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Rubbery words
aren't getting it done
these stretching's
breaking sense
pulling rents
over holes in hours
of this-again again
and that ****-that again

not even words
not even feelings
not even ever now
the exact when
of not again
not now

sloughs of meaning
leavings of lies
marched on or off
the stage to cries
of hold on what does
no it doesn't again
over and over again

carcasses of clever
thinking thunk over
by paws scraping
lines in wood floors
of nevermore
artfully again
I am a partially solid
container of living conditions
just right for circuses
and menageries
in orchestra
things playing things
that end up playing me
to you if that is you
how small a some
of you depends
can you hear your
*** laughing
What if I don't perceive
this connection
thinking of you
as audience
to a page
of words
or not
so you read them
seek rhythms in them
even and then opine inwardly
as to their conformity to the edge
turnt the way edges turn for you
subtly or all at once
the going off
of things
Dennis Willis Feb 26
I wish I was only
a reflection of you
but that
cannot be true
as I am
a confection of you
sweet i found
my way out
without insulting
you although a
confusion of you
without a particle-y
contusion of you
remains as a simple
infusation of you
slowed at cessation
the old soft shoe
Dennis Willis Feb 19
If you don't like me
falling down on words
collapsing gasps
into tedium
with hints of jasper
Try ascribing again
to your weak beliefs
and measure thereby
your soul and then mine
see if your hands burn
for a knife, for a weapon
Dennis Willis Feb 19
I think I'm sprankling along
this is a conflagration
of sprite and tank and ling
this girl I know like *****
a conflatulation I made up
Starting now on demand
every episode stops midway
and looks at you and asks
if you would like to buy
insurance and what
do you have to ensure
against inflation, and water
since you can't come clean
even against time and its kind
Dennis Willis Feb 16
time and water are friends
so don't believe their lies
how they will be there
when you need them

you will sign up to be
flowing hoping to bob
your days gently along
an easy sunlit shore

these lies are employed
for someone else's laughter
our lives on some stage
of which we are unaware

a natural act an unseen watching
written up like time become space
I've inked my body's imagination
with misprints from the school lunch

I'd like to have one of those again
pasty instant potatoes and add water
gravy next to an oddly shaped loaf
of how to make money off our children

we have been trading on our hearts
discounting how you affect my soul
with explanations galore that would
extrapolate happily on the drawbacks

Of Thursday afternoons with no wine
and it's this stage upon which all
of this nonsense cavorts it ills
as if we were more than ticketed acts
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