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Bor ehgit May 22
Was it where the oceans met, that you left my memory behind? I feel like I’m still falling through the depths, in a refraction of time.
Bor ehgit Dec 2023
I just want you to know that in that last life of ours, we weren’t wrong. I think we only scratched the surface, because I still feel you today.
Bor ehgit Aug 2023
I rushed to sleep tonight, as the shadows cast along the darkened walls. I could feel your voice calling out to me, your breathing ever so close. The vail is passing, and you are almost back inside my arms.
Bor ehgit Jul 2023
I seen the cosmos within your eyes, along with all the possibilities. I could’ve lived a thousand times but none of it would matter without you.
Bor ehgit Mar 2023
Your hands are like anchors around my neck, ebbing with every new wave.
Bor ehgit Mar 2023
It’s been another cold night, the once plentiful  firewood is becoming more scarce. The walk is getting so far, that I got lost again today. I almost didn’t find my way back. I moved out here to clear my head, but something tells me that revaluation may come too late. The crackling of the ice and water from the creek, are a welcomed symphony. The sounds calm my thoughts but the silence helps me focus. Each night I feel you clawing your way out, but I’m still not ready to part ways. Lagavulin, accompanied by a single shot glass. Sit positioned slightly to the left of the table, leaving the fire in full view. When the bottle is finished I will place this page into the flames, just as I did the day before. Una cicatrice d'amore, è la prova che hai amato.
Bor ehgit Sep 2022
It slowly builds, all these gears forever turning. Speaking softly, so I don’t miss the important parts. Wipe the eyelash from your face, to break up the moment. Take a breath, remember times not infinite. Focus now, I think the room stopped closing in. Sweaty palms, searching hard for confidence. Line it up, inching closer to your cheek. Feel the warmth, coming gently off your limbs. Shake my thoughts, as I finally meet your lips.
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