
I was one hundred and forty four
I once again stepped on that same scale
I weighed one forty four again
The scale was off
I looked skinny but my love for you was heavy
Sep 2023 · 69
Cracked lips
Alien Sep 2023
Learning to love her silence
She makes no noise
I wish I knew what she would say
She’s like a cracked door
Beaming light
Keeping a hidden side to her
I wish I would see
And yet, For being the quietest around me
She captures my attention
Jan 2017 · 836
Ending Friendship
Alien Jan 2017
I met her
It was under the star light
She then lifted her *******
And we then both spent the night
We then loved
On and on
with no end
Until we had to stop
We both knew we had lives apart
She was my friend
And we both knew if this started
That surly would end
We chose lust and passion
Over Being friends
We went back to lusting
Agian knowing the passion
Was burning between as such
Much of us were given that night
And now it's been every night since
We both go on together
With touch
I touch her on top of her skin
Smoothly gliding
Ready for me to give in
She then touches me back
And responding given
So we both join together like one
We both break away until
the daylight of the sun
We both know we chose lust
And our friendship is done
Jan 2017 · 433
Poetry is Beauty
Alien Jan 2017
Beauty is poetry
Its the expression of emotion
liturature with style
written for others or ones self
In silence or said out loud
Every word is specific
Written with quality
Not quantity
It's soft and soothing
Written with beauty
That's an art
That's poetry
Read one and fall into an illusion
It draws the action, the place
It keeps rhythmitic pace
Its graceful
And full of passion
Feelings you can't bare
Using words to slash them
Poetry is art it's an action
A battle with each verse
The best and the worst
Breaking each emotion with taste
Moving with motion
Without haste
Its poetry not a waste
Its defining
Your feelings with grace
Poetry is words
With art
Its music without instruments
Its commonsense
To express
Poetry is Like ***
You can **** or  love
It can be beautful or rough
Did I define it enough
This is poetry
And It's not dead
Dec 2016 · 268
Star Searching
Alien Dec 2016
People believe I'm happy
because of the expression on my face
Only because I smile I laugh  and I express grace
But in reality I feel separated
from the human race

I'm not a martian
No demon
Nor an angel from above

I'm classified as an expression
Like love

Living my life for others
Not myself

Living to find happiness
And an expression like my own
Because I don't want to die
Or be alone

Every day i see the stars from above
Hoping some where out their is love
Dec 2016 · 703
Red Rain
Alien Dec 2016
I love the rain
When it rains I feel like my tears
Hide away
It hides my sadness and my pain
But I look down all I see is red blood
The color drips from my wrists
Dripping adding to the flood
A drop at a time
Can't believe this blood is mine
But I always tell myself and
Everybody else I'm fine
Dec 2016 · 329
Covering Death
Alien Dec 2016
He turned away
Covering his eyes
He turned away covering his wrists
He turned away covering what god gave him as a gift
He turned away covering his ending life
5 cuts on his wrists
Taking his life
Taking away his gift
Covering up his eyes
Covering up his anguish and his cries
He covered up all his screams
He covered up all his feelings
But its too late now he covered up his death wish it seems
Dec 2016 · 294
Holding by a Thread
Alien Dec 2016
I fell only 2 feet down
I fell to hang myself
I felt like I fell 2,000 feet
I felt the air beneath
I felt like I couldn't breath
This tight rope is holding me
I scream
Tomorrow I'll be just a distant memory
A dream

— The End —