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at lege mor og tørre op
og vaske op og at gå op i
et andet menneske
helt så samvittigheden
klistrer på din tunge,
helt så du glemmer din hud
i dørkarmen
sætter aftryk af blod
i badeværelset, og efterlader  hemmeligheder
i gulvsprækkerne
hvisker historier til væggene, alle
dem jeg aldrig fik fortalt dig
jeg var hende, der rakte kolde
hænder ud i et naivt forsøg på at
få dig til at smile i marts
opdrog dig med moderlige øjne
og blå ord, jeg ellers kun skrev ned
holdte dig i hånden, og lod dig ikke
bevæge dig yderligere
indtil du omsider kunne gå selv
vidste ikke dengang,
du ville gå længere ud,
end du selv kunne  bunde
lærte dig at holde om pigeskuldre
så det skar i organer af glæde
lod dig blive afhængig, og lod dig
skænke samvittighed op til randen
af glasset, så vinen smagte af
cork og følelser, der gav mig lyst
til at stikke tre fingre i halsen
måske bliver jeg væk en dag,
mig selv så jeg måske er væk
- digte om et papmachesind
ungdomspoet Oct 2014
den søde smag af røg på flaske
kradser i halsen
dejlig eftersmag, fyldig og rød
jeg hviner en lørdag aften
fordi jeg ikke har drukket vin
jeg er tørstig
efter den mættende følelse af
forførelse og beundrelse
jeg vil danse med verden
og drikke vin med dig i måneskinnet
du skrev engang med sorte bogstaver
at hvis jeg nogensinde var ensom
så havde jeg jo dit nummer
og du skrev "bare dig og mig og måneskin"
jeg ved ikke om det var den søde vin
der fik dig til at hvine efter mig
men det var ihvertfald ikke dit røde hjerte
som bankede for mit røgede sind
så måske jeg bare skulle hvine noget mere
og drikke min røde vin alene
uden dig
og måneskin
- om alkohol
man glemmer aldrig den som knuser ens hjerte.
slet ikke når det var dig der knuste hendes,
for at hele dit eget.
*** sniger sig ind og sætter sig på din hjerne,
på hele dit nervesystem,
så hver gang du hører de sange,
*** sendte til dig klokken 2 om natten og skrev at *** savnede dig,
så meget det gjorde ondt,
kramper du sammen af smerte,
mens varme tårer,
der slet ikke burde eksistere for piger som hende,
løber ned af dine kinder.
du prøver på at stoppe den knytnæve,
af hårde ord og levende eksistenser,
der banker ind i dit hjerte mens den skriger af dig,
at det at leve dit eget liv og tænke selvstændigt,
uden hende,
er fuldstændigt utænkeligt,
også selvom piger som hende,
er kolde som sten,
og har metalhjerter,
med skarpe kanter.
men tænk tilbage på den tid.
vi var ægte,
vi skete.
imens du har læst dette usammenhængende volapyk af ord, der slet ikke passer sammen, håber jeg du har lyttet til sangen ''Heroes'' af David Bowie.
Vi lå afklædte i din seng
og du hviskede i mit øre du ikke vil dø
Længe lå vi og stirrede op i loftet i fuldkommen stilhed
Jeg kiggede på dig og små sommerfugle fløj rundt i din mave
Jeg kyssede dig så inderligt at himlen pludselig virkede besynderligt nær
Uden at sige et ord, konstaterede jeg for mig selv
du aldrig ville dø
for jeg skrev jo lange digte om min længsel og om dine store øjne
Jeg ville ikke lade dig dø
Jeg ville gemme den bedste samling af ord om dig
og lægge den i en æske og sende den direkte til evigheden
Gymnasiepoesi Sep 2014
bløde krøller indrammer dit ansigt
flydende chokolade på min bare hud
charmerer piger landet over

elektriciteten mellem vores hænder
da du i smug lagde en cigaret i min håndflade

forførende ord fik mig til at tøve
drevet af lyst og høj i en sommerrus

da vores ansigter mødtes
der alene i teltet
glemt af verden
da hundrede tusinder mennesker forsvandt i et kort sekund
mens dine læber
skrev ord i mit indre
som jeg sent vil glemme
- roskilderomancer
enits Oct 2015
duften havde brændt sig fast
som det brændmærke jeg havde på håndleddet
og jeg så dig stadig
på tågede torsdage
jeg tænkte
om duften nogensinde ville gå væk

for selvom den summende lyd
stadig er der
er jeg i tvivl
om jeg er

og jeg talte regndråberne
i flere dage
*** fortalte mig at det var fint
og jeg vidste, at alt jeg skrev
var rene indtryk fra virkeligheden
som ingen sammenhæng havde
med hvad der i virkeligheden foregik

for selvom den summende lyd
stadig er der
er jeg i tvivl
om jeg er
forvirret og i tvivl
Kristine Jensen Jun 2015
før skrev vi sammen hele natten,
nu er jeg glad hvis jeg får et hej
- digte om "den evige fortabte kærlighed til en efterskoleven"
Klara May 2015
du er ordene i den poesi
jeg aldrig skrev
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2021
while making strawberry gelato...

i don't think i ever heard anything this beautiful...
well... vaughan williams'
fantasia on a theme by thomas tallis...
there must have been some other song
that allowed me to cry...
cry? perhaps mourn... mourn beauty...
something so beautiful should only be
wept at...
perhaps there was some other song...
but it's hard to take your pick of tear-jerkers
from the classical music scene...
******* Bach and his polyphonic layer-cake!
it's such a technical music:
it's music that could be written by
deaf people!
oh wait... Beethoven!
Bach's supposed revolutionary act just
destroyed melody...
as much as i like the genre i'm not going to
champion in...
jazz too doesn't get away so easily...
listen to it i might: but feel it: i don't...
i needed to go deeper... further back...
as far back as... the medieval times...
hell... on the cusp of... crusader chants of
the Templars... or to pagan Scandinavia!
- but i have found a contender to put
vaughan williams' fantasia to rest...

el cant de la sibil·la catalunya...
           montserrat figueras
    la capella reial de catalunya
                                                   jordi savall...

even if the music seems... "seems"? i only had
to find out that jordi savall is still alive!
alive... a "contemporary"...
that's the other song that could usurp
vaughan williams' fantasia!

   ola gjeilo - northern lights!

  here we go! back to chanting... melody!
no need to complicate matters...
Schumann or Schubert? Schumann...
wait... i always get those two wrong...
but enough with the Mahler complications!

jeez... jordi savall is still alive...
well... isn't his interpretation on the cantos
of the sibyl of Catalonia a real thrill...
has my tears...
once more! music that makes you feel:
you escape the sensible drudgery of
objectivity and thinking!
to the rawness: the pulp of the heart!
it is nearing a year since someone dear
to me passed away...
today was the first time i managed to thirst
for tears...
prior to? i smashed my head against
the radiator and replied to the inquiry party:
well... this puddle of blood?
it seemed easier to bleed than to cry...
then again... i don't think i was crying
from grief...
death being so: consistent... let alone a constant...
i cry at beauty... authentic beauty chokes me...

music that makes you write something
in Danish!
i don't speak Danish... i suppose all of this
is in the confines of English grammar:

jeg græd: hvordan kan du ikke?
sådan skønhed er altid så en ydmygende sorg...

music that makes you want to drink!
makes you want to drink well into the night!

medieval music... music that's everything
that Bach strived to invent:
music written by complicated deaf & blind men...
music that's like... eating a steak tartar...
or a Turkish lavash...
who would have thought that rosemary
works so well with beef...
or that Turks appreciate the onion so much...
all it takes for the "salad": garnish of the lavash...
it tenderising the onion by squeezing
it to get the juices flowing...
some lemon juice... some salt...
some sugar... pepper... oil...
parsley... sumac... but i also add some

       beef and rosemary?
i want to be drunk with my lack of ambition...

- with no immediate: yet not lacking in
immediacy: concern...
i do not venture to give collapse to the modern
man's debacle...
as a revisionist... not a reformist...
two labels i like to contest...
it begins... and ends with a critique of music...

the urban sphere is lost...
to the African rhythms and the Asiatic grooves...
hollow out the horns!
i pass these landscapes like i might pass
a tomorrow...
it doesn't change: i am expected to find
the congregation of the whole world
on these shores...
such a crushing defeat of the senses...

i ought to take that prospect of
£50 for a massage from an Asian woman
than... cough up...
£120 for the same hour of *******
and... "proper" eye contact while engaged
with her... genitals to genitals...

i can't bemoan a land that isn't my own...
i can't bemoan a land that isn't my own...
as much as i have acquired
the tongue: i feel a desire to find a home
elsewhere... it wouldn't be the tongue of
my birth... forget Russian...
i tease the German root...
somewhere... else... among the Danes...
but i know the answer already:
i'd sleep best among the Franks...

ha! to speak Russian implies to first write
the ****** version of Greek...
Cyrillic looks just... blatantly awkward...
it seems to be having "problems" with
the lowercase representation
of the uppercase letters...
Cyrillic looks like... ahem: cheap-Greek...

i.e. you think some people are... sparring
with you: engaging you with...
nukes & submarines & ****...
you aim at the soul...
their language... &... pay them a compliment...
or two... because Cyrillic looks...
by comparison to Greek...

a bit like watching a sacrificial...
Germanic type... mythological blonde...
being sacrificed on an altar of a *******...
take it to: retro... *******: gloryhole...
last time i checked: i did not wish to fulfil
all that's offered to me, by my sexuality...
last time i checked... my mind informed me
something on the lines of:
let's conjure up a... hammer!
& a nail!

            is gelato "somehow" superior to...
sure as ****... stir-fried: it's easier
to make... l'inglese... beating egg yolks
for a freezing of custard...
but... gelato you make and eat immediately...
ice-cream is perfect for storage...

- i know i will drink this bourbon tonight
and regret two things...
tomorrow's hangover and tonight's:
not have visited a brothel...
warming up to a woman like
a Spartan 300...
all i have is... Gregorian chants
in my ears... i guess... that's enough...
& a squinting of the eyes...
like: i'm supposed to see any better
what is already lost to this
old soul...

- but a language i can, try... & defend...
but do i really want to?
so much & yet so little...
i'm living among these people while wanting
to speak the language of people
not willing to invite themselves to these

jeg elske: som langt som jeg afsky: mig selv...
all those crippling components
that are supposed to make the: fullest:
of man... myself: my?! my?! perhaps... with-self
ought to be the better pardoning...
but i dare not even have that?

no-i says... can't keep this outdated marriage
of language in place...
conflated the ego: conscripted the self:
to no one's ease!

such people as they are: come-and-go...
           such little ought... befalls them...
no crippling nothing-vacuum
of presence: "thinking"...
        nuance! forever with the *******
nuances! it's not enough that
the dead are dead... have died:
it's not not enough the living are still...
worst than somehow sleeping
through their hour of waking...
when someone might ask them to
snooze... a little... a lot: i ask!

don't implore me to write:
it ought to be a slaughterhouse sort of a...
an... assortment...
it ought to be made... clinially:
critical... precise"
don't ask me to write these words!
i want to have a wife...
a child... children!
stay up till midnight
to make ice-cream for them... for breakfast...

al dette tid!
    but no one to spend it with!
if regrets were all i wrote:
hvis beklager
                     var al jeg skrev...

in mein: tilting Ing-Leash...
so many... so many people here!
i want to escape to my roots!
to my rot!
      i want to feel hot: when i feel:
subsequently cold!

the cats are... happy... i must tend to them:
proper... i eat... 200grams of beef
from time to time...
they eat... the eat amount:
if they eat the said amount...
don't blame me... if they don't eat it
and i throw the meat away...

i write in English... everyone else seems
to write, speak... this... pulverised... this...
horrid, tongue...

der taler det?! alle sammen?!
      all men: thus... summoned...
upon an... implosion! i don't want to know!

i gathered... i gathered...
i... drink like a sailor...
i sing like a nun!  noted... noted...
it's all down in my usual flurry of escapades
that need... noting:
i drink like a sailor... i sing like a nun!

i wish i was sober when i wrote: everything
it is... that i wrote...

— The End —