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I need
         Hands to hold,
                 Arms to hug,
                       Words to comfort,
                                  Smiles to lead,
                                              Tears to cherish,
                                                        ­Ears to hear,
                                                           ­   A heart to care.
What about
                                                           ­                             **You...

Faux Naif: falsely simple or naive; feigning artlessness
Raihah Mior Dec 2017
Dalam retrospeksi
minda naif kecilku pernah berimaginasi
memikirkan dunia luar sana yang bagaikan fantasi
hati merontakan suatu kebebasan yang diimpi
namun kini ku sedari, itu semua hanyalah persepsi
seorang gadis kecil yang dahulunya bercita-cita tinggi
masa sudah tiba untuk kembali ke realiti.

Selamat datang ke Kota Korupsi
di mana manusia-manusia bertopengkan syaitan
kehausan kuasa, kerakusan harta duniawi
dipuja, dipuji dan disanjung tinggi
pil penawar pula makanan ruji untuk depresi
tiada lagi tempat mengadu, tempat meluahkan hati
hanya tinggal kata-kata yang kehilangan erti
terpapar di kotak skrin empat segi.

Bangsaku semakin alpa, agamaku jauh sekali
soal halal haram tidak dipertikaikan lagi
hanya topik sembang santai di kedai kopi
bicara hari nanti ditolak dahulu ke tepi.

Dunia yang dahulu semakin pudar
hanya serpihan di hujung sudut memori
masa berlalu terlalu pantas, terlepas dari jari-jemari
sekarang sudahpun tiba generasi baru menapakkan kaki
namun, lihatlah sejarah mengulangi dirinya sekali lagi
selagi nafas belum terhenti
selagi kita belum pergi.
My first actual sajak written for my Penulisan Kreatif class. Not my best work, but I'm genuinely quite proud of it. We had to recite it in class and I actually did it, with hand movements, ****** expressions, intonation, all that jazz (it was even accompanied by a Tron soundtrack hahahah). Basically the poem's just a little commentary on what globalization has brought to the people of my side of town. But I guess it applies to everyone too. The world keeps changing and evolving anyway. What are we to do. *shrugs*
Sana Nov 2014
Your gaze, as brightest stars in Milky Way
Your touch, warmest than sun rays
Your Voice, conch shell rhythm
Afar, yet nearest than ones heart

Your Being, ones shelter in stumble and fall
Cuddled asleep in your womb from worldly bawls

Your helpful hands stretched miles to foes or friends
Subsiding desires, what say of your kindness lent

O' son of Adam! worthy of such swaggering pride in this mud vessel
For as warm as fire for cold friends
Pure as water for their thirst to quench

But then, arrogate; how they call you, agreeing
None but the One revealed this highest being

O' naif son of Adam!
Rewarding oneself with noble note?
As a pharaoh who bestows
Remember the pledge and know the burden bore upon

Think you can repay with what makes you whole?
With all owned fortune, spirit or perhaps your very soul

For what you claim yours, is not even owned
To Him it belongs,
To Him it returns
Masih kubayangkan seperti apa jadinya aku apabila suatu saat aku benar-benar bisa memiliki dia. Mencintai dia begitu dekat. Sedekat tarikan napas dari setiap udara segar yang aku hirup di pagi hari. Masuk ke dalam paru-paru. Kemudian bercumbu di sana.

Benar apabila aku memang sangat ingin bisa memiliki, segala hal yang mungkin tidak pernah bisa aku miliki.
Begitu naif apabila kita sedang belajar mencintai seseorang.
O wajahnya. O matanya. O hidungnya. O pipinya. O bibirnya. O rambutnya yang panjang tergerai jatuh di bahunya. Begitu jelas, hingga mimpi seperti realita.
Dia begitu jelas terlihat. Dia begitu nyata, bahkan kurasakan sesuatu berdetak begitu cepat dan kencang, seperti angin yang menyibak rambutnya.
Senyumnya membuat segala yang hancur menyatu kembali, tetapi tidak, tidak untuk setiap kali.

Aku masih mencintainya, begitulah cinta yang semestinya aku akan katakan apabila memang dia benar ada di sini. Tetapi dia tidak di sini. Dan aku tidak bisa mengatakan bahwa aku mencintainya.

Dia begitu dekat, tetapi juga begitu jauh. Dia jauh dari mataku. Dan dia begitu jauh untuk bisa merasakan perasaanku padanya.
Indonesia, 23 Maret 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Keith Ren Sep 2010
lovers are red
oceans are blue
i love the waters
and they love me too

the neatness of fire
the warmth of the you
the simple equations
i work out for you

the angel numeric
may fit in my stride
this kid in your presence
is hopscotching wide

this naif out of training
has nothing to do
but write little sillies
that may be for you
who knows the difference
between to
and fro
KA Poetry Nov 2017
Sore senja
Rindu akan rumah
Ruang hampa

Kedua mata menatap jendela
Terlihat sepasang burung bersemayam
Saling bersenderan
Memiliki sesama

Cemburu akan kehidupan sepasang burung
Naif kah jiwa ini mengelak dari itu?
Rindu akan hal yang mustahil
Mustahil untuk dirindukan.
10/11/2017 | 19.48 | Indonesia
Diadema L Amadea May 2018
Berikut adalah percakapan antara aku dan aku;

Aku bertanya, apa itu self love ?
Mencintai diri sendiri jawabku.

Bagaimana bentuknya ?
Mencintai dan menjaga diri sendiri.

Bagaimana spesifiknya kalau boleh tahu ?
Merawat diri sendiri baik dari tubuh, pikiran, dan hati.

Bisa beri detail lebih jelas mengenai merawat tubuh, pikiran, dan hati ?
Tentu saja.
Dari tubuh,
Jika engkau ingin mempercantik dirimu tetapi benar benar untuk dirimu. Bukan hanya sekedar konsumsi publik semata agar engkau dianggap kualitas super hanya dari fisik. Maka, lakukanlah.

Dari pikiran,
Oke ini level dua. Sulit.
Kau harus pandai mengolah semua pikiran negatifmu. Cobalah ubah menjadi sebaliknya, rasa takut kau ubah sebagai rasa penasaran menghadapi suatu hal, singkirkanlah logis yang terlalu mengedepankan ego sejenak, ajak pikiranmu tenang lalu coba bawa ia ke tempat yang luas.

Dari hati,
Sulit. Karena mungkin sejatinya sifat tiap kamu kamu itu terefleksi dari sini. Tinggal pilih, mau babak belur mencoba lebih baik atau nyaman di tempat kotor ?
Kalau ini caraku.
Cobalah untuk selalu berbuat kebaikan, banyak orang yang akan sering berkata kamu nanti terlalu naif, munafik. Halah, persetan dengan itu semua. Jalani hidupmu sendiri sendiri, senang itu tergantung kita bukan orang lain. Kita yang putuskan mau senang apa tidak.
Coba lihat, karena apa ?
Ego mereka sulit diolah, atau bahkan sudah diracuni oleh ego sendiri ?
Apapun itu, aku turut berduka untuk mereka.
Intinya berbuat baik, tidak hanya kepada makhluk hidup saja.
Alam jangan dilupakan.
Kau itu sama sama ciptaan-Nya, bukankah kalau saling sayang kita akan selalu tenang ?
indonesia poetry
ophelia Jul 2019
teruntuk bulan Juli,
walaupun aku selalu membenci hujan dan bagaimana air turun dari langit,
bagaimana hujan menghancurkan segala hari-hariku dan lembab tanah yang mengganggu,
dan yang pada akhirnya bulan Juli,
mataharimu bersinar cerah,
dan saking teriknya,
panasmu menusuk jiwa bagaikan aku tidak siap untuk segalanya,
aku jatuh sendirian dan sejujurnya,
aku rindu,
langit gelap dan aroma basah tanah saat air hujan turun,
aku rindu,
kamu memegang tangan eratku pada tengah hujan di kota itu
teruntuk bulan Juli,
maukah kamu untuk terakhir kali menjatuhkan hujan dari langitmu itu?
bukan untuk mengenang hal indah,
tidak, untuk apalagi?
hujan di bulan Juli,
aku mohon,
hanya untuk membasuh semua luka sakit.
rain of july, the monophones
Safira Azizah Apr 2021
Sukab yang naif dan tidak tahu diri,
aku masih hidup dan terpaksa
melayangkan surat ini kepadamu.

Aku mengelayap, mencari jalan pulang dengan nyawa yang sudah tak menempel di badan. Semenjak air bah tumpah ruah dari atas bukit kapur, nyawaku entah tersangkut di mana.

Mengapa aku masih hidup itu misteri. Mungkin karena cintamu yang sialan itu. Idih, menyatakannya saja membuatku mual dan jijik.

Akibat cintamu, hidupku terselaput kegelapan. Tapi lihatlah, bintang jatuh bertebaran di atas gelombang laut dan bayangannya terpantul-pantul, berbinar dan indah. Aku melihat wajahku dan bola mata yang tampak terang di antara kelegaman malam.

Apakah, akhir-akhir ini, batinmu kalut juga, Sukab?

Pemandangan di samudera membuat manusia menerawang jauh ke masa lalu dan sempurna melemparkan pikiran kepada dekapan kenangan. Persis seperti omong kosong yang kau selalu bicarakan dulu.

Bagaimana tentang akhir  hidup? Surga manakah yang sudi menerima kita? Akankah kita kembali atau mengembara lebih jauh lagi? Bisakah kau hitung dan bertaruh dengan dadu tentang nasib?

Aku tidak suka kira-kira,
aku mau jawaban yang pasti.

Jawab aku, Sukab.
Aliya N Raissa Feb 2021
Aku rasa aku naif bila percaya memiliki sepanjang masa bersamamu,
Suatu saat kau akan pergi, hal ini kusadari
Bahkan sejak waktuku denganmu masih terlalu sedikit.

Namun aku tidak mau mengirit, aku mau menghabiskan selamanya samamu.

Hatiku, perih, sendiri
Tertinggal -

Maka aku memintamu, tolong bawalah aku selalu
Kalau tidak,
Aku takut rinduku semakin berat

Sehingga tidak dapat diobati.
gatausih random aja nulis yang gue pikir sambil denger lagu sentimental subuh-subuh ye kan tapi aku kangen aja sama
Bastian M Pop Dec 2019
Sin fermentar el tiempo
desliza su aroma entre
la distancia
nuestros rostros sin florecer

Mi nombre separado por tus labios
resuena acariciante

Recorreremos galerías descompuestas
buscando el mango disonante
catarsis en la desilusión

No somos
sujetando ceniza entre nuestras sin moldear

Desearé entre tus frágiles manos
el miedo acariciar
sin esperar
I have understood my mother in the present weather.
Her colourless, toothless, though contended a smile
Naif, fair, with dappled on face,
Age and height middled
Beautiful, my ‘maa’ she was.

In winter, she caught the ability to forget,
Forget her past, her present.... future-
Everything, but not everything, not me.
I was the nectar if bee she was,
I was the light if shadow was she.

My grey haired mother forgot her grey,
       Grey haired days.
I have seen her cry, when the hell freezes over,
Weep, wrinkle or beam.
I saw her mewl once, in asylum.
Her cry aired her yen, for a
             Monosyllabic moniker ‘maa’
I.... I couldn’t verbalize my core-
I couldn’t address her ‘maa'.

My gratification and vanity eclipsed
My inner voice.
My lips couldn’t move
I never called her, never needed to....
Perpetrator, her overflowing a chalice of love-
Always knew what I needed.

That day, my heart pricked,
                  My maw itched,
         But.... my lips ******.
There she lies wrinkled now ,
Fairer than she was
Brighter than she ever could be
Most beautiful I ever saw.

Her obnoxious soapy miasma pacified me now,
Her perturbing din of needle sticks lulls me,
The absence of her ceaseless mag haunts me now.

I never understood her presence in her presence;
             But now absence absence.
Hour remembers her no more
Nor she me in the last days....

I have understood her now....
Have I understood her yet?
When our loved ones leave unexpectedly, then we remember our morely regret the moments or mistakes which could have been better and more absorbing if we would have been a bit more careful. We even start to miss which we disliked the most about that person.  I wrote poems doing the pen in my own blood. Please read first and let me know your valuable comments.
Germane generic geeky guy
five sixths enroute
to complete lxiv luxurious Earth orbits
experienced chronic, demonic,
physiologically hegemonic...
irritable bowel syndrome
without shadow of a doubt,
yet aforementioned plight
the following lines of poetry
will not be about
problematic posterior plague.

After contemplating discomfort
linkedin with said medical condition,
yours truly realized aftermath
of Hurricane Ian concerning
those who weathered category storm
suffered a fate much worse
subsequently, I took a brief hiatus
typing lines of impossible
to understand questionable verse
challenging proclivity of one
yawping wordsmith being terse

yeah right you probably think
crowning glory upon
mine nonestablishmentarian literary endeavors
hands down majority of anonymous readers
would immediately qualify
his swiftly tailored prolix harried style
unquestionably, obviously, and irreverently
imposing expansive vocabulary as perverse,
no doubt hurling expletive donned curse
at me with every stinging breath they took.

The previous writing endeavor
attached catchy title
at outset intent to brook
unspoken protocols analogous to river,
which overflows banks swallowing
entire metropolitan areas
categorized as biblical flood
believed to occur once
every five hundred year
exhibiting impact greater
than storied facebook
(as personal side note,
said creation a markedly popular

social media platform)
influencing great swaths of populace
allowing, enabling, and providing
user trademark friendly look,
which ineluctably draws innocent naif
into webbed wide world,
where coders fashioned
innocuous virtual pitfalls
many a stalwart devout
online interoper figuratively snagged
courtesy tempting virtual,
lock, stock and withal
ingenious (some might chime in –
nefarious, opprobrious, pernicious...) tailhook.
Ever since a young lad
irritable bowel syndrome
in my humble pinion wracked
lower abdominal area
gurgled and ballooned gastrointestinal tract
(similar to following Colonoscopy preparation
slated for January 24th, 2024
at Phoenixville Hospital)
posterior issuing
vis a vis borborygmus crooning
in tandem and/or subsequent expulsion

eliminates ***** waste
witnessing sprinting to bathroom, this scribe
(against time) and jet propulsion
of sphincter muscles'
spasmodic desperately raced

unpleasant symptom of anxiety/ panic attack
twas a stranger to this rhyme stir,
who now finds himself barrack
cay did, and held hostage, where thoughts
about mooning doth not crack

a smile, or baring derriere tubby more exact
me up - matter of fact
no source of laughter, nada one ha intact
(despite usual presence of chuckles
from this fan of good humor) high jacked

for what seems a maternity leave
from all mothers tub be
thus envision, a bevy of pregnant gals
aching with cramps he
ving (times square of the hippopotamus)
with ****** fully dilated key
ping alert, when mother nature ready
to pull up all stops (via umbilical cord)
to deliver nee,
sans bundle of joy, followed
in quick succession with after birth re:
placental sack, hence
said effort to expel newborn
the closest scenario
experience ill suited to dance
afflicting this anxiety prone
lovely bones, an all expense
paid (seat of the pants)
accursed bane of proletariat grants
no truce to attend finds me
pampered asper this rants.

Germane generic geeky guy
about one twelfth (knight) enroute
to complete lxv luxurious Earth orbits
experienced chronic, demonic,
physiologically hegemonic...
irritable bowel syndrome
without shadow of a doubt,
yet aforementioned plight
the following lines of poetry
will not be about
problematic posterior plague.

After contemplating discomfort
linkedin with said medical condition,
yours truly realized aftermath
of Hurricane Ian concerning
those who weathered category storm
suffered a fate much worse
subsequently, I took a brief hiatus
typing lines of impossible
to understand questionable verse
challenging proclivity of one
yawping wordsmith being terse

yeah right you probably think
crowning glory upon
mine nonestablishmentarian literary endeavors
hands down majority of anonymous readers
would immediately qualify
his swiftly tailored prolix harried style
unquestionably, obviously, and irreverently
imposing expansive vocabulary as perverse,
no doubt hurling expletive donned curse
at me with every stinging breath they took.

The previous writing endeavor
attached catchy title
at outset intent to brook
unspoken protocols analogous to river,
which overflows banks swallowing
entire metropolitan areas
categorized as biblical flood
believed to occur once
every five hundred year
exhibiting impact greater
than storied facebook
(as personal side note,
said creation a markedly popular

social media platform)
influencing great swaths of populace
allowing, enabling, and providing
user trademark friendly look,
which ineluctably draws innocent naif
into webbed wide world,
where coders fashioned
innocuous virtual pitfalls
many a stalwart devout
online interoper figuratively snagged
courtesy tempting virtual,
lock, stock and
withal ingenious scandalous tailhook.

— The End —