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May 23 · 44
I miss dial tone
Dennis Willis May 23
I miss dial tone
it's sonorous
reassurance yes
the world is on

these bars
stepping up and down
when i close my eyes
lose their sooth

the waiting
hum of the world
would carry your
very vibration

down the line
you would own
miles of line
with your tone

there were some
they called
"long lines"
you could say "um"

it seemed
to cross time
and you
were tethered

my voice
driving one
miles long wave
rising and falling

across rivers and lands
to someone, me feeling
as if my own sound wave
could nibble on their ear

i don't get the ah
anymore from this
this connectionless
shredder of vibe
May 22 · 29
Dennis Willis May 22
i have a flagship
full of your thoughts
sailing to

less ness

which constitutes
***** ***** *****

I have sound
left-ing and righting

as if you're a whim
aura slim
sim sim sim

i always make you up
to argue with you
about me

I always wake you up
I have to convince you
to believe

you exist
when's so obvious
you don't

what are the feelings
of the made up

perhaps you can tell
us who made you
what what
May 22 · 107
Dennis Willis May 22
I'd write you a good
but I don't have
or I don't know
and now I have
two stop
May 22 · 39
thinking corners
Dennis Willis May 22
i'm putting together
a professional audience
to review your reaction

'lectrosensing things here
to restore my barriers

i have leaves falling
in the spring
tho it isn't

smoke has been blown
on medical advice
up, up and away

I have tools
to use
on you

intentional ality
had you some
we'd be good

or gud
on my usual day
even guder

i'm backin' up
ready to pull
the lever

can you let this go
asks everything
in you

i have passed on
same same

what empties here
runoff of your sorry
mind or is hat mine
to wear

did you follow me here
not knowing I am
trying to get lost

thinking corners
are like bats

trying to stay
lost from being
lost from being
May 20 · 107
then I willrunaway
Dennis Willis May 20
I would have
a conversation
with you
if I could get past
(so many things)

I would ping you
and listen
for the echo
to see if, indeed,
you are solid

then I willrunaway
and watch
from a safe distance

and accidentally
get closer
if you seem

you must seem
and in my 'verse
be so seen like on
and incapable

i am trying to avoid
being eaten
or chewed

do you have teeth
are they the kind
that bite
when no one sees

did i marry you
did i carry you
and put me down
then i will
of course i will
haven't i
May 20 · 118
Cooking Down
Dennis Willis May 20
when i lose
my mind
and my time
i'm happy
at this silence
and i drink
to make sure
i stay

i don't
have cuffs
for not wrists
of lips
to say this

cooking down
a thickened
beef with life
to a single

why have
i lost
my time
in my

and measures
to avoid
stuck alone

just not

so many that's
i died there
nicely tho
May 15 · 42
I Like the Blank Page
Dennis Willis May 15
I like the blank page
the empty line
the waiting space
of meaning

the waiting space
of sound

the reddening
against the white
is always black
and stark

ruddy and wet
needing water
wriggling vines
wannabe lines

scarce on an edge
is plentiful here
would you like two
just toss in this you

it's a goner and a
should uh an' a would uh
wrestled into a could uh
and I'm definitely gonna

fill this mf'er in
fill this mf'er up
this mf'er up
mf'er up
Apr 11 · 66
Over Roll
Dennis Willis Apr 11
For whom do I writhe
pealing look away
your gaze freezes me
to disintegration
lightly and in denial
is the state of our ends
and then

who am I looking to see
that is watching me caustically

fade to fading away again
leaving the stage sullenly

not seen, again, by them
or anyone

no waves return
to this

I am awash in nothing
bundling silence
with directions around

of course
smiling at my skittering
denial of its ownership
Mar 23 · 41
Dennis Willis Mar 23
Is it time to go to bed
some of you remain
banging around in my head
and I'd like you to be dead
Mar 23 · 114
Dennis Willis Mar 23
I'd write you another
bad poem

The sickness fades
glad feeling

And I'm not caught
Mar 23 · 27
Rending My Heart
Dennis Willis Mar 23
I have a theory of angulation
which, when I learned this,
I had to look up

I want you cornered
because you're a round
thing and I like you edgy

whatever you are to me
dodgy and tenuous
slipping right past here

to some delicious awaiting thing
ready to leap upon
your delicate sensibilities

I cliche i cliche away the day
thinking I am thinking
not repeating some sine

a curve settles in to play
as if it was just another say
not bent not bending not

things are always ending
yes I know the corollary
shockingly more scary

what rhymes with nothing
on the next line
some something said
Dennis Willis Mar 22
Why would you help me
when I am trying to beat you

I am confused you don't
compete to eliminate me

I don't understand
what is wrong with you

You need fixed
so you don't lay down

when I arrive to fight
your horrible self

I don't understand
why that is a surprise
Mar 20 · 22
Dennis Willis Mar 20
I'm wondering if it's gratitude
the universe dies for
I thought it was life
at all costs and any rent

and then what then
a shiny expensive hen
what is the ringing sound
I have been brought to ground

out I am ground out of here
so now I am where the lyrics are
wishing I was where the girls are
and imbibing along quite in sync

and time decides to say thanks
there is a fluttering and I am keen
to know where it has been since
and whether or not I've been seen
Mar 5 · 48
Rubbery words
aren't getting it done
these stretching's
breaking sense
pulling rents
over holes in hours
of this-again again
and that ****-that again

not even words
not even feelings
not even ever now
the exact when
of not again
not now

sloughs of meaning
leavings of lies
marched on or off
the stage to cries
of hold on what does
no it doesn't again
over and over again

carcasses of clever
thinking thunk over
by paws scraping
lines in wood floors
of nevermore
artfully again
Mar 2 · 56
Bone on Bone
I am a partially solid
container of living conditions
just right for circuses
and menageries
in orchestra
things playing things
that end up playing me
to you if that is you
how small a some
of you depends
can you hear your
*** laughing
Mar 1 · 71
Or Wishing They Were
What if I don't perceive
this connection
thinking of you
as audience
to a page
of words
or not
so you read them
seek rhythms in them
even and then opine inwardly
as to their conformity to the edge
turnt the way edges turn for you
subtly or all at once
the going off
of things
Feb 26 · 49
Of You
Dennis Willis Feb 26
I wish I was only
a reflection of you
but that
cannot be true
as I am
a confection of you
sweet i found
my way out
without insulting
you although a
confusion of you
without a particle-y
contusion of you
remains as a simple
infusation of you
slowed at cessation
the old soft shoe
Feb 19 · 118
If You Don't Like Me
Dennis Willis Feb 19
If you don't like me
falling down on words
collapsing gasps
into tedium
with hints of jasper
Try ascribing again
to your weak beliefs
and measure thereby
your soul and then mine
see if your hands burn
for a knife, for a weapon
Feb 19 · 49
Dennis Willis Feb 19
I think I'm sprankling along
this is a conflagration
of sprite and tank and ling
this girl I know like *****
a conflatulation I made up
Starting now on demand
every episode stops midway
and looks at you and asks
if you would like to buy
insurance and what
do you have to ensure
against inflation, and water
since you can't come clean
even against time and its kind
Feb 16 · 48
Admit One
Dennis Willis Feb 16
time and water are friends
so don't believe their lies
how they will be there
when you need them

you will sign up to be
flowing hoping to bob
your days gently along
an easy sunlit shore

these lies are employed
for someone else's laughter
our lives on some stage
of which we are unaware

a natural act an unseen watching
written up like time become space
I've inked my body's imagination
with misprints from the school lunch

I'd like to have one of those again
pasty instant potatoes and add water
gravy next to an oddly shaped loaf
of how to make money off our children

we have been trading on our hearts
discounting how you affect my soul
with explanations galore that would
extrapolate happily on the drawbacks

Of Thursday afternoons with no wine
and it's this stage upon which all
of this nonsense cavorts it ills
as if we were more than ticketed acts
Feb 9 · 52
Where I Go to Hide
In my head
ducking thoughts
bears chasing
through trees
me squawking away
hitting the other side
of my skull
and realizing
I can't fit
out that ear
Head for a nostril?
it is not going to work
i hold very still
and start vibrating
'til even the woods
are shaking
and the bears yield
to my faux quake
and then
because that is
so hard to do
so much to endure
I dampen down
the vibrations
and we're all good
and no one sees
Feb 2 · 110
An Arching Ecstasy
That's an ecstasy
they don't come
I thought as
waves washed over
waves and I was
me waving
like a light
striating on ice cream
tasting through my backbone
cleaving sweetness
Jan 28 · 57
Let Them Let Go
Dennis Willis Jan 28
Oh god the ***
is so confusing
is so delicious
is so confounding

No wonder
the politicians
and religious
grabbed hold
Jan 26 · 143
So I Did
Dennis Willis Jan 26
I had to laugh with joy
it just seemed like
such a good idea
Jan 22 · 47
Dennis Willis Jan 22
I was arresting myself
like a heart sometimes does
when the beat dropped
and I thought thump thump
thumpthing seems wrong now
or thumpthing themes right now
Jan 17 · 101
The Overload
Dennis Willis Jan 17
You know this point
as you approach
and go past
over and over
don't you

"That's so cool"
What's your
over saturation
of stimulation
and is your

to blame

a flame

billowing sails
of not here now
carry me away
was i with you

in crashing waves

was i with you

in laughing
tho borin' days

Oh I hate that

an instant appears
time mastered
between us

you didn't
feel it
did you

If only
were here
Jan 17 · 56
Apple et Jet Iklee
Dennis Willis Jan 17
I'm watching
an idyllic

The ego stroking
job of the imagination

The ego scaring
job of the imagination

This lovely balance


Tricksters abound
'twixt your ears

Mastering your

Like channels or now

directed at  you
full time

crafted to please
every fiber

i've subscribed
to electrons

one at a time
down a sliver

I am charging

and will


a dendritic

of imagined

snags of now
to then

I don't have
these costs

I assure time
who's deaf

and fulsome
and smells

of grandfather's

time retracts

you here
Dennis Willis Jan 17
candid a bit
heavy handed a bit
commanded a bit
to land it a bit

tarantula' d it a bit
let's stop there
Jan 16 · 39
Dennis Willis Jan 16
One poet
just wants
to know
the reader

One poet
just wants
to write
the poem

One poet
is a
sheer  ha
lu cin eh
Jan 16 · 37
U Need Salt
Dennis Willis Jan 16
Is your numbness
your choice
was it imposed

These sour lips
feeling faintly
for another would

in exhaustion


slackening into jaw
sacking into chair
leant over
scowling wet

I've under something
and ******* it up
real flaky
Jan 16 · 119
Dennis Willis Jan 16
You wrote me in
to your conversation
I wrote you in
to my conversation
Here is what you
had to say

I didn't say that

I've written
you differently
this time

More convenient
No longer irascible

Now what you say

This audience blinks and thinks
about hear-a-ability
and vanishes
Jan 16 · 41
D esprit'
Dennis Willis Jan 16
I don't know who you are
or how to please you
aiming imaginings
at opinion machines
and hoping a good one
comes crashing back
yours, carefully held
odds are, won't
this undeserving
get acknowledged
it all ended there
and then
cresendo'd again
Dec 2023 · 71
Dennis Willis Dec 2023
I can hear the echoes of everything
in anything
with my heart full to brimming
always with tears

I make a lump of that sticky roll-of-day
snagged inside
by sounds coming from outside
I don't under

And I keep swallowing it swallowing down
coughing it up
making sounds no one should make
I am under

Impressions so many impressions under
silhouettes loud
with opinions just like yours
we are under

Stood for a moment in a maelstrom of all
rushing along
light racing for darker-ness
all asunder
Dec 2023 · 154
Feeling Pride
Dennis Willis Dec 2023
Viewed through a shallow liquid
Your beauty is blurred
Or is something else
Blurred into Beauty

Is the shallow liquid
Tears or tea or tequila
And the viewer
Hidden in a nest

Of deeper imaginings
That is to say shallow
you smile and elbow on
As if this aligned with

Feeling that feeling that way
Feeling this way
Pinballing your way here

Riccocheting off raw nows
to some any other numb now
where opinions leap filling
spaces with instant foam

At the mouth of who r u
again really still why
Aren't you quite weary
The soldiering on

I don't wish to be in
Your regiment or mine
This discovery Sublime
Capitals not mine
Dec 2023 · 40
Under Something
Dennis Willis Dec 2023
It's 10 pm and I'm
at a certain level
of various things
   If  skin could talk
what am I saying
   it can

I count minutes as if
that arrived at now
while keeping me

and this second
looking at me
i think it has
no memory
while it
reminds me
of what
I said
I'd do

If you

If you

If you

If you
take me

If you
take me
with you


with you
I would

I would
Nov 2023 · 422
Turning Upon Itself
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
I am offended
so offended
unable to
I really am
by this world
and you in it
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
due to my internal magnification
you terrify me
your level of actual terrifying-ness
i withdraw
on sight of you
and am already
for a way out
before you
look at me
and say

neither my brain
or your brain
get this right

you think
what's wrong
is it me

i think
i cannot think
nor count on speech
near term

body bails
brain out
back peddling
to safety
Nov 2023 · 74
Racing Thoughts
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
Another deadening
has succeeded
almost one more

a superposition
of angst and the
inability to feel it

dead reckoning
of the assertion
going south

and then tomorrow
I will finish this
without opinion

radar detectors
flashing away
at such speed

I abjure a nihilistic
aren't they pretty
but can't resist
Nov 2023 · 218
Yah, I Know
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
I'm just here
in my life
imagining strife

and the printer
prints out
these letters

and the ai
shouts out
its cure

the sound
of words
no sinecure

I just want
to be a story
perhaps a flat

when I realize
its about balloons
i inhabit
Nov 2023 · 62
Maybe the Time
Dennis Willis Nov 2023
Maybe the time
of little kings
comes to an end

the last fiefdoms
backs against
some unseen wall

trying not to fall
and so willing
to ****** us all

shrieking names
at time past
even listening
Oct 2023 · 56
Incisive Being
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
The incisive wit
chopped down

lain out sad
upon the ground

you know
that earth

that wet but not
sticky but easily

brushed off
you feel *****

and natural
in no hurry

to clean up
and looking where

to take this
incisive energy
Oct 2023 · 288
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
I may be
a life

Slamming doors
as if
I care

and humans
do look
at me


and i grip
and hope

not today
not this
slow way
Oct 2023 · 100
Are You Creeping
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
Are you creeping up
on unclenching now
I want to ask
the world

and then it
clenches hard
hand shreds hand
all of us see it shocked

is this the curve of life
or do we cycle forth
diminishing dumb
too slowly to save

those peaceniks
to actual
for our stretch
to this some poetic landscape
too much an island
Oct 2023 · 95
The Three Body Problem
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
Has so many solutions
that start with a kiss
not withstanding
Oct 2023 · 165
This Here Now
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
Now This California
this is the real one
you can smell nouns

Sea of vibe
take me in
spinning thrash
me around

are you
from out
of town?
of course

flinging slow
ideas about
in the dark
Oct 2023 · 60
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
This is a drainage
I'm pulling
from the world

pronto against

sparks fly
as always

sparks flying

they do
and they don't
we will
and we won't

of all of it
every step
a poisoning

I'm self righteously
dead again
and offended
as always
Oct 2023 · 92
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
What shall I bring
to today
Oct 2023 · 87
I Realize
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
I am made of fabric
to easily snagged
Oct 2023 · 46
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
Here to screech
about water
Enigmatic flows
as if molecules
were the whole
and I am rained
drained of it
and scratching
give it
some color
and we're good
Oct 2023 · 54
Dennis Willis Oct 2023
I think these titles
are fractured
in the way
we have fractured
our body
our group mind

this remaking
has nicer ****
than we've
look at them
swollen everywhere
i look
to lick
Next page