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Alvin Agnani Feb 22
As long as I hate myself, I will hate the world.
As long as I'm alive, I won't truly know what it's like to love.

Even now, with my head in my hands;

I can't love myself.
Alvin Agnani May 2018
Let's have a moment of silence, for those who understand.
We who lack the knowledge; children beaten by the ******. 
Infected by the hurt inflicted, by just a single hand.
This silent moment is for those who hid their father's brand.

For those who lie there centered, in the evil play of man...
If you find this poem relatable and it clings onto your mind.
Look back on the ones who've hurt you and do right where they did wrong.
Try to find it in your heart to forgive them; throw it all behind.
If you can cast away your resentment, you are clean, fresh and strong.
Alvin Agnani Apr 2022
Menial tasks.
Even the books our truth were built upon - a mirage.
A sole purpose to detain and control.

Yet, I believe.
Perhaps not like I used to.
But it's there.

God is alive.
He lies dormant inside you.
I've seen it before.
You will remain oblivious.

Until he wakes...
Alvin Agnani Jan 2020
Way too often I find the child within this overgrown shell. He hides in the crack in the slab.

                      Longingly he stares back at me with those deep blue eyes and smiles at me  -  as if he knows who I am inside.

                                     Who I really am.
                                             Who we really are.








              It burns in my eyes.

He just stands there, looking at me. Then he reaches out his hand toward me.

                                         I awake alone.

- Shepherd, 1-12-20
Visit my poetry account on Instagram @clockwork_poetry
Alvin Agnani Feb 13
Surely you're also one of them.
Those who take what they have for granted.
Those who take and take, without a care in the world.
Expecting everything to come to you on a silver platter.

On your deathbed, I wonder... Will you wake up to reality?
Will you see me as your equal despite me having been born into poverty?

The day I am no longer alone in having nothing.

I [ l o o k   f o r w a r d ] to it.
To the entitled nobodies
Alvin Agnani Oct 2021
Cracks in the flesh.
Sin in my soul.

Why do I feel this way?
God, I'm trembling.
One palm tracing my ribs.

Dwindling heartbeats.
Misinterpreted words.
Lips dried up.

Take me away.
To Your land of blessings.
God, I feel Your blessings.

Tears well up.
Am I alone in this?
In this, we are not alone.
In this, we are together; Unified.

Let me do the one thing I was created for.

God, I want to love.
Love us, I will.
Alvin Agnani Jan 2020
I often try to hide the tears that

   ­                           o

   ­              When really there is no reason.
                                  For to

             ­                                             y

                 ­                                               when reading a beautiful poem -
                                                     is even more wonderful than dreaming.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Let us lose ourselves in the poetry we create
Alvin Agnani Mar 10
Forgiving will cost me everything.

I will try my hardest, but I'm not holding my breath.
There aren't a lot of givers in the world. Most people want to take from their neighbor.

Therefore, ask yourself this every time somebody acts out of kindness; "what could be their ulterior motives?".

If you can understand the psyche of people around you, you'll also learn to recognize the chaff in society; their patterns - and whom to avoid.
Alvin Agnani Nov 2020
"Not so fast", said the girl to me.

It was the first time someone had pointed out my most unusually long hair.


The wind picked up and the old man's hat flew out into the fields.

I chuckled to myself.


It's not I wasn't happy, just strangely compelled to ignore them.

They at least let me into their fold.

I was no longer a lost sheep.

                   ­   m

Not so fast, said the God to me with a smile on His lips.

My being hadn't been properly prepared for this turn of events.

Sdorw htiw

He actually spoke now. It wasn't just some message written in the sand.

"Are you going to finish that bagle?"

I most definitely was not.


Sorry. I felt like sharing something really different. This is "most definitely" up to interpretation. Have a good one.
Alvin Agnani Mar 10
You need a friend when you're alone in the dark.
You need a friend with whom you can talk.
You need a friend, but nobody knows.
You're simply refusing to speak.

Why is that?

Because nobody understands you.
Nobody wants to know you.
You know that you're lesser.

"The mirror is the most adept liar."

You're a f(r)iend.
Recognize truth.

You are your worst enemy.
Alvin Agnani Mar 10
"Burn the cross."

Said the man in his cold, soulless kingdom.

A religion once promised to lead mankind out of darkness.

Now I see that religion is little less than a dying man's memoirs.

Defining deception, degeneracy and decrepit morality.

Your life built on lies, just like the world itself.
Alvin Agnani Feb 2018
I am part of this barren landscape.

Plain and transparent.
Endlessly incoherent.

To the shadows and coolness, I wish I could flee.
Sadly, I’m trapped in the centre, with neither a soul or anyone of my breed.

Lost and isolated from the world, or at least a few.
I long for the moment when I can start living anew.

Shrouded in heat; thoughts I cannot rid myself of.
Not even a single heartbeat could I ever hear of.

Alone, desolated.
Alone, devastated.
Alone, frustrated.
Alone, my hunger never sated.


Together, elevated.
Together, saturated.
Together, integrated.
Together, my hunger always sated.

I adore you.
I adore us.
I adore we.
I adore men.
I adore women.
I adore…
Alvin Agnani Feb 13
I'm lying.

All the time.

And I [ e n j o y ] it:

I was meant for this world.
I am happy.
I am content.
I am okay.
Crush my hands in the doorway. Keep me from writing my thoughts onto virtual paper. Watch as my fingers burst into pieces of flesh and bone. The pain keeps me awake.

I don't want to sleep anymore.

I only dream in black and white.
Alvin Agnani Apr 2022
The things I own do not make the boy I am.
The things I'm taught do not make the soul I've inherited.
There is but one truth for every man and woman.

                                                  Mine was that pain is illusory.

                        Find yours in yourself.
Alvin Agnani Feb 2018
I’ve got nothing to say.
For I am alone, inexperienced; I know nothing.
I know nothing of your troubles; yet I can’t help myself but to weep.
I can’t help myself but to scream.
Even as the poison lingers in your blood I wail, but to no avail.
If only you could throw your problems away.
I would take them freely.
Carry them on my shoulders, even if I’d break.
Your words pierce my heart.
Your experience to horror embrace me so tight.  
Even though I am not the same as you.
I know…
I know the truth.
You may do with your life as you wish.
I’ve got nothing more to say.

I wish you could stay.
Alvin Agnani Nov 2020
Like leaves in the wind they seem to leave me so quickly.
All the people I need to keep my feelings safe with me.

All my life I've been lonely, just never truly alone.
I've been searching forever, but I've yet to find home.

Like leaves in the wind they all got somewhere to go.
I'll walk the opposite way, an unfamiliar road.

My feet are worn out and tattered; think it's starting to show.
I may be lost in myself; at least I'm willing to grow.
It's been a while. Good to see poetry still blooming on here. Much love to you all!
Alvin Agnani Feb 14
"No lives matter."
Said the man in his ivory prison.

After all I've seen, I'm inclined to agree.
Alvin Agnani Feb 15
Do you find it enlightening?
We're all in the process of dying.

The world showed you who you are and you embraced it.

Your name means nothing. It never did.
Your life means nothing.
You are but a number in a binary system.
You will behave as you're told.

And die when I say so.

A "Dear Friend"
We are enslaved.
Alvin Agnani Apr 2022
Are you... a friend of mine?

By speaking my mind I've alienated myself from humanity.
Do they still want me here?
I was once ignorant and naive.
A boy with the power to save the world, in my eyes.
By attaining knowledge I only got pushed further away from a life with meaning.

Now I'm naught but a grain of sand - in a desert of suffering.
Unified - but alone.
We stand no chance separated.

Will you be the one to connect the dots? Turn sand into rocks; rocks into castles?

Will you be our _?

Nobody knows.
Alvin Agnani Jan 2020
I saw the sky today at 6:34 am.
Blue and endearing.
Begging me to smile.
So how could I not?
Spring is returning.
Put in an extra effort and smile at everyone you meet today.
For we all know, a simple smile can do so very much for a person.
Alvin Agnani Apr 2022
Pain and sadness.
Two words almost synonymous with each other.
Yet, two feelings completely unnecessary for us.
The best we can do is move on.

For we all lose everything in the end.

No matter how painful it may be.
Where is the meaning in feelings - good or bad?
When we are all fated for one single outcome?

Alvin Agnani Feb 13
As soon as we met, I washed my face with grandeur and politeness.

She did not know how out of place I was. Nevertheless, I managed to fool not only her, but the rest of world in the process.

I'm smiling, gently and tenderly while standing in your presence.

All while [ l o a t h i n g ] your words, your actions and your image.


Alvin Agnani Dec 2020
I see through the looking glass that mirrors your reflection.
"I shan't be the last" - a promise from the undesirable.

But it would seem your ears are clogged with ink and horrid venom.
Ignore my gaze, my compliments, and everything I give you.

One day you will realise that you were never alone.
It was merely your IMAGINATION.
Do not lie to yourself. Somewhere, someone sees you for who you are, and accepts you wholly.
Alvin Agnani Mar 10
"Molten metal down my lungs
Branding iron on my tongue
City smog inside my mind.

~ The words of a slave."
You are him.
You are her.
There is no in between.
Alvin Agnani Nov 2020
Too much sadness.
Too much pain.
The words you let out of your brain.

Spreading faster.
Than a flame.
Disease and sickness in my frame.

Feed the anger.
Feed your hate.
You will never be the same.

Or let it go.
And turn the page.
Just don't spread your harmful play.
I'd rather see you burn alone, than taking me down with you. The abyss is no place for someone like me. I want to be lifted up by His hands; just one more time.

"Isolate me from humanity - I've had enough of agony."
Alvin Agnani Feb 13
"I am unequivocally and utterly alone."

Said the man in his golden palace. The one within his mind.

The three tenets guide me on my journey:

• Handling everything equals handling nothing.

• Having everything equals having nothing.

• Hating everything equals hating nothing.

I despise you and that is the truth.

Oh. Did you want to remain ignorant?
Alvin Agnani May 17
My mind is slipping.
Dripping in ink-like substance.
Feeding the rot.
Metastasizing throughout.
Loss of control.
Subjugated by chemical agents in conjunction with brain activity.

The real me.
You don't know.
And never will.
For I am still.
When you draw near.

Bittersweet addiction.
Sometimes I am sweet on you.

To my dismay...
It comes and goes.
I cannot change.
We are who we are.
Alvin Agnani Feb 15
It seems as though the entire world is asleep; in a coma.
Blinded by ideological propaganda.
A sense of belonging.

There is none.
Or there is only.

Human beings are of the same mind.
A collective.
Yet nobody understands another and everybody thinks they're alone.

You are.
You are alone.

Until you open the door.
And they let you in.
They never will.

— The End —