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 Mar 2023 Wk kortas
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

                                           A Dead Bug in the Hospital

Recumbent on a gurney, little to do
Except to wait and think and hope and pray
Not sure where I was in the surgical queue
Above me the fluorescents, where a dead bug lay

We were both quiet, he especially so
I would have asked him how he came to rest
On a panel of plastic; I wanted to know -
He had been blinded by the light, I guessed

I thought of this as I lay in my too-short bed
“You’re in recovery now,” a kind voice said
 Feb 2023 Wk kortas
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

         The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Recognizes Tucker Carlson

                                      And only Tucker Carlson

The First Amendment defends everyone’s views
And does not surrender the nation to Fox News
 Feb 2023 Wk kortas
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

             Honorable Liar, Honorable Liar, Honorable Pants on Fire

If we pay attention over time
We learn about our government this jot:
Lying to Congress is a crime
Lying from Congress is not
 Feb 2023 Wk kortas
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall

                                              On the Consumption of Art

An artist writes about the consumption of art
As if a painting, a poem, a video
A statue in the lobby of the medical center
Were a tin of meatballs and spaghetti

But we do not consume a work of art
Sometimes we almost seem to marry it
Joining art in a sacrament of love
Beyond the velvet ropes of ownership

That which can be possessed can be consumed
But neither art nor love is a commodity
My precious Baby
My wonderful child
My headstrong teenager
Gone radically wild.

My breathtaking grownup
My source of delight
My hope that tomorrow
Makes everything right.

The decades have trebled
My efforts have failed
My key cannot open
The place where I’m jailed.

She’s made me a stranger
To the life she’s created
She claims that she loves me
But I sorely debate it.

She married in secret
I’ve not met her groom
I don’t think we’ll ever
Be in the same room

She says I am toxic
All know I am not
Her shrink is the villain
And ought to be shot.

I live on the outside
And only look in
On the life I created-
A game I won’t win.

I’ll swallow my heartbreak
As I’ve always done.
Still reach for redemption
And settle for none.
Her January visit didn't happen. I was here and she stayed there. And so it goes.  (Yes, I do rhyme sometimes)
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