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Charu Singh Jul 2020
It's not about the destination,
It's about the journey.
It's not about the imagination,
It's about the reality.

It's about your journey of togetherness,
That untill your last day you stay,
It's about your loyalty,
Let never let you go away.

It's not about we will be together,
In future till our last breath,
It's about how many memories we gather,
And stay loyal untill our relationships death.

It's never about what we get at the end,
It's about making our world enlightened,
It's about the thought of loosing you,
That makes me frightened.

It's not about getting down in hardship,
It's about facing everything together,
Knowing that our life's ship,
Might get sunken deep and we seperate.

It's about knowing that,
I might not be with you forever,
And me knowing that you might not,
Be with me, untill my death shiver.

It's about being together,
With each other,
To escape all that hinders,
And till the time be the lovers.
Charu Singh Jul 2020
It's just a book,
But it can guide you better than a teacher,
If you are a sinner,
It holds the power to make you preacher.

It's just a book,
But it holds the world with its words,
Which can change your world,
Can let you be geek or nerd.

It is the most precious,
Only existing thing that can change,
From a gangster to a gracious,
It can clear what's normal or strange.
Charu Singh Jul 2020
I should reveal
What's in my heart and mind,
Which is packed in a seal,
So know one can easily find.

But if I tell my secrets,
To anyone around me,
They'll burn it like a cigarette,
And on that they're gonna ***.

If they come to know them,
My heart will loose much weight,
If I start, secret will flow like in a dam,
And to stop them will be no gate.

If I reveal my inner self,
You will never understand,
You'll thing of me as the guilty wolf,
And in front of you, nowhere I'll stand.
Charu Singh Jul 2020
The journey from

Spirituality to Singularity

is only thing we need to understand,
to unlock all the mysteries of this universe.

From the holy books verse,
To the mysteries in diverse.

From knowing the energy,
Which they believe as God,
To the universe's synergy,
And to travel in time in other world.
Charu Singh Jul 2020
Talk to Youself
Before you take a step ahead.
So you yourself can understand,
You happy at the end of the day,
When you go to bed.

Talk to yourself,
Before talking to friends,
If it would help n heal you and them
Or it will lead to an end.

Talk to yourself,
Before you trust anyone,
So you are happy and don't recieve
A betrayal, and end up in suction.
Charu Singh Jul 2020
Walking under the quite Chinar trees,
Suddenly a leaf of it hit my forehead,
As I grabbed it in my hands, let's my mind freeze,
I remembered that day when I was going to bed.

The time felt so familiar,
I was a little kid,
Playing with kids all so similar,
The weather was peaceful.

Next day the riots break,
People shooting others like a freak,
The war was not among angel and demons,
It was among religions.
This led to our families heartbreak,
And we left Kashmir,
As in our mind was a crack.

I bought a young Chinar plant,
But was too young to understand,
That the plants need a perfect weather to implant.
Those small little leaves withered,
And all I did was shattered.

The only desire I'm my young mind
Was to have my own house.
With a yellow Chinar in my home
In winters, and myself sitting
Inside that tree in blanket
Like a mouse.
Charu Singh Jul 2020
Paint me,
With your words,
With your passion,
With your colors.

Paint me with everything you have,
I'll adore every single part of it.
I'll let those colors bleed in me,
Every atom of it will be my skin.
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