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  Mar 2019 Ira Sosa
Zack Ripley
Words can hurt. Words can heal. Words in a book can make you believe anything is real. Words can bring people together or tear them apart. It all depends on the kind of conversation you want to start.
Ira Sosa Sep 2018
Writing a story on a topic,
Hazing away at the microsoapics,
I write stories that aren’t meant to be fun,
Just the basic humdrum.

Reality is my Inspiration,
No matter the mood I’m in.

Dragons and Wizards are to be left on the bookshelves,
As I run to work,
And meet my colleagues for a day of writing reality.

We walk the world in actuality,
And see people with all different vitality.
People of all different ideas of reality.

They speak,
I listen,
I ask,
And they answer,
And we both learn about reality together.

I then write what I heard,
Tell what I saw,
And let the ideas fly like birds.

I've seen all people of life,
I've heard many of there trifes.

I laughed at their victories,
I cry at their lost,
And I hear all their vivid histories.

I write all types of reality,
From the memories of all different types of vitalities.

And as I write about how reality unfurls,
I write about the greatest dreams of this world
I'm in Journalism so I wrote a poem, about it.
Ira Sosa Aug 2018
The day is bright and blue,
While the night hails the universe's true view.

The sun, hailed as the giver of all life and the first true fire,
As the moon is considered all of death's lyres.

While life is given power by the sun,
The moon is the cloak for all of its assassins.

As the sun is fiery and passionate,
Our moon is quiet and loves maleficence.

As the day gives only the bare truth,
The night covers all that who are to sleuth

Sun and moon,
God and Satan,
Earth and sky,
Truth and jive,
Life and death,
Fire and water,
Dusk and dawn
Diverting Martyrs

Oppositions of our humainty,
Sun and moon,
Balance our reality...
Ira Sosa Aug 2018
As I make a video for YouTube,
I go down to the mall with the real dudes.

I bring with me a mahogany sled,
Ready to go cause the security guards some dread.

I get in and go to the nearest empty escalator,
I chant a mantra that will be hailed by all masturbaters.

“Smoke Grass, Eat ***, Sled Fast,” I say,
But I am accosted by a mans hearsay.

Her threatens me with the cops,
But I ignore this and go down for the props.

I’m then chased by the old ******* that reeked of sea tang,
And hear my friends shout, “SLED GANG.”

I run with my sled in hand,
Chased by the **** who dare brought up his ******* demand.
Ira Sosa Aug 2018
Parched in a tree,
Watching the prey with glee.

Seeing them scurry and run without limitation,
Makes me pounce without hesitation.

I grasp the prey sqirumining,
Hearing the voice of them worming.

I clench my claws over there body,
I pierce it’s hide,
And my talons get ******.

It starts shaking with false life, shaking and shaking,
Until it gives in and all the meat is for the taking,
All the death is for the taking.

I parch in a tree to enjoy my feast,
And watch see the sun rising in the east.
Hmmm... I just felt like writing it. So here ******.
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