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Gary 3d
Loss of emotional control.
Over stimulation of the senses.
Vacant stares during mundane tasks.
Eventual break down in all rational thought.
Gary 4d
It's hard to be a bard.
Gary 5d
I turned my back,
ignored its pleas,
but found it,
staring back at me.

I tried to hide it,
beneath my bed,
in a wooden box,
with a wooden lid.

But it shook the floor,
rattled the pipes,
knocked the door,
and flicked the lights.

I tried to paint it—
the colours ran.
I tried to shape it—
the best I can.

But it returned.
Caught unaware,
so I sat it in—
a doctor's chair.

"Doctor, please,
I have this pain,
something that
I can't explain."

"Listen, sir,
all tests are done.
Clinically speaking,
there's nothing wrong."

So I locked my pain
in the trunk of my car,
and drove it down
to the nearest bar.

The bar was full—
of people like me,
hiding their pain
for all to see.
Gary Mar 1
If ratios strike fear—
into every one in two,
half the world will be—
in abject misery.
Gary Feb 28
Love ties bows
around garbage bins.

Turns losses into wins.

Brightens a sky,
shortens a queue.

Changes one into two.
Gary Feb 27
I've come to that age,
when I'm starting to wonder—
about my last words,
before I'm no longer.

Will they be wise,
the words that I utter?
Or will they arrive,
direct from the gutter?

In the throes of passion,
if that's where it ends,
will my last words—
be words that offend?

Or will they be muffled—
by way of a pillow,
by a long-suffering wife;
my soon-to-be widow?
Gary Feb 20
Night falls, lines are drawn.

No time to take a breath.

Doors swing wide the length and breadth.

Slipping from bars and into cars;
new Geisha girls in search of pearls.

Inflated smiles, puncher marks, chiseled-chinned oligarchs.

Hypocrisy rains and soaks the sheets
Hypocrisy rains and soaks the streets.
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