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5d · 39
Sophie, does your mother know you're here?
Has your dad any idea you're out with me tonight?
You have but 17 years to your name
You're smiling at me all the same
Like the rivers and the oceans couldn't keep you away
You're sailing off to neverland in my car tonight
And you'll be gone with the light
Cheering cans of beer, glistening ear to ear
Like the princess that you are
May 14 · 34
The World Moves On...
Amidst the mess and troubling things
Is a single strand of hair brought in by the wind
Lands on my woolen shirt to rest on my chest
And the world moves on, one strand less
May 3 · 144
She is Turning...
She is turning
Some parts face the sun and burn raw
While others rest in shade until its their turn to be to peel away
She is slowing turning into the person she was meant to be
And feeling each phase of the process
Through pain
Through stretching
Through breaking
Throw cracking
She is turning
And thats all that matters...
Apr 10 · 46
Today I am a drifter
Bouncing on the strings of time
I am not a part of the past or future
I'm just here, enough and drifting
Who knows who I will be when tomorrow begins
Apr 2 · 142
Until it Ends...
I've been lost in the arms of this life
It's two wide pillars that ushers you in
Like a lost child finding her mothers chest
Forsaking all the rest
For that one corner of warmth
Shes discovered in the movements of an ever maturing friend
Life is life until it ends...
Mar 22 · 52
A Cup of Tea...
In half a moment there's a storm coming in
Because you see yourself as a man in need of travesty
In the same moment you'll pour a cup of tea
For a world that wasn't build on camomile and honesty
You're a little mean
And evergreen
But thats just the role you play in this
In solidarity
I'm stirring a cup of tea
With a drop of honey and confidence...
Mar 8 · 103
Tell them
I was being strong
That moment when they looked at me
And didn't recognize my face
I became the person they'd never know again
Mar 6 · 45
If the sun screamed at me
I'd remind her that she only rules half my day
The other half is owned by a dark cold entity
That opposes her in every way...
Feb 23 · 121
And suddenly the rains a thing of beauty
Because I saw the rainbow shine out of the halo on your head
From the right side of the bed
Feb 12 · 118
Wednesdays are cool with a subdued energy
Just me sitting in silent disparity
In between white walls with a claustrophobic  persistence
No one and nothing understands this existence...
Jan 25 · 41
The Wilting...
In bold
You were never a friend to them
You were bleeding from start to end
And now your body is cold
You weren't even alive to them
You saw the side of men
That they wish to withhold
Jan 22 · 787
Put me in the shade in the middle of the day
Because I don't like the way the light hits my face
But in a light breeze when things aren't so hot
And there are clouds overhead in little white spots
Thats when I feel like I'm living the most
Because life is mostly sunny with a hint of the cold
Jan 5 · 154
I'm writing words
They're scabbling me
I'm writing for fun
When they talk back its not fun anymore
But they dance when I write songs about you
They create the melody, I create the beat
But all I can do is write words
Even though they paint a picture
And tell a story
Word is a noun not a verb
They know I'm not doing enough for you...
Dec 2023 · 217
Guilty Pleasure...
Guilty pleasures
We're soaked into the couch like stains of peach cider
So when you stayed
We could blame it on the alcohol and they'd be none the wiser
Dec 2023 · 63
I always choke on words like "us"
Its not something that rolls off my tongue
Its simple to most
But leaves me pale as a ghost
But nothing scares me more than words like "love"
Dec 2023 · 75
This must be love..
I've been restless
In and out of town
Nothing could hold me down
But now that I've got you
To hold me down
I'm sleeping without a sound
Baby you've got me dreaming
I'm up and down the ceiling
Floating like I'm made of helium
This must be love
Dec 2023 · 460
Not a Person...
Whenever you're hurt
I become the aggressor
When you feel angered
I become the reason the world is bad
And when you're happy
I become the sun that escapes through the clouds

I was never a person to you
I was always just a means to get you through...
Nov 2023 · 708
The Traveler...
There is a world between happiness and sadness
And I've traveled across many times
And found that you can't build your house in between the two
All you can do is travel from back and forth.
Nov 2023 · 59
Blissful Ignorance...
I'm surrendering to not knowing
And I'm taking each corner like a bird set free
With hope of experiencing how blissful it might be...
Nov 2023 · 84
Let's Dream Together...
let's dream together
let's be fools for just a moment
step out of our bodies and let the action be its own atonement
let's slip in the space in between
being an adult and being a human being
and watch the two from both ends just to feel that sort of feeling
let's be on half of a whole
let's be the inside of a fold
bent at an angle that for once we've created all on our own
Nov 2023 · 49
I built a house of feathers today
But somehow everyone was shocked when it blew away...
You like pineapple, you told me when we were eleven
The girl you dated last thought you liked watermelon
But I know you better, I've known you since we were four
But I'm not the girl you pretended to like melons for
Nov 2023 · 161
Hearts Aside...
Love is wild
True love don't mean it'll survive
You can steal a million hearts with eyes
And say good bye every time
Its no crime
To lend a smile for a night
And be gone with the light
Nov 2023 · 97
Silent Poets...
Why do poets write in silence?
And garner words below their eyelids,
In gutters of depths that are never quite clear,
Or rifles with full magazines in their holsters?
Are they deserving of a life so riddled,
And caramelized in rhyme and rhythm?
To charm the tales of tempests and oceans,
Cursed with the gift of describing its emotion.
That plagues the shores of their lonely islands
With no other option but to write in silence.
Oct 2023 · 1.5k
Pretty Girls...
All of our flowers are matching
Where graceful mistakes don't happen
Swirl in the dresses we're wrapped in
Why aren't all the pretty girls happy?
Oct 2023 · 80
How lovely it is to be lovely
How clever and cunning to have aquired such a charm
How absolutely lovely it is to hold such a power in your palm...
Oct 2023 · 222
When they ask about love
I'm in the wind about it
Blowing away
If I was to tell the story
I'd have nothing to say...
Oct 2023 · 68
Why you choose to welcome it into your home
broken and wilted and hard as a stone
there'll be a place for you next to the throne
because you believed that your life's not your own
One day when we all drifted away
off to find love in a whole other place
You'll be welcomed through mercy and grace
into His home where He prepared your place
because when He knocked you opened your gates...
Sep 2023 · 320
she's just a baby regardless of the years
squeezed up next to him they cut the silence with beers
they drink to things she doesn't understand
innocent to the fact that he has bigger plans
Sep 2023 · 143
I read out loud to all my belongings
to give them the opportunity to live a life
to feel as if they are not just belonged but that they are beloved
so that they can move further than the confines of my walls
And walks the same streets that I behold
Because they've given me so many joys
from the clothes I've worn to my broken toys
they were the things that adorned my life
and stuck by my side when I experienced strife
so I read out loud to all my belongings
Sep 2023 · 211
Words are silly little things
That hang in my teeth
I rinse them out evertime I speak
Sep 2023 · 93
To Bloom...
My flowers will bloom whether you stay or go
There will never come a day where they will not grow
Sep 2023 · 70
I shiver because the sun doesn't reach a hidden city
Its cold where shadows find home
Sep 2023 · 81
You were an iceberg passing by my ship
Who could so easily have sunk me with one rip
But I'm grateful for your mercy once upon a time
Because I'd willfully touched the ocean floor if you became mine
That breath of air that tickles my nose
So strong and pungent, so clear and so cold
There in the lace of my lungs
He hung like a picture frame that captured my love
Woven in and out and north and south
That it skipped through my veins and out my mouth
Is concentrated and thick, colorless and vivid
And struck my eyes so harshly my eyelids shivered
And loudly and clearly like a baby delivered
He spoke into my neck and and all I could hear
I love I love I love
My dear
I'm sorry that life ***** and the coral reefs are dying and your hair keeps getting ***** even though you wash it every week. And I'm sorry that people keep mistaking you for someone they can dump their problems on or someone who is fine on their own. I'm truly honestly sorry. But I'm not sorry for liking you because thats not a sorry thing. I can't explain why but its just not. And I swear if I have to console you one more time because the people in your life who are out there not liking you make you feel like you shouldn't be liked then I'm going to slap you so hard you'll hate me. But that's okay because then at least you'll feel something for me.
Sep 2023 · 52
I listened intently
Deeping and contently
To the voice to which every other sound remains empty
She spoke with her whole chest
Using words that would continue long after she left
I lay awake in its echoes
It meanders and flows
And from it all my love grows and grows
Sep 2023 · 77
The Narcissist...
He wears a choir around his neck
They sing him praises underneath his vest
So when the world gives him hate
He hears nothing they say
And goes on thinking that he's the best...
Aug 2023 · 362
Why I'm Leaving...
Your love is like being deprived of the pain that has built the character for which you love me
And I'm afraid if it continues I'll disappear and you'll no longer want me
Aug 2023 · 64
White Waters...
Follow the tides of your heart
Hold fast the driftwood afloat to your passions
This slow flowing river that meanders without warning
And reveal rappids and white waters when the winds start roaring
Is the only known way to find who you are
And what a person you'll be
When you meet the sea...
Aug 2023 · 205
Everything worth it
Aches beneath its surface
And in between hurting
We seem glimpses of perfect
Just enough to believe we deserve it
Aug 2023 · 104
The Unease...
Our lives set on the backdrop of the sirens
To them we are ambient noise
To us they are the silence...
Aug 2023 · 236
Don't think that I'm broken
Just because I crack
I'm shedding my skin
And I am healed because of that
I wonder of Im remembered
And whose doing the remembering
Do they see a person I know
When I pop into their minds eye
Or is a version of of me of their own design
I guess thats not for me to decide
But I do wonder from time ot time
If I hold a place in another person's mind
Aug 2023 · 86
In the gallery of us
There is one picture wearing no paint
And I look at it endlessly as I wait...
Aug 2023 · 243
Other Peoples Business...
I'm not close to it
So I have no right to speak
My sympathy can reach out as far as its arms can
But its no my problem so it has no place to stand
I can keep my nose safely out
And no one will be mad because its not my bout
My day still looks the same
While yours has shifted into an different domain
And though I feel what you are going through
It will never mean the same thing to me as it does to you
Aug 2023 · 92
Sweet Unimportance...
I took some time off yesterday
But, to my dismay
when I came back the world was still the same
not a speck on the leaf was out of place
And I had a feeling no one knew I had taken a break
we spent some time in the wind
and then drifted off to other things
we allowed the air to shift us apart
so we could land wherever we belonged
I was happy to know the person I knew
so I didn't hold on to the parts the wind took
it had better plots when it blew us away
and never intended for us to stay
Jul 2023 · 268
My Teacher...
I wish I could still be blown away
And taken by the innocence of the day
Could simple breeze flaw me please,
And teach me again what it means to be?
Jul 2023 · 528
Self Pity...
I am a victim of my own design
creating tragedies in my own mind
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