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780 · Dec 2021
innocence of discovery
when did you come in,
to my life?
funny how
i do not recall ,
a life without you.

the shape of your name,
has a strange kind of beauty

the sound of your voice,
makes my heart skip-
-skip a beat.

when did you start,
to love me?
i pray that you never stop.

i forgot,
the beauty of new love.
the innocence of,

when did you become,
my best friend?
my brother?
my lover?

funny how,
the answer
does not even matter.
discovering you.
772 · Feb 2022
i cannot comprehend this
what makes sense is senseless
this senselessness is endless
so in the end i comprehend
enough to play pretend
but common sense tells me
that wars create sores
that are more or less forever
i cannot comprehend this letter
so i better carry on with this
senselessness which is endless
unless perhaps i end this my self
wars create sores
753 · Oct 2021
permanent replay
in the middle of a down pour
with insults for rain drops
death for thunder
ignorance for wet
cold for cold
the leader was a ticking time bomb
and the answer was hiding
in fear
in the middle of a lesson
on the blessings of shame
and the danger of the human race
came the reality of suicide
a life otherwise ok
if not provoked by mind games
a reality still existing today
repeating in a way
that cant be rectified
or changed
a nightmare
on permanent replay
751 · Aug 2021
in the deep
in the deep i found a treasure
on the far side of never
never dared to venture
deeper than what's deemed safer
never been discovered
never been claimed
i didnt claim the treasure
it wasnt mine to own
so i swam back to the surface
back to the familiar
back to what is known
discovering a treasure
749 · Mar 2022
perfection transaction
i am perfect at being imperfect
not so perfect at accepting it
i am perfect at being worth it
not so perfect at embracing it
perhaps there are imperfections in perfection
perhaps my perfection is a transaction
in self compassion
perhaps my perfection is a transaction
746 · Oct 2020
I am a diamond that fell off a ring
I am lost but I know my value
I am broken but I know my worth
I am a diamond that has never been worn
I am yet to be adored but I will never stop shining
I will never stop shining...
736 · Jul 2021
Bold Move
I dared to be different
They did not want different
So I did not want them
i dared to be different
734 · Dec 2021
problem solved
change the word from
to alcohol.
watch the world change
problem solved.
people tend to understand alcohol
733 · Nov 2020
Forms of Strength
Strength can come in many forms
Sometimes invisible
Sometimes tangible

Strength can be a phoenix feather
Strength can be a lotus flower
Growth from the ashes
Growth from the peaceful waters

Strength can come in many forms
A feather or a flower
Both lead you home
strength can come in many forms
732 · Oct 2020
I pondered the thought of insanity
Taking the time to weigh it all up
Feeling the pressure of all consequence
Should I slip up

I began to sift through old recordings
Stashed away in the hope of amnesia
I dusted them off, anticipating
But ready to begin

For in those broken hours formed a lady
Designed by an autistic artist
Those flaws seemed so beautifully *****
Bringing flowers and gifts to her room

I recognised her face in the photograph
Much more dusty than ever before
For the life of me I could not remember her name
She was gorgeous

I endeavoured to find out her meaning
Her purpose, her lifestyle, her goals
In reality, she never knew me
Oh, but I knew her!

Scratching below layer upon layer
Stumbling numb towards truth
Wanting so much, all those flowers
And gifts in her room

For in those broken hours formed a lady
A woman romantically perfumed
Weaving in and out of insanity
Yet, always in truth
the memories of the life of a woman
730 · Dec 2021
i want to spit
in the face of,
my reflection.

i want to tear
into pieces.

i look at my
i see,
a goddess!

i see
a survivor!

i see
a queen!
beauty amongst the mess.

i am
a pathetic victim.

i am
a broken reflection.

i let
the sunshine in.

the warmth,
my skin.

i smile!
i win
i'm surviving.
beauty amongst the mess.
727 · Feb 2021
dog eat dog
it was a dog eat dog world
so i became a cat
i'm clever like that
so i became a cat
721 · Nov 2020
Dancing with Fate
You wanted to dance with me
With bare feet
On broken glass
With no music
When I was a paraplegic

You wanted to do the impossible
Just to laugh probability in the face
You wanted to dance with me
In the middle of the pouring rain
But I don't like your chances
I don't believe in fate
he wanted to dance with fate
714 · Nov 2020
I am a female by birth
The same way that he is a male
Sometimes this ****** is a curse
When he thinks that my body is for sale

I am not a female by choice
That decision was made for me
He tries to oppress my voice
Yet I rise above the cruel inequality

I am a female by birth
I am learning to live with it
This male dominating world
Will never crush my spirit

I am a female with poetic prowess
I am a female crafted in stoic strength
sonnet - first attempt
708 · Oct 2021
your call
he does not want to die
that way
but give someone
a gun
instead of a choice
give someone
a blade
instead of some hope
give someone humiliation
instead of friendship
and know you wanted hatred
know you wanted death
before death was your friend
at all
the final ending to an open ending
your call
leaving instructions to **** oneself, after a humiliating prank
703 · Jan 2021
Ugly Scene
Turn the light off for I cannot bare to watch this scene
I never knew that romance could end up so **** ugly
the scene of romance turned ugly
694 · Oct 2020
Your Victim
I never asked to be your victim
You made me into one
Without asking for my permission

I never asked to be the subject
Of this endless torment
Of this ceaseless disrespect

I never asked but here I am
******* in your rancid *******
Following your putrid commands

I never asked to be your victim
You forced me into one
I promise myself that I will find a way out
diary of a victim
683 · May 2021
penny for my thoughts
i used to have money
i wore Dior like a Parisian beauty
chic and sophisticated
flawlessly fashionable
or so the surface showed.
i used to have six different credit cards
a thousand fake friends
a pedigree pug i called Peppermint
i used to have money
i forgot my own worth
i skipped my meals
to fit into a size four
never knowing what
i was doing it all for
i used to have money
until all i saw was dollar signs
until i could not recognise my face
until i lost my mind
i used to have money
678 · Dec 2021
when you call me, rebecca.
i get frustrated
when people call me,

is my preference
every body knows this.

but when you call me,
i like it

there is a deeper connection,
when you use that

i hate,
being called

but lately,
when you say it
i find myself
when you call me,
i like it.
this is my,
first christmas
without you.

this is my,
first poem to you
as my ex.

i suspect,
that i am getting over
your love.

this is my,
heart moving on
or something.

this is my,
first poem to you
as a single woman.

my dear,
we did the best
that we could.

we did good,
not to ****
each other.

this is my,
salute to
an old, old friend.

my friend,
we did
our best.
goodbye, old friend 💔
677 · Jul 2021
Closure is something that I will never have
You did not think I deserved that
No explanation
No goodbye
Makes me think that our friendship was a lie

Closure is something that I rarely receive
It seems they do it just to spite me
I'm too much to deal with
Too much drama
Too demanding
It makes me question the point of my existence

Closure is an elusive myth
As invisible as a birthday wish
Closure is an old friend that I met in a dream
He taught me about acceptance
He taught me about inner peace
Now I realise that true closure is found from within
true closure is found from within
672 · Jan 2022
removal from reality
you could do with an australian poet like me
you could benefit from my manic scribbles
you could do with a serial lover like me
i would leave you psychotic
i would leave you fulfilled

you could do with an empathetic soul like me
feelings come with the territory
feelings come with no warning
you won't want to stay
you won't know how to leave

you could do with a compassionate soldier like me
you'd find interest in my battle stories
you could do with an australian poet like me
i would remove you from your  own reality
you should meet me
662 · Mar 2021
Butterfly Reunion
A butterfly once flew into my life
A beautiful friendship was formed
She stayed for a quite a while
Until there came a vicious storm  
Bringing chaos and hardship
In all of the confusion
I found that she had departed
I grieved for my friend
Unsure of why it had ended
Eventually like most things
I found closure and acceptance
Out of the blue
On an autumn evening
A butterfly stopped by
Fluttering her wings in greeting
So there, time stood still
Call it fate if you will
A reunion of two butterflies
Who never truly severed ties
a reunion of two butterflies who never truly severed ties
661 · Sep 2021
Comfortable Denial
I didn't want him to die
If only he'd had a survival guide

If such a guide existed
He wouldn't have been so twisted

It's painful to hear the truth
That he died because of you

So you choose to hide
In your comfortable denial
you choose to hide in your comfortable denial
659 · Sep 2021
the side of no sides
pick a side
pick a side
pick a side

like sports teams
like equations
like war

pick a label
pick a gender
pick an orientation

what the hell
do we need sides for?

i'm on the side of acceptance
i'm on the side of love
i'm on the side of no sides

maybe one day that will be enough
she told me to pick a side
655 · Dec 2020
The Girl in Blue
The girl in blue is through with you
Through with your ****** gestures
Cleaning up your messes
I'm putting on a brand new dress
The girl in blue is changing her view
time for a brand new view
653 · Sep 2021
sitting in a bathroom stall
writing graffiti on the wall
this little poet
is leaving an imprint
on a cafe bathroom
in the middle of perth city
i hope you read my words
i hope you understand my meaning
i wish you all the best
on your adventures
in the city
sitting in a bathroom stall
650 · Sep 2021
biological clock
every drop i bleed
is another chance of life gone
every passing month
a sober reminder
of a clock that won't stop ticking
tick. tick. tick.
desperate hands
on a hollow womb
every drop i bleed
makes it harder for me
to meet you
desperate hands on a hollow womb
605 · Jan 2021
destructive deceit
my deceit was so destructive
tearing a hole in our friendship

i know that you don't trust me
that harsh truth simply kills me

if friendship is built on trust
what will happen to us?

in my mind is a haunting picture
that i'll be unable to fix this

it cuts through my soul like a knife
to think of you leaving my life

i'm aware that i deserve this
for the decency that i relinquished

my deceit was so destructive
burning a hole in our friendship
my deceit was so destructive
602 · Apr 2021
peace, a mythical concept
peace, she wrote on the wall of the house
the one wall that remained standing
scared to death, she wrote the only word that she dared to dream
peace, a mythical concept
a fictional character
rare and unfamiliar
she wrote on the wall and kept her peace alive
when the bombs rained down, she left this world smiling
a girl grapples for peace in a war torn scene
599 · Jul 2021
maybe i should give up waiting
waiting on a call that will not come
people like you do not change
i have no more time to waste
i need to give up on this fantasy
that you are capable of love
i need to give up on this fantasy
597 · Jul 2021
power reclaimed
i am poised,
ready to fight
hands clenched
straightened spine
i've been through this
a thousand times
everyone knows
my battle cry
it's the sound of a woman
trying to break free
it's the sound of liberation
a song called victory
i am ready for war
i am ready to fight
i will reclaim my power
i will take back what is mine
i will take back what is mine
595 · Apr 2021
You have not changed
I have to walk away
There is no shame in knowing your limitations
i have to walk away
587 · Jul 2021
Embracing Emotion
Be proud when you feel angry
It means that you are alive

It means you are not yet numbed
By all the ******* from outside

Be encouraged when you are crying
It means something touched your heart

Be grateful that you are still standing
Even if we're standing 1.5 metres apart

Be joyful knowing that joy is a portable tool
That you can stick onto another soul that has long ago been frozen

Feel accomplished when you see that joy melt that soul in transformation

So now what once was a cynic, is now somebody brand new

Give yourself some credit because that change started with you

Embrace your emotions like you are bracing for a fall

If we do not embrace all of ourselves

How do we love others at all?

Be proud when you are angry
Anger means you actually care

Always look for a reason to be here tomorrow
Even though tomorrow is never really here
embrace your emotions like you are bracing for a fall
574 · Mar 2021
running in circles
she is pointlessly running in circles
desperately searching for definite answers
she cannot help running in circles
knowing full well that she has run out of chances
557 · Aug 2021
grand prize
you wanted me dead,
rotting in the ground
you wanted me to sacrifice
my survival
in the spirit of goodbye
I admit to entertaining the thought
tempting as it was
but i know that my death would result in you winning
taking home the grand prize of corruption
that just would not do at all
so i chose to live on
taking home the grand prize of corruption
554 · Oct 2020
A Distant Memory
In the whole time I experienced you

It all comes down to this main truth

Fourteen-year-old girls

Should not feel the hell

That comes from getting in that car

Driven by that older man

Who knew better than to let it get that far

So then years later,

That girl can hate

Every single man

Who didn’t treat her right

It’s a painful sight

A beautiful woman,

Losing her pride

After accepting that ride

It was the biggest mistake of her life.

Let’s talk about the truth

I meant little if nothing to you

That was back then

But now

To me, you’re just a memory

I barely reminisce

To you, I don’t even exist

Let’s face the facts head on

The only reason that I haven’t

Cut your memory completely off

Is because

Some mistakes are just so huge

And my epic life mistake was you

You’re in a microscopic part of my mind

So I remember. Not. To. Repeat. You.

And to teach my future daughters

As well as women of today

To accept nothing less but kindness and love

As the only way

So if you must open his car door

At least enter guarded

At least enter strong

Wear your pride wherever you stride

And remember you are a woman…

So, you can never be wrong.
say NO to ****** assault.
552 · Sep 2021
she is worth alot to herself
she is worth nothing to everyone else
this gets misinterpreted
like her name gets misspelt
she lacks the numbers
not the bravery
nor strength
but what one lacks in quantity
one makes up in presence
she is worth alot to herself
Shame is a man that I know well
He lingers near my bedroom doorway
Watching me undress
Scanning my movements
He documents my every transgression
So when the time is right
My guilt can be displayed
Shame is cunning that way

Shame is a woman that I cannot relate to
She calls me a ****
Woman attacking woman
Mocking the concept of sisterhood
Spitting on the idea of love
Destroying the human in all of us

Shame is an infectious disease
That I caught as a child
Deadly, contagious
Telling me lies, brutally outrageous
Like I am ugly and worthless
Like I am not enough
Shame is a toxic addiction
That we should all try to give up
shame is cunning that way
550 · Oct 2020
Stop (His Interpretation)
Stop does not mean stop.
Stop means that I'll pretend I didn't hear it.

No does not mean no.
No means that I will have to make you say yes.

Accountability means I will hide all the evidence, conveniently leaving out anything incriminating

Stop does not mean stop.
It is a guideline for how far I will go.
I have always wondered what it looked like from his perspective.
544 · Aug 2022
a glimpse
i caught a glimpse
of your life
i was surprised
to see myself
in it
i was surprised
540 · May 2021
basic instinct
can we be more than animal?
venture outside of,
basic instinct.
let me be more than,

be more than how i think.
can we be more than animal?
532 · Aug 2021
instructions (friend)
a friend is someone who is there for another
who is considerate
who is kind
a friend is someone who is there for you through time
these are my instructions to you
for the next person you find
these are my instructions to you
530 · Apr 2021
He asked me if I am growing up
He told me that he only accepted maturity
He asked me if I understood
He asked me if I knew the truth
I said the greatest truth that I have ever seen
Comes from innocent youth
Youth with their fresh naivety
I said maturity is subjective
True growth comes from self-connection
I said I'm not growing up
I'm growing into me
maturity is subjective
true growth comes from self - connection
530 · Aug 2021
and that was great
i wanted her to be skinnier
and that was great
because i was improving someone else
she didn't want to change
wanted to live her own life
but that was great
because i had a grand plan
i tied her to a chair
slit her throat
cut off her limbs
she was dead
but she was lighter
and that was great
she committed the sin of being over weight
so he taught her a lesson
526 · Jul 2021
What Matters?
Things like love don't matter
What matters is time

Sacrifice a lover for the chance to relive another
Moment of you life

Things like love don't matter
What matters is time
what matters is time
521 · Apr 2021
fleeting affair
her fingers traced
indistinguishable shapes
along my skin
leaving a lingering imprint
an exotic imprint of forbidden love
an imprint for me to remember
when my body is in his arms

her fingers held my once chained body
i find myself sobbing
from the pure intensity
it is downright terrifying
how much this woman affects me

her fingers traced
invisible shapes
along my skin
this is a fleeting affair
though it means the world to me
an intensity that is terrifying
516 · Feb 2021
Testosterone Tyrants
Keys between my knuckles
As I hurry to my car
This place still aint safe
At least not after dark

I've been female for thirty one years
My *** is abundantly clear
When I cannot walk outside at night
Without my friend called Fear

Keys between my knuckles
Pepper spray clutched in my hand
What can I say to these Testosterone Tyrants
To make them understand?

This place is still not equal
When half of us are afraid
I want to stay up late
Walk the streets and know I'm safe

Boys will be boys
They will rarely be men
The protectors became predators
It's a hard truth to accept

Keys between my knuckles
As I hurry to my car
This world is still not safe yet
At least not for us
this world is still not safe yet
at least not for us
515 · Oct 2020
Red Riding Hood
I was raised by a pack of male wolves

Who taught me their version of womanhood

They called me Little Red Riding Hood
Handed me a cape
They told me to run through the woods
So I did.

When I got to the house of safety
And found a wolf hiding there
I thought he was my family
So I was not scared
When his paws were on my body and I dissolved into nothingness

I was raised by a pack of wolves
Who never bothered to tell me
I was one myself
my version of the tale
514 · Dec 2020
Australian Accent
I'm that girl with the Australian accent
I'm the poet who writes in the corner
When the party is getting boring
You'll find me with my journal writing scribbles with my blue pen

I get easily distracted
I tend to feel fat most of the time
Sometimes I seem to lose my passion
Until I hear Ani DiFranco and my heart is set on fire

I fall in love so ******* easily
I'll see your ocean eyes and fall upon my knees
Suddenly I'll see your face on every street
Secretly hoping that one day you'll want to marry me

I'm that girl that got bullied all through school
I think that being different is a fun activity to do
I might get rejected on a regular basis
Rejects tell the most interesting stories

I'm that girl whose got bipolar and anxiety
I've been hospitalised for both of these things
I lost my faith in the mental health system
I know that no one has the decency to fix it

I'm that girl with the Australian accent
I'll always love even if I don't receive it
My best friend has always been Jesus
When I die I'll leave behind the words I write with this blue pen
a little poem about me
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