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Greg Piegari Jan 2020
Don’t feel like an imposter, because Art in question is where the Seed of Inspiration rests.
Greg Piegari Dec 2019
The feeling of inspiration
To write for someone,

Your Someone,

Is a powerful thing.
Greg Piegari Nov 2019
One day at a time
and in a few
I’ll be EIGHT months in
which is pretty cool

I think about day one
And while it was fun
The further away
Makes eight feel like an easier day.
Greg Piegari Oct 2019
6 months in and I’m going strong.
6 months in seems short but felt long.
6 months in and I’m finding my way.
6 months in and this is what I can say.
6 months in brought me hope and fight.
6 months in showed me “Me” and for once everything feels alright.

Half a year goes by quick.
But 6 months is tedious and long when you take it one step at a time.
Greg Piegari Aug 2019
The love you share with me doesn’t go unnoticed. They see your glow and trust your heart. They’ve seen you struggle and they’ve seen you crumble.
They watched you heal and grow.
You aren’t afraid to let your heart love again and neither are they..... I just happen to be the lucky fool that crossed your path at the right time!
Greg Piegari Jul 2019
She could’ve been the one that got away.
But you didn’t let that happen.
You are stronger now.
And part of the love you have for her is that she can see that too.
You put your strength, your effort, and your time into yourself.
And, in her, you will find that reciprocation.
Greg Piegari Jul 2019
My past is just that, my past, and I Will fix my mistakes.
My future cannot be told therefore my mistakes have not been made.

This is my Now. My mistakes are old and new but I will always have today to try again.
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