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  Jan 2021 V
Word farer
Until you never understand yourself
Believing people will understand you is worthless...
#todaysrealisation #truth #bitter
  Jan 2021 V
It’s a dangerous and absolutely terrifying  thing to love and be loved
V Nov 2020
When it seems like all hope may be lost,
Just remember that after the last fire burns out, the lands will blossom.
Unknown, old entry from years ago.
Make of it what you will.
  Nov 2020 V
perhaps I talk too much to the moon
and don’t listen enough to the universe

for I long for a love
too extraterrestrial
to ever find on this planet

perhaps a poet’s true fate
lies in solitude

for we yearn for connection
too shakespearean
to ever survive this modern day
I turn 21 on Saturday but feel around 70 if i’m honest.
  Nov 2020 V
Dead lover
I bleed through words,
From the cuts given by the society.

I want to escape and fly like birds,
With a hope, it all ends my agony.
  Nov 2020 V
I-Am Grateful for everything...
The inner gratitude & love within me
& towards others...

For the people I love, for the
meaningful connections.

To live, & be here in the now..
Surrendering to this present moment.

Sending love, positive light, &
good energy your way...

Thank you <3
Made: | November 26, 2020 |
By: Kiana Mae ♡
Poem #12 “I-Am Grateful“
V Nov 2020
"...they looked so happy!"

They all do.
Tw: Suicide
I Just lost a truly close friend of mine who committed suicide, the unfortunate thing is I have lost so many closest to me throughout my life, whether intentional, accidental or simply never knowing why...
They all seem to go, and not too sound too miserable/odd here, but I am now too numb to know what to do anymore...whenever things like this happen.
I feel alone and empty.
And even though my friend is gone, I still blame myself for not doing more...

To those who have come to know the detriment of grief,
I share, feel, hear and empathize with your pain, and I am here for you.
It is something one can never heal from entirely-even though they say "time will."
May your own strength carry on forever to those like myself who-as this community has helped me, help to comfort many missing parts through the power of words alone.

I love you, stay strong.
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