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The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                            **  w
                       about I come
                     to your place to
                    night,so I can ******>                  w  you  the   growth
                     ofmy natural log
                     I'm  not being ob
                     tuse, you  are  be
                     ing a cute girl . Y
                     ou mustbe the sq
                     are root of -1 bec
                     ause you can't be
                     real. The  derivat
                     ive ofmy love for
                     you is 0,  because
                     my lovefor you is
                     constant.  Why d
                     on't we use some
                     Fourier  analysis
                     on  our   relation
                     ship  and  reduce
                     to a  series of Sim
                     ple     per io doc  
       Fun ctions.                I wish i was
 your calculus home  work, because then
I'd be hard and   you  'd be doing me on yo
ur desk.Hey, baby     want to squeeze my
  Theorem while            I     poly   your
       n   o    m                        i   a     l
fairlyfreaksome Jul 2015
spining spinnig spinning spinnging spinging spinining spinning spinning psinngin psinnging psinning spining psminnng psinng psing spinning itching tiching tiching itching itching ithcintign itching ithc nihting itching itching itching my chgest chest chet chest chets chest chesth ches thchc chest chest chestch sthech sethch schesth chesth seht esht eshthe sehches stghse tpanic panic panic panic itching panich painc itchingpainic pinaibng pinc ananc intching paning cnians pannigba sicthicn itcthing itching ithcing itching ithchi nhelp help help ehple help e helpe helpe helpe help help help ehlp ehlpe help ehple go waay away waway away away away aya away away away waya waya awaya waya away awaya no i don’t wnat o ts see ll you this coffee get the **** out of my ****** gface itching itchin gnaimial itching reage rage rage rrage gar eget the **** cis ssifi ficuking ishaf sisth ge tou to fmy fauck ceuang face te get out of my faucking *******  ******* **** ing ******* fuckng icing ******* fufking ******* tufkc thing face get the **** out of my face get the **** out of my face get the **** out of my face and leave me alone get the fucki out to foi my face and leave me alone spinning sinning range tulnnel vision tunnel spinning tiching cehst panic get out o fmy face i don’t want to sell you foccefe and you are n’t going to e to to to to to tip me anyway you ******* **** head yet the **** out of my afce and leave me the **** anlone i have n’t taken a break a break a brak breath in like like like twnety minutes breaht ebreathe breathe abreathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe don’t tell me to ******* breathe i know to ******* breathe rage rage rage rage tag r rage reag e aasdna breathe brathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breahte breathe breathe breabdth rbreathe breathe breathe rbaein out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in rythm rhythm rhtrm why the **** is that work word do so why the **** is that word so hard to spenl wp swhy the fu ck wiuy why the **** is that word si focukning hard to spell foeaajsdg why the **** is thwa why the **** is tha twor what why the **** is that word so hard to sle why the **** is that word os why the **** is that word so hard to spell rhyhtm rhyr rhythem rhythm tryhtm in out in ou to int out in tih rhythm rhytm tr intching itching itching ittchahinsdg in out in out outu ihn out in iuth out it ou th hei is this poetry hooray i wrote something go me look at all those words on the page i put thise there **** yeah go me hooray i was creative with my panic attack good for me good for ******* me now i guess the next step is to just go insatne and get drink run right horay hooray hooray three cheers for me i wrote something and it’s gonne anga nd id it’s gonna get me a million ******* dollars because i channeled ma my rf **** ing rage and that’s what epeople whatn ranwt ranw ran ran want wri sfsa tir right i it’s jurat rage riage rajfjs rb braeat breathe breathe breathe breathe breahte btrahet breathe i can’t ty e i can’t te i can’t tpye n d i can’t type ab ica i can’t type and breahte a ti ci  i can’t type and breathe at the samet ime i can’t tyime i can’t y i can’t type and breathe at the same to i can’t tiy i can’t type and breathe at the same timy i can’t ta i can’t type and breathe at the same time but maybe when i fguyre maybe when i figure out how to t mabye maybe when i figure out how to do that i’l act maybe bw maybe when i figure out how to do wh wm maybe wheni figure out how to do that i’ll write something that doesn’t make me want to **** myself but for now i detes i but forno but for now i detest ever ev but for now i want to stab every sing le but for now i want to strange but for now i want t o but for now i want to strangle every wrod that comes out ofmy ******* ******* useless garbage handss
I Have had a hard life, but so hasent everybody else,
I try to forget the pain, but im afraid of the result going against the grain,i still have to be true to myself, relationships have come and gone, making it hard for life in my lane to just go along with a flow i haven't been able to stay on for so long, honestly i care, but its hard to not be scared, when the reality and truth has been, hidden, forbidden, now were are the people that said they cared?  are they there? maybe im delusional in this world , but everybody makes references and insults and get suprised when ***** pops off in the mist of the air, tell me what it feels like being that kid sitting over there, trust me, ive been there ive done that **** was never fair, but realize those kids end up killed or in jail, dont feel left out, dont set your self to fail, cause they act like punks and claim they get the best *******, but they turn they back on a homie when **** switches, and the watch an chain he wearin aint real, he stole it from that homeless innocent woman with not a dime to spill, so think about it, and let this **** set in, cause i know these words that im spewing ill never be forgettin, people these days have no ******* morals, back in the day there was a way to get along without needing money in ya pocket, im trying to capture every good moment i have, maybd put it in neckless and lock it, hold it tight in my heart, but burn so these hater can never grin at the truth,. they cant **** with my furnance, wich is the root ofmy heart, and ill never let anybody change me or rip my family apart,
this is from my heart how i trully feel, and im not saying people have been though the stuggle, the struggle is real, but theres always a choice and everybody has a destiny to fulfill
epictails Jun 2015
A fire burns
Burns, burns deep in me
It is the hell I wake up to every morning
As I toss the heavy blankets away from my fevered mind
It is the hell that whispers to the cool night
As I beg the nightmares to hush down
It is the hell that envelopes me in a veil of black
As I wriggle away from the grip of depression
It is the hell that cries to the face of my shame
As I curse them back to my losing heart

Oh how it destroys me!
from the tips of my dark, stiff hair
down to my small, weak toes
Oh how it corrupts me!
Like the crown on a mortal king's head
—slow but absolute

Like the call of a savior,
The calm waters called out to me
From somewhere uncharted
From a world other than my own
Asking me to take myself into its arms
To indulge my havoc in its cure
Because that would make me whole again
Because every answer would come
In the pour of its gentle currents
Over the unchanging tides ofmy inner fight
A swift sleep in its remedy would
Drown the fires, keep them out

But I refused
I refused with all the misery
That's left in me
I refuse
Not to give it the satisfaction
But to let myself burn
Burn like the curse of Hades
Burn until my skin bleeds
And the carnal strips become rotten
Become roasted in the torrent of fiery madness

When I become one with the atmosphere
As dark, fleeting ashes in the black night
The remains of what was once frail and human
I'll remember that immense agony
The unforgiving fire
That took me back to where I come from
Cydney Something Oct 2018









And maybe eat ****

— The End —