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I was doing a little jig down the sidewalk
When all of a sudden
This red, bulbous, obstruction pounced into my field of view
I said, "Whoa, hotshot, cool down"

He/she/it did not reply
"I'm talking to you kiddo
Can you please communicate with me?"
It just sat there staring at me. Why?

You see, hydrants can be little stinkers sometimes
They'll talk your earlobe off one time
Other times they act like a sack of taters
They're just little drama queens

"Meow meow" said the hydrant
I take a look over yonder, than ask the **** target,
"Are you talking to me sir?"
"Meow," it said "I'm not sure I like your tone"

"You must be some sort of mind type hacker dealio
Cracking into my cerebellum, what are you doing in there?
Seriously man! Come on!
You must be going through emotional trauma. PTSD I don't know."

"Calm down buco, let's talk about this
Over a bucket of churned goat milk, I love that stuff.
How's Shirley? I hear she took up crocheting
I respect that"

"Grr, graa, paa?
Me oh my, this reminds me of pick up sticks all over again
Hey look at this man,
If you walk without rhythm, than you won't attract the worm."
I wrote this in a home for the elderly
In the frog world
where amphibians reign supreme  
king toad himself did declare
that all frogs should discard their underwear  

There was uproar in the frog senate
Hoppy came to the podium to say he was not having it
the frogs flapped their webbed limbs
and all did start in unison to sing

Graa grepit we are not having it
how dare the toad king get us to conform
next thing he will want us to wear dresses
then next wear a **** uniform

The gibbering got louder
flies in the vicinity were flounder
as they were picked out of the skies
by angry long tounges precise

So the war was declared
for they would not discard their underwear
and the battle did commence
for frog liabilities forever hence

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

— The End —