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AJ Jan 2016

Kindness is evil,
break my heart instead.

Rolling and rolling
and going nowhere,
keep going and going
to nowhere, honey.
You're so sweet to me
like the moment you realize
the end is close, hope is lost,
and resistance is futile.
****** is mercy.
AJ Jan 2016
Oh, how the time moves
like a rushing wave,
I was out of place,
I sorely hated the day.

Oh, how can I prove
anything but black?
I was wishing so hard,
I'd forgotten the facts.

It was so natural to me,
at least with time it would be
stapled into permanence--
I walk in sheer memory.
AJ Jan 2016
Let's be happy in the October
pumpkin-colored sunset vantage
before your tranquil eyes.
Let's lie and sink
into each other's souls
beneath the smoke powdered sky,
white like lightly sketched veins
against the pale blue
canvas of morning.

Your shy-colored glances
kissing my stomach like
medicine in my blood,
blinding my senses
til' I cannot sense
anything but love.
AJ Jan 2016
I'm in the tallest area,
no higher than a fathomless well
to trap oneself in,
in wide, deep questions.

My ribcage opened
and out came the moon
harvested in the daylight,
splashing yellow-orange flickers
across the dark gulf of my soul--
like autumn stars against the darkness.

Perhaps I care too much
about the facts:
the "truth",
I've lost faith in that.
AJ Jan 2016
The universe dims,
grows dimmer and seems
to want to eat me alive!
so I scream, the cosmos
morphing in and out
the doors and windows and
nothing is making sense anymore.

There is a disturbance
close in the vicinity,
the clamor distorts in stabs
and wisps and hiss-like kisses
upon my soul, trying to run away
yet stay with it.

I'm in two, the air
twists my head, rips my chest
open and I am not sure of
left from right, up or down,
wrong and right, just
pace back and forth,
half flying, half shifting,
lifting hysteria building storms
in your failing body.

The atmosphere could open wide
and swallow me whole.

My escape is a trap!
and all of tomorrow
to look the other way and find
chaos for today and days after
the first time I felt frightened,
confused and disturbed.
  Jan 2016 AJ
William A Poppen
We know what peace is
And we know how to do war
Now, let us do peace
Inspired by The DalaiLama

Also inspired by Rev. Rob Giesslmann
in a sermon where he said.  "I pray for the time when we stop praying for peace and start doing peace.
AJ Jan 2016
I love your brother,
light for pepper
shoes the elevator
hope and dope-ianity...
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