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  Dec 2014 Noel Iesse
Your name does not matter to me.
Not with all the names you've called her,
Hanging in the air like
toxic gas suffocating innocent children.

You're too ashamed of the beautiful person you've created
to look her in the eyes.
Too afraid you'll see all of the things
you are not.

She cuts herself off
because the person she was told to trust,
took her heart
and sent it through a grinder.

She rations herself like she does her food,
too afraid to give herself away
because you taught her to
hate what the mirror reflected.

But of everything broken
that she has become,
she will only ever always be a
reflection of what you wish to be.

And I pray to whatever's living
that when she leaves,
she will take all of your
arrogant self-righteousness with her.
  Dec 2014 Noel Iesse
I took my heart
and tore it
in punishment and scorn
I squeezed the lump
and swore it
must never be forlorn
now my soul is bleeding
from the nails I jabbed straight in
and all my roses bruising
from no more than selfish sin
I am my own worst enemy most of the time
  Dec 2014 Noel Iesse
Thinking Out Loud
Her mind
was a universe
of  juxtaposition...
love  hate               heaven  hell
peace    war
  passion  apathy       beauty  ugliness          
fantasty reality
happiness        melancholy
freedom captivity     strength weakness
innocence and guilt

It travelled back and forth
her albatross was a
perpetual quest for balance
other times she was certain
she wouldn't want it
any other way.
  Dec 2014 Noel Iesse
Megan Grace
and while you were
a willow he is an oak,
a redwood, a maple,
a sequoia- the mightiest
tree- standing humbly
and unassuming in my
background until i
stumbled over one of
his roots and decided
to follow them back to
find leaves that were
so sweet, so smooth,
so familiar on my tongue.
he is like coming home.
Everything i write feels unfinished.
Just like the conversations we have,
the thoughts i push away,
the sobs that are hushed,
the time that is rushed,
and every time i beg you to stay.
(n.) a wish or powerful desire for something that nonetheless is not or cannot be followed by actions meant to pursue it.
  Nov 2014 Noel Iesse
Joshua Haines
Sara not so plain and not so tall
Daydreaming in the shopping mall
As blond as a summer day
Speaking of herself in a peculiar way:

"I'm pretty, yes, but I wish to be better;
To be the admiration of a love letter."

But her beauty is the kind that lasts
And makes your heart beat especially fast.
Finland born but London found,
Lovely, sure, but greatness bound.

And the nights grow more tiresome,
as her chest beats a tattered drum.
Her mood too dreary for speckled eyes
that will dim if night blurs into sunrise.

"Sleep why do you run from me,
as my memories grow.
Eyelids, be a blanket,
And melatonin, a pillow."

Victoria Lucas in her head,
as the bell does ring until fed
by the words that sound soft to us
but are actually strong and thus
she is misunderstood-lips are red-
Like Greenwood inspired, kissed dread:
She can save herself before jarred,
Before feathered, before tarred.

And it is my faith that lets me know,
That her happiness will one day grow
Because Sara not so plain and not so tall
Is the strongest of them all
For the lovely Sara Murray.
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