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Yani Oct 2018
Have you ever stumbled upon a flower,
       next to her, you were seated;
       a gaze you never gave,
       and time passed by just like that.
She didn't bloom as you expected her to be,
       shining under the sun's rays,
       a bud that didn't open -- yet
       existing yet not appealing -- she was just about to bloom.
Have you ever stumbled upon a flower,
       as the sun was setting, you stood up;
       "please wait," she was begging
       yet you never loved her so you left.
The shy flower, yes it's tiny
       no one would pick her, no one was there;
       twenty feet, her perfume travelled;
       it was her time to flourish at night.
You never loved that flower,
       neither picked her petals nor sniffed its scent;
       she ended up saying "I love you,"
       with lost worth, is she the unlucky one?

She was a tender perennial, you unlucky one.
Tender perennial: They take a little extra work, but they are worth the effort.
** la calma di un morto:
guardo il letto che attende
le mie membra e lo specchio
che mi riflette assorto.

Non so vincere il gelo
dell'angoscia, piangendo,
come un tempo, nel cuore
della terra e del cielo.

Non so fingermi calme
o indifferenze o altre
giovanili prodezze,
serti di mirto o palme.

O immoto Dio che odio
fa che emani ancora
vita dalla mia vita
non m'importa più il modo.
Jayne E May 2019
Heady night jasmine fills the air
Cicada rhythm accentuates
quickening pulse and rising passion, as my thoughts drift to you,
this sultry Summers eve
Air thick as cestrum nocturnum
Fills my senses,
solo Ruru call off in the distance,
as my thoughts drift to you,
this Summer eve made for lovers.
Slightest breeze sweeps my skin
with its kisses, delicious, delicious,
I stroll in my garden counting my stars and my wishes,
As my thoughts drift to you,
this hot Summers eve, my darling.
If I could pull you to me now, my sweet,
I would cover you with kisses,
and lay out on your body,
each one of those stars & wishes,
Again my thoughts drift to you, elusive lover,
This unbearable Summers eve in my garden.

J.C. 21/02/2019
** la calma di un morto:
guardo il letto che attende
le mie membra e lo specchio
che mi riflette assorto.

Non so vincere il gelo
dell'angoscia, piangendo,
come un tempo, nel cuore
della terra e del cielo.

Non so fingermi calme
o indifferenze o altre
giovanili prodezze,
serti di mirto o palme.

O immoto Dio che odio
fa che emani ancora
vita dalla mia vita
non m'importa più il modo.
** la calma di un morto:
guardo il letto che attende
le mie membra e lo specchio
che mi riflette assorto.

Non so vincere il gelo
dell'angoscia, piangendo,
come un tempo, nel cuore
della terra e del cielo.

Non so fingermi calme
o indifferenze o altre
giovanili prodezze,
serti di mirto o palme.

O immoto Dio che odio
fa che emani ancora
vita dalla mia vita
non m'importa più il modo.
Hakikur Rahman Oct 2021
The sky was full of stars
Gentle flowing breeze,
Fireflies glow in the dark
Excited mind and heart.

Hoping for the moon
In what tone do I need to call,
In the sweet fragrance of Cestrum nocturnum
The window is widely open.

The sun lean to the west
The game of light and darkness goes on,
The game of clouds is going on in the sky
Time passes by chasing them.

The day covers within the night
Calls across the border,
Swinging in the thirsty soul
A newer appeal.

— The End —