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DreTheAstronaut May 2014
Run away
Free yourself
Find a new you
Enjoy it
Hold on to it
Don't let no one disturb it
Love it
Cherish it
Don't run away from it
Anything is foreva , you just can't give up on it.
Could he not see myself sinking into despair after ever word he spoke

Could he not see the tears streaming down my face as I began to choke

He criticized and dehumanized me
His loose lips were never sweet

Why couldn't it be...

My face got pale and hands got weak
I could feel my body dropping to me knees

And as he continued to reveal his wicked hate
I feel my soul beginning to deteriorate...
In public we hate each other
But secretly we entertain each other
When the sun goes down our shift begins
During the day, I pretend
Like I'm so sick of men
When really I'm so quick to give in
I don't know why I act so shy
Maybe I like the chase
Though I do know, you like my taste

Nobody knows about our affairs
Except the stars in the midnight air
They light up when they see you worship my body
And the way you're built is so godly
That's probably how you got me

I don't mind this relation
I like it better than the feeling of **temptation
My eyes are bruised
My pupils are black & blue
Sometimes i cut open my eyelids just to see the truth
I should be put in a mental institute
Because even with all this evidence
Im still evident ...

Self-harming just to get through
Each cut represents you
I lost hope in what to do
Where can i push this pain to ?
I know if i push it to you ,  
You gonna continue to do
  what you do

Im blind to whats happening
It is what it is exactly ...
He's rough around the edges
So I keep my heart protected
He says he loves me
But I have second guesses
He says "You're a Queen to me"
Then why is he mistreating me ?
In my eyes , hes a King to be
I treat him like peasantry
To see if he can handle me
I know im hard to please
Really I like the simple things
I wish I could maintain my mentality
Of being used to the casualties
Or the fact that he's blind to me
I would change drastically
But he's a man to me
So hopefully he can handle me
To conquer my insanity
She was a beautiful woman. She had a light complexion. She always smiled & had her head up. Never looked back she kept her focus ahead. She never hated nor envied. But her heart was so heavy. If you looked in her shadow you could see her story. She was drained. Her smiles were to cover her pain. She'd cry when it rained. She never looked back because too many knives were in it. Just from her rough start you could tell she was diminished. Her only hope was her finish. She popped one pain pill then got addicted. But nobody witnessed. Her heart was covered in stitches. She cant love , she got issues in commitment. When she felt low, she inhaled green to get lifted. But you would barely catch her in sun.
*Her shadow was limited to none.
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