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Dark soul Jul 2016
You claim you see through me
but I ain't even made of glass
I built a time machine
so we could eliminate the past
Jake Conner Oct 2013
My lungs are filled with more nicotine

than the average 90 year old pack a day smoker, you see

smoking runs in my family.

And if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that all it takes is a spark,

a spark that always has the best of intentions

a spark that always was meant to help

a spark that’s always to catch a glimpse of the unknown in the dark

and then there’s a flame and an ember and the soft, hollow wheeze of


Entering my newborn lungs because of your newborn stress born out of your

newborn wedding dress.

You just wanted to make sure you looked good.

And you should.

But now my lungs are filled with the toxins of

broken hearts taped back together

tragic love stories, more than I can remember

of men, come and gone,

And more men come along,

one’s who like new kinds of smoke

the kind that involve words like






Or how about illegal?

How about enfeebling an infant to make sure you can pay rent

because you’ve spent every cent of his

child support from your



divorce on




A habit that’s taken over for too long and it’s only a matter of time before I’m…


Because every time I open my lips to breath. To dispell the smoke, the poison, to exhale, to express, my lips are sown shut with your tapping cigarrete

and gossipping nicotine

and looping heart-broken scene I’ve seen more time’s than I can count

And if this is what you’re about,

Always needing a spark

A flame

A ****

A ****.

Or any other addiction that will never last quite long

Enough, I’ve had enough.

There’s a window to fresh air that I now know you’ll never help me reach

but once I get there my lungs will sing gospels of

Love that stays.

Of drug free days.

Of a mother’s loving embrace that doesn’t involve a wheezing spark.
Carrie Ross Dec 2011
the enfeebling mistake
veiled as a no-no
the little miss brazen **** bears the brunt
of what now must be a joke
incoherently fishing about for the juice
indecent glycemic index
meter says 30
profile says 10
or 15
milligrams of the judy blue pastille
no gobs to say about she
but when her jeans genuflect
no tiff
no tease
be a lamb or another even-toed ungulate
and give the poor girl what she needs
jeffrey robin Apr 2014
()    ()
{         <•><•>       }

Pain doesn't harm a person

It is the identification of ones-self as VICTIM that harms a person


(This the name of all political parties )


Most of the seeming LOVE POEMS here are

Designed ( like all political speech )

To hide the initial source of the Violence


The claim that an expression of love accepted by a person
obligates the receiver to return love is a Lie

This -- plus the Lie that feelings of affection
(Mis-labeled Love)
are eternal
combine to undermine the very fabric of human relations
and render our youth infertile both emotionally
and intellectually

Why they are written and displayed is Unfathomable

They are subversive and hateful even if not intentionally so


When the Real Love comes
we act paralysed and confused

we have lost the sense of our own
ability to actually Love another

And cling to the enfeebling notion that we NEED

The ritualistic annihilation of each other is quite sickening
AmbientThought May 2017
Myself I can't easily be
Conscious of self, to enfeebling degree
Mind to mouth gap does ever increase
Thoughts in a language not fit for speech

— The End —