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Katrick Pane Feb 2014
When you had everything
In a hypothetical sense, you had nothing.
But when you had nothing
well in a literal sense you have everything
The only things you ever lost
Were all the things you ever sold
You set the price
But somehow you paid it as well
Yet, even after you pay the toll
it still takes a toll
Every time you add to your pile
It subtracts some to form another
So to gain is too lose
But to lose is to gain in some sort of the sense
Even if all you have is cents.
Skyy Blu Nov 2013
He said: ("I know...I'm sorry--I said it would never happen again. He's my boy...and she's your bestfriend. I never meant to cause you pain, I hate hurting you, and Yes! I'm to blame. Oh! My god!, I can't stand to see tears flowing from eyes...that girl, envoked me. She took me by surprise...and now it's to late. I've caused tears to enter your eyes. I know, forgive me! I said never again but, I found myself committing the ultimate sin; against you, the one that i love... You're Gods gift to me from above. I don't know! How i got here--here in this state doing all the things, I love but hate. I used her! Hurt you and him...but my focus is on us... I can't think about them. Please, will you forgive me? Give us another chance...I promise--before God only you will i romance. Look, I love you! You're my bestfriend, my lover, my wife...and when I said I do I meant it for life. I're right, this is my again--but now i really realize that, I can't live wife,my lover,my friend; will you please forgive me and let me back in?:)"

   She said;("I forgive you...that's the easy part--because after the first time; you no longer had my heart. Yes' I know, you did it again and this time with my so-called-friend. Boyyy' I'm not, even mad at you...because this time I did it too. These tears, I cry...I cry for me' They're tears of joy...because I'm free, free to tell you...what you didn't know; while you were out there playing the *****. Yes! We've been on this road before but this time i decided to explore. What! You didn't think that we knew... Oh-yeah! He knew about her like I knew about you. I guess, in short... what I'm trying to say is-that; I left you long before today. I forgave you... a long time ago...I still care but I don't love you no-more. Please don't cry! I never meant to hurt you...Cause you pain, and like you--I promise never to do it again. But unlike you...I just can't stay, this is my goodbye and there's nothing else to say.:)"
Sage Oct 2021
bright mango radiant orange mango slippery in hands mango
melts in mouth mango like your words to my blushing ears
mango is my favorite fruit fruit my favorite food evokes appetite envoked by you
are like a mango
from 2018
WL Schuett May 2018
Mysterious and lunar
Purged of all the
benefits of magic .
She envoked
the quiet ecstasy of
mystical prayer .

A gentle feather lost
in a teardrop .
Temporal words
walked her back
from the edge .

Bloodied by a thorn
from a yellow rose .
Buried deep in the
paltry light
that silhouettes her hair .
Looking at the
soft edge of dawn .
Knowing how much
I’ve surrendered
forever bereft of
the darkness .

I felt the melodies
of faith
and lost her at
the renegade first light .
So religious the fury
of the extinction of hope
beautifully expressed
but slow to comprehend
she handed me a Bible .

I struggle Forth into
the artillery of knowledge
listening to the dark
matter of
crucifixtion music .

Her story moves forward
through the stream
of time on thin ice .
Lost in the pale harmony
of the grandeur
of madness.

She believes she’ll sink
into that ethereal stillness
of Dawn .
I believe her soul will float .
WL Schuett Mar 2019
She was born in a perfect
moment in a garden of roses.
She was always more
North Star than lover .
She grew up in the
watchfires of the mystic .
She envoked the beauty
not given to nihilistic angels
arguing over hell .

The suns first rays
fingered their way
out onto the dusty road
where forbidden love
ambushed me and
held me through my
long season of redemption.

Grace and quietude found
Me then .
In her rapt absorbtion
of prayer, She smiled .

Silent as smoke from
the wood stove .
She was sorrow in
the moon swollen tides
But , She would cry
no more tears .

My hours of creation
reap death from
the lack of true

Tap on my window
knock on my door .
She is the music
of my immortal soul .

With an awkward grace
She finds me in
my shallow creek.
I can say no more.
Noura Dec 2020
the leaves shushed each other on the day we met
and although I was held together by a string which I did not acquire on my own
I vowed to always listen
and so I did
sweet mother envoked a stillness within me
of knowing all shall be well
should I surrender
knowing my rowing does very little to persuade such stubborn winds
I release
truthfully, I do not know if things will end well
or if worlds should collide this time tomorrow
but in both instances I have rid myself of a burden I have shouldered in vain
so in good conscience, I am still
for the first time in a long time
perfectly still

— The End —