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Stephen Katona Aug 2014
There's a yellow green gas,
You can't see in your glass.
Sometimes you can tell,
It's there by the smell.
It does a great job removing bacteria,
Like Diphtheria,
Or even Listeria.

But what do you think,
Happens to the chlorine in your drink?
I don't want to alarm,
But there's a chance it might harm.
It protects at a price,
Attacking our bacteria that are nice,
And I'm sure it excels,
At killing your own cells,
Forcing new ones to grow,
When a mistake could cause woe.
Some studies have found it an enhancer,
Of bladder and bowel cancer.

Whether old or young,
Do you want it in your lung?
You have the power,
To remove it from your shower.
It's rather grim,
To have to breathe it when you swim.
You're more likely to wheeze,
Or sneeze.

Do you think it will please,
Your inflammatory bowel disease?
Perhaps it's the key,
To why there's Crohns and UC.
Do you think that your skin,
Might become a little thin,
And be filled with dread,
As it starts to turn red.
Can you not feel,
How it's harder to heal?
It makes our tissues grow old,
From what I've been told.
Our cells can only divide,
A few times before they're stupified.

With asthma and chlorine on a map,
You can see they overlap.
Sadly in the West,
Not everyone has guessed,
That there may be a link,
With the gas in our drink.

“But!”, I hear you cry,
“Without it people will die.”
Let go of your dread,
We can use something instead.
The answer is well known,
It's called 'ozone'.
Made from pure water,
It's gone when it reaches my daughter,
Unlike chlorine it's life is brief,
What a relief.

There's many a city,
That make it with electricity,
Splitting water into hydrogen,
And best of all, oxygen!
For ozone is made from O2,
Yes, it's true!
Imagine if you had,
Water with nothing they add.
Already there's Paris and Nice in France,
Where people can dance.
San Diego and Los Angeles in the USA,
Have water that's ok.
And Osaka in Japan,
Now use this plan.
But you don't have to be rich,
To make the switch.
Ask a clever committee,
To stop chlorine in your city.
See if you can arrange,
To have your water change.

I hear you shout,
“Can 'I' get this chlorine out?”
If you leave water in a jug overnight,
What's left will be slight.
Boiling will send it away in the air,
So there's no need to despair.
You can also remove it with a filter,
Or a water distiller.

To learn more have a look,
At 'Question Chlorine' on facebook.
The following are studies that have been done looking at potential links between chlorine and various diseases. They can be found with a simple google search.
1. The association of drinking water source and chlorination by-products with cancer incidence among postmenopausal women in Iowa: a prospective cohort study.
2. Chlorination, chlorination by-products, and cancer: a meta-analysis.
3. Drinking Water Source and Chlorination Byproducts II. Risk of Colon and ****** Cancers.
4. Case-Control Study of Colon and ****** Cancers and Chlorination By-Products in Treated Water
5. Meta-analysis of studies on individual consumption of chlorinated drinking water and bladder cancer
6. Infant swimming in chlorinated pools and the risks of bronchiolitis, asthma and allergy. 
7.Attendance at chlorinated indoor pools and risk of asthma in adult recreational swimmers. 
In 2009, I asked the world to carry out more research looking at the safety of chlorine in the Journal of Medical Hypotheses in an article called:
Step aside tobacco, chlorine could be man's next great carcinogen.
Samir Koosah Aug 2018
Lost between words, buried by thoughts.
Tonight the distiller is dripping moonshine I drown my sorrows in.
The smoke of ****** marijuana mixed with tobacco takes over the gallery.
A handful of souls still awake. One thing in common we all have, the dream of freedom.
Killers, robbers, dealers, here one is no different than the next.
All government merchandise.
With the late hours of the night comes the silence.
As silence takes over, the hypnotic sound of the moonshine dripping from the distiller take one’s thoughts on a journey deep inside the mind.
Little by little the bottle fills up as the mind empties.
It is time the ghosts visit. Time to leave this place with them.
Cruising the known world in my mind. To be with the loved ones, at least on my imagination.
They seem to show up in waves. She is usually the first one. We talk, we dance, take long walks, but is never enough.
There is so much to know about her still.
Then come the friends, family. Eventually some actual ghosts even.
Slowly the moonshine and the writing give place to sleep.
The chance of meeting her in my dreams, moonshine inebriated.
Harpo Rhum Dec 2012
Still like a waters edge.
A sense of no sense and nonsense.
Puddle drunk, a nun to nothing and cross dressing monk.
You cannae hide, seek the tongues that speak.
A riddle of the weak, a bridge that saves both sides from falling away to a mountains edge,
the tiller, distiller lookalike Windy Miller,
converse, adverse no rhyme or reason to build a better will.
Tarryn Nov 2012
Oh she's a wanderer
She's a distiller of souls
You cannot catch her boy
She'll just continue to roam
For she was whisked away
Her mind you tried to hold like a tide
But then you glanced away
And she broke free from your bind

Oh hope, the hope you had
Oh grasp, the grasp you held
Oh life, the life you thought yours
The life you thought there
The life you thought you knew
Slipping and sliding
Life, that wriggly worm
Life, that trickery
It's spun up on you
Gone and done a complete turn

Oh, she's a wanderer
She's a tiller man's child
A mocking bird
Lone and gentle against that sycamore wild
Don't stall her boy
Don't shelter or cramp her style
For she'll fly away
No mockingbird stays still for any length of a while
The Dedpoet Jun 2016
Bridle of desires,
Wing above the storms,
He that steadies the Current,
Lord of my life
Gather me unto You
That these words may be holy
And worthy to praise thee,
Christ, God of my life.
King of Kings
With Your perfection in wisdom
Who rejoices in the little children,
He that is the Word,
Heavenly Shepard
That forms the stars and the skies
With a gesture
Saving those from
The darkness that looms,
Guide me into the Life
As I follow the immortal light,
Merciful One,
Jesus Christ
Distiller of men
Allow me to praise you
Son of God,
Savior of my life.
Ottar Apr 2014
Recognize a feeling, but don't let it lead,
it will turn to want, instead need,
if your heart beats pitter patter, let's get at 'er,
"full speed ahead" cries the fool,
hopelessly already lost,
                                    but what has luv got to do
                                             to get through to you,
love is an engine
of a changed heart,
not a chained part,
of misguided pleasure,
love is not the strongest
emotion even if true,
it has to be pure too.

Love has and always will,
be a void filler,,
a trust instiller,
a faith distiller,
a Spirit infiller.

Luv becomes love,
after the novelty has
worn off and the metal,
of the relationship,
as each,
day the
sun rises,
so do the moments
to show love.
Wrote about something, I was going to put onwordpress, for my NaPoWriMo, feel appreciated, they got the one on Media
Pourquoi de tes regards percer ainsi mon âme ?
Baisse, oh ! baisse tes yeux pleins d'une chaste flamme :
Baisse-les, ou je meurs.
Viens plutôt, lève-toi ! Mets ta main dans la mienne,
Que mon bras arrondi t'entoure et te soutienne
Sur ces tapis de fleurs.


Aux bords d'un lac d'azur il est une colline
Dont le front verdoyant légèrement s'incline
Pour contempler les eaux ;
Le regard du soleil tout le jour la caresse,
Et l'haleine de l'onde y fait flotter sans cesse
Les ombres des rameaux.

Entourant de ses plis deux chênes qu'elle embrasse,
Une vigne sauvage à leurs rameaux s'enlace,
Et, couronnant leurs fronts,
De sa pâle verdure éclaircit leur feuillage,
Puis sur des champs coupés de lumière et d'ombrage
Court en riants festons.

Là, dans les flancs creusés d'un rocher qui surplombe,
S'ouvre une grotte obscure, un nid où la colombe
Aime à gémir d'amour ;
La vigne, le figuier, la voilent, la tapissent,
Et les rayons du ciel, qui lentement s'y glissent,
Y mesurent le jour.

La nuit et la fraîcheur de ces ombres discrètes
Conservent plus longtemps aux pâles violettes
Leurs timides couleurs ;
Une source plaintive en habite la voûte,
Et semble sur vos fronts distiller goutte à goutte
Des accords et des pleurs.

Le regard, à travers ce rideau de verdure,
Ne voit rien que le ciel et l'onde qu'il azure ;
Et sur le sein des eaux
Les voiles du pêcheur, qui, couvrant sa nacelle,
Fendent ce ciel limpide, et battent comme l'aile
Des rapides oiseaux.

L'oreille n'entend rien qu'une vague plaintive
Qui, comme un long baiser, murmure sur sa rive,
Ou la voix des zéphyrs,
Ou les sons cadencés que gémit Philomèle,
Ou l'écho du rocher, dont un soupir se mêle
À nos propres soupirs.
Gavin Clineff Nov 2018
Above our heads, snowly slowly floated to the ground
Pitter patter like creamy batter it sat with a sticky sound
Through the day I'd stand and gaze at this gift
Soaking the silence like a Zeppelin riff
Pound by pound the snow would come with not a bound
Journeying far to its brethren fellows all around

Acting as a caterpillar
Snowly would float like a distiller
Evolving from a great fractalized city
Till it landed and became but one bitty witty
Snowly may not be the greatest thriller
Though it's clear it is the chillest painkiller
James Floss Nov 2017
I think about my Dog
All the time
The omnipotent one;
Maker of Chihuahuas and Bernards;
Distiller of EVERY smell we LOVE to smell
HE who NEVER NEEDS to eat grass.

Oh, Boy, Good Boy,
Why, oh why, don’t we have thumbs?
We can’t open the ***…frigging doors
To answer the NEED of nature!
We can’t even open any food container
Or answer the phone when they are away.

Don’t get me wrong—
I like being on all fours, Dog, stability!
I like my nose knowing and showing!
I LOVE doing it *******:
On a manmonk leg, on the couch, with a bi—
(Sorry, the manmonks think I shouldn’t say that word)

Speaking of manmonks,
Could you help them understand us better?
Don’t they know they STINK?
They take me out to play, yeah!
Then, I bring the stick back not once, but twice, thrice…
That’s just not nice.

And why can’t I EAT all day?

That thing around my neck itches.
And the metal thingies are crazy jangly; but
Thank you, Dog for allowing me to scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch so well.
And lick where I like to lick.
And lick where I like to lick.
And lick where I like to lick.

Oh Dog, dear Dog,
Please hear my lamentations.
Grant me my thumbs!
Let me open the door!
Remove the collar!
And finally use the holy

Can Opener!
Sometimes Starr Jan 2022
"What's the matter honey?
Tap water not good enough for you?"

I see the ***** working.

I'm sliding past the mirror
To adjust
Today's arrangement.

The sharp scent of clove--
Cinnamon, honey and ginger
Will melt her nerves today

I will invite her into my home,
And offer her a glass of Perrier, or Fiji
As I humbly sip
A glass of tap water

She loves that ****.
She will toss back her head and laugh

We'll build our own distiller
And jam out
To punk rock.

I will be subsumed in her
With moans of approval and submission
And she
Will turn her head and ask:
"Uhh, you alright there?"
Courtney O May 2019
The doors have opened wide
in front of my eyes
I see a future bright and scary
I have to step inside

I will never forget the days I spent with you
I won't forget you were the first to see through
I won't forget your sweet love and *** in Berlin
In fact me and my hand haven't so far

But I have to say
it's getting too much to stay
too much pain too much nerves
And I don't want anymore to depend
I feel a peace I can't explain

Can we solve it?
Can we keep on trying?
or is it reckless senseless persisting?
What do I want? I need your body close
Without you I'm an empty box
You are the distiller of my thoughts

But I see, I need this to be
I gave you too much of me
To the point where I would break you
I've got a vision I can't see
But I have to try at least

How to say goodbye
when the gods whisper in your ear
and you still love the guy?
I want to cry in your arms
over this beautiful mistake
will meet you again in another life

What if there is only back to black without
It's not okay using you as my layout
Am I simply entertaining myself too well?
If I do, why do I want to stay there?

I feel vertigo
it seizes my guts
yet I know this is life
what I dreaded for so much
Kurt Philip Behm May 2020
Give me back my kidnapped youth,
distiller of the night

Return the sun from whence it’s gone,
expose this darkened fright

Give me back the future-past,
all memory on the run

Return those days once sold unborn
—to where my joy has gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2020)

— The End —