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John F McCullagh Jul 2014
These empty rooms
devoid of life,
behind a bookcase
in the hall.
This was, for a time,
our home
while the Germans
held the Dutch in thrall.
My wife since dead from huger,
my daughters in a common grave.
I, Otto Frank, the sole survivor.
Is there no one I can save?
Annelise, my dearest daughter,
Miep Gies gave me your book.
The Germans cast it on the floor
without a second look.
Here in your words I find
perhaps not all of you has died.
Here in print your words may speak
for all who suffered, all who cried.
Its small comfort for an old man,
broken, ready for the grave,
but my girl might be a symbol
for all those we could not save.
Otto Frank's discovery of the diary that would become known as the diary of Anne Frank. She would have turned 85 this year had she lived
John F McCullagh Jun 2012
These empty rooms
devoid of life,
behind a bookcase
in the hall.
This was, for a time,
our home
while the Germans
held the Dutch in thrall.
My wife since dead from hunger,
my daughters in a common grave.
I, Otto Frank, the sole survivor.
Is there no one I can save?
Annelise, my dearest daughter,
Miep Gies gave me your book.
The Germans cast it on the floor
without a second look.
Here in your words I find
that not all of you has died.
Here your words may speak
for all who suffered, all who cried.
Its small comfort for an old man,
broken, ready for the grave,
but my girl might be a symbol
for all those we could not save.
A poem about Otto Frank's recovery of Anne (Annelise) Frank's Diary in post war Amsterdam. this is the 70th anniversary of the day he purchased the diary book for her 13th birthday Imagine, in a better world she might still be alive.
Beeb Jan 2018
I don't understand.
Why am I so unhappy?
Is this depression?
Some kind of mental illness?
Or is this how everyone feels?
I don't want to feel like this,
Constantly worrying about how others will think of me,
I can't even do simple tasks.
I can't share my answers in math class,
I can't write anything on the board in Spanish class,
I can't talk to anyone in world history class,
I can't do anything right.
If anyone says something slightly sarcastic or mean,
I want to die.
I feel like a horrible person because of them.
I can't handle talking to anyone except for Annelise anymore.

— The End —