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Jan 2022 · 90
duke and me
when  i was just lad in my younger day
i had friend called duke we just love to play
roaming through the hills  the valleys down below
all the different places  duke i would go

remember when i bought him he was six weeks old
just a little puppy with a heart of gold
took him home with me gave him love and care
every where i went duke was always there

we had so much fun doing different things
happiness to me duke he always brings
and as  the years past by.  duke was growing old
his eyes began to fade he always felt the cold

then the angels came took old duke away
now in heaven up above he would have to stay
one day i will join him see old duke once more
then we can play again just like we did before
Jan 2022 · 73
my best friend
when i just a kid ma she bought for me
a little  puppy dog to keep me company
he had shiny eyes so i called him shine
now had a friend someone to call mine

we grew up together always there with me
always by my side shine would always be
we  would go for walks together side by side
he was my best friend fills my heart with pride

when ever i was down right there he would be
lay down by my side keep me company
shine he always knew when ever things went wrong
he would comfort me help to keep me strong

he his my best friend and i love him so
i  will love him always and never let him go
Jan 2022 · 65
goldfish rescue
i got a little goldfish won him at the fair
through his little bowl he began to stare
looking straight at me in a bowl that was to small
no room to swim around no room there at all

i took home with bought a bigger home
put the fish inside where he began to roam
bought some little plants put some rocks in to
now his goldfish life had a different view

bought a little friend so he had company
this it made him smile happy now was he
now from a goldfish bowl full of misery
i was glad that day i took him home with me

visit my website to see my video poems
and songs i have written feel free to share,
Jan 2022 · 71
mischief friend
got myself a kitten mischief is her name
to my cheeky friend life is just a game
doing all the things that little kittens do
always make you smile when your feeling blue

she is always happy never ever dull
plays around for hours with a ball of wool
tries to catch the flies on the window pane
they just fly away time and time again

then when she gets tired her eyes begin to close
climbs upon my knee for her little doze
shes my little rock always there for me
without my little friend i just couldnt be
Jan 2022 · 64
my friend shine
i have a dog called shine he reminds of the sun
always makes me smile always so much fun
everywhere i go shine he comes with me
without my little friend i just wouldnt be

take him down beach when the sun comes out
loves to chase his ball running all about
brings it back to me to throw again once more
he just loves to run along the sandy shore

always makes me smile with the fun we share
when ever im with him  my smile is always there
means so much to me. best friend i ever had
every time he is there im never ever sad
Jan 2022 · 83
dover love
i walked the cliffs of dover along the dover shore
memories of you were coming back once more
how we walked together holding hand in hand
underneath the moon we walked along the sand

then it all went wrong you walked away from me
now the love i knew is just a memory
of the way it was how it used to be
before you walked away the day that you left me

i still walk the shore think how it used to be
side by side together when there was you and me
underneath the moon on the dover shore
wishing you were here in love again once more
Jan 2022 · 59
bluebird dream
i had a funny dream of bluebirds flying by
along the cliffs of dover high up in the sky
then they started singing a lovely bluebird song
like a choir of angels as the flew along

in perfect harmony there bluebird song of love
singing it to me from way up high above
every note in tune with a lovely melody
i wont forget there love song that they sang to me

hope i dream again of the bluebirds in the sky
listen to there song as they go flying bye
Jan 2022 · 78
loves gift
love it is a gift there inside of you
there for you to find someone to give it to
when the time is right your heart will let you know
you will feel the love as it begins to flow

such a lovely feeling you will feel inside
when loves about start from it you cant hide
now the time has come when love begins to grow
you will feel its power as love begins to flow

happy ever after you will always be
for now and evermore for eternity
Jan 2022 · 54
start a new
nows the time for thought what you intend to do
21 has gone now its 22
make your resolutions what you want to change
and the year ahead you can rearrange

put right all the wrong from the year before
another year is here start again once more
put the past behind start again a new
then you can do the things you always wanted to

Jan 2022 · 249
hello poetry new year
all the best happy new year
to all the writers that write on here
keep on writing in the year a new
make your readers happy to

keep on writing like the year before
in the year ahead write some more
all the best to all on here
to all the writers happy new year

theres a video you all should see
for you all made by me
i will send the video link
then you can tell me what you think
Jan 2022 · 84
happy new year
happy new year to one and all
hope you really had a ball
fireworks to light the sky
watch the old year pass on by

welcome in the year a new
see what it holds in store for you
make it happy go your way
as it starts on new years day

happy new year all the best
old years gone and put to rest
start again start a new
make your dreams all come true
Jan 2022 · 54
love boat
theres is something in my mind i always long to do
build myself a boat and sail away with you
each and every shore all across the land
with you there by my side holding hand in hand

sail around the world on a sea of blue
on the boat i built together just us two
happy ever we would always be
you  i and together on the deep blue sea
Dec 2021 · 60
we are all the same
we are all the same no matter what the skin
its a mixed race world that we all live in
we all have a heart and have feelings to
a world that we can share for every me and you

skin is just a color that is meant to be
inside were all the same to live a life thats free
we have love inside that is there to give
a world that we can share where we all can live

no matter who we are no matter what the race
we all live together the worlds a great big place
no discrimination should there ever be
the world is there to share with a lifes that free
Dec 2021 · 146
music love
everyone loves music its good for the soul
it can make you happy make you feel so whole
it can make you dance it can make you sing
happiness and joy music it can bring

lots of different genre for all the world to play
country. soul.and pop musics there to stay
songs that lift you when your feeling blue
let the music play is all you have to do

all around the world it keeps the world alive
it can make you happy help the world to thrive
makes you want to dance makes you want to sing
happiness and joy it will always bring
Dec 2021 · 53
sometimes we say sorry when were in the wrong
just little word but powerful and strong
sorry means for give me a special word to say
just a little word thats not hard to say

helps you to regret helps to ease your mind
things that you done will put it all behind
just a little word letters they are few
and it means a lot when it comes from you
Dec 2021 · 58
another year
what does the new year have in store
will it be any better  than the year before
is the past dead and and  gone
now at last can i move i on

make a change and start a new
make my dreams all come true
i will have to wait see what as to be
what the year ahead holds in store for me
Dec 2021 · 71
beatle tribute
i remember when the beatles began there road to fame
everyone around the world new the beatles name
john paul george and ringo they became the band
known around the world each and every land

started at the cavern all those years ago
became an household name everyone would know
with the mersey sound and the mersey beat
makes you wanna shout puttung dancing in your feet

now they are a legend though some have past away
there name will last forever in our hearts will stay
songs of john and paul who had such a gift
songs we will remember that gave the world a lift
Dec 2021 · 96
my white cat
i have a little cat as white as white can be
my furry little friend means the world to me
he has bright blues the color of the sea
makes me feel alive sets my spirit free

always makes me smile when he begins to play
when im feeling blue he takes my blues away
he is always happy never ever dull
loves to play around with a ball of wool

rolls it round for hours rolling two and fro
grabs with his claws  and in the air will throw
then when he gets tired he looks straight at me
then a little hop jumps up on my knee

i sit there and stroke him as he begins to purr
the falls fast asleep as i his stroke his fur
i just love him so he belongs to me
best friend in the world there could ever be
Dec 2021 · 61
another year
pretty soon the bells will ring
another year they will bring
time for resolution time to make a change
a new year lies ahead that you can rearrange

make the year different from the one before
another year ahead start again once more
change it all around last years  dead and gone
the past is in the past make your life move on

search for all your dreams and your wishes to
do the best you can to make them all come true
you can make it happen if you want it to
another year is waiting.  ready there for you
Dec 2021 · 56
come back and stay
when i hear love song it brings you back to me
how we were together how we used to be
i listen to the words what they have to say
especillaly the ones  please come back and stay

i fill with emotion from it cant hide
your still here with me  still there by my side
cant get over you no matter what i do
when i hear a love song all i want is you

listen to the words and the melody
just how much i love you what you mean to me
i fill up inside when the song begins to play
like the words in the song please come back and stay
Dec 2021 · 155
robin lullaby
i heard a robin sing in the winter snow
his lovely christmas song that gave my heart a glow
sticking out his chest when the notes got high
as he sang to me his christmas lullaby

every note in tune with a lovely melody
made me feel so happy set my spirit free
i wont forget that day or his lullaby
something i will remember till the day i die

when his song was over in to the air he flew
way up high above in the sky so blue
i gave a little wave as i said goodbye
as i said thankyou with a teardrop in my eye
Dec 2021 · 74
angels in my dream
i had a dream of angels in  my dream last night
flying all around with there wings so white
way up high above where the angels stay
with there angel harps the began play

a lovely angel song they all sang to me
my heart began to melt to there melody
i sat there and listened  began to sing along
joined in with the angels sing there angel song

when my dream was over my dream began to fade
i still hear the song that angels played
when i become an angel i know where i will be
singing with angels the song they sang to me
Dec 2021 · 232
what you will
we are given life to do with what we will
it can be a ball and give you such thrill
make you fall in love  when love comes along
you will hear the sound of loves favourite song

it can make you happy make you dance and sing
if you treat life right it will bring you everything
it is there for you at your beck and call
all things in life you can have them all

all it takes is you which way it will go
there inside your mind only you will know
treat life with respect it will respect you to
everything in life is waiting there for you
Dec 2021 · 70
covid curse
why cant covid go away once again it wants to play
omicron to make it worse bringing back the covid curse
get the boosters  leave some space
where a mask upon your face

rules are here we must obey
keep your distance stay away
will they ever find a cure
or make more jabs cause there not sure

until then we must wait
let the covid decide our fate
hope that one day it will mend
get rid of covid in the end
Dec 2021 · 74
everlasting love
everlasting love is the best love of them all
it will never fade and never ever fall
there for you share now and ever more
to last eternally thats what love is for

a love between two people that makes two hearts entwine
everlating love is a love divine
stays for ever true  for eternity
everlasting love is love thats meant to be

it will stay for ever and never ever fall
everlasting love is the greatest love of all
Dec 2021 · 56
live as one
lets bring the world together when the new year starts
let us give some love open up our hearts
make the world we.  live in  just a loving place
for each and everyone no matter what the race

hand in hand together across the whole world through
a new year lies ahead lets start again a new
let us live as one forget the days gone by
we can live in peace if we only try
Dec 2021 · 54
loves wonder
love is such a wonder that everybody knows
there inside your heart it just grows and grows
fills your heart with happiness makes you feel brand new
each and everyday your a different you

makes your life so different instead only you
when you find your love life is there for two
each and everyday love grows even more
gives you such a feeling you never felt before

happy ever you will always stay
with a love so true that will never fade away
Dec 2021 · 99
twenty two
you can change your life in the year of twenty two
theres a brand new year waiting there for you
make a brand new start.  get what your searching for
lots and lots of thing you never had before

all the things you wanted are waiting there for you
there for you take  make your dreams come true
you can make it happen if you want it to
change your life around in the year of twenty two
Dec 2021 · 64
twenty two
you can change your life in the year of twenty two
theres a brand new year waiting there for you
make a brand new start get what your searching for
lots and lots of thing you never had before

all the things you wanted are waiting there for you
there for you take make your dreams come true
you can make it happen if you want it to
change your life around in the year of twenty two

all your dreams and wishes are waiting there for you
it is up to you to make them all come true
change your life round from the year before
you can make it happen in the year of twenty two
Dec 2021 · 56
new year
christmas nearly over new year on the way
time to start again with a brand new day
what is done is done in the year before
start the year ahead a new year here once more

things you always wished for are waiting there for you
it is up to you to make them all come true
mistakes that you made you can make them right
make the year ahead happy and so bright

the past dead is and gone and a new year lies ahead
and the year before you can put to bed
start again a new start again one more
make your dreams come true and all that you wished for
Dec 2021 · 55
people knew
people they all told me you were no good for me
said you were nt the girl that your supposed to be
i just never saw.  the writing on the wall
and in love with you i began to fall

you just lied to me said you loved me to
i just didnt see what other people knew
i fell  for it all i believed you
when you said you loved me not single word was true

with your cheating ways you made a fool of me
and the you inside i just didnt see
people they all told from the very start
you were no good for me would only break my heart

i just never saw the writing on the wall
and in love with i began to fall
everbody knew we werent meant to be
the otherside of you i just didnt see
Dec 2021 · 61
how many roads
how many roads must t travel to find my way to you
hold you in arms start again a new
put right my mistakes put right all the wrong
all i want is you home where i belong

i miss all things that i used to know
all the different places where we used to go
i will search for ever to get you back with me
in love again once more like it used to be

im still in love with you i cant let you go
love you even more that you will ever know
wont give up on you till the day i die
all i want is one more chance another chance to try
Dec 2021 · 56
miss my sis
merry christmas sis though your so far away
in heaven up above where the angels stay
miss you everyday not a day goes by
that i dont remember when there was you and i

all the fun we had times we used to share
each and everyday i wish that you were there
i will love you alway till the day i die
with my angel wings to heaven i will fly

once again together you and i will be
with the sister that i love.  that means so much to me
flying side by side in the sky so blue
happy once again now im there with you
Dec 2021 · 394
road of life
life it is a long road one that we must take
decisions they are there ones that we must make
each and every bend has a different turn
which way is the right one. something we must learn

each ever corner leads a different way
lead you on the right track.  or take you miles away
its the road of life one where we all go
where the road will take us we just never know

its a road we travel that just has to be
what is round the corner we just never see
we must  learn to cope what ever comes along
a long and winding road we have to drive along
Dec 2021 · 57
angels birthday
happy birthday daughter merry christmas to
in your home so far away in the sky of blue
up there with angels in heaven up above
miss you everyday and send you all my love

when my time as come and im an angel to
christmas and your birthdays i can spend with you
united once again.   like we used to be
flying side by side together you and me

a poem for my partners daughter
Dec 2021 · 46
christmas day is here
today is christmas day with presents by the score
lots of christmas wrapping spread across the floor
children with there smile as wide as wide can be
saying to each other look what santa brought for me

lots of sweets and chocolates they just love to eat
hanging in a stocking for there christmas treat
family gather round for there turkey roast
with a glass of wine to make there christmas toast

all the children happy as they play away
having lot of on there christmas day
Dec 2021 · 40
you never change
just a picture that hangs in the hall
just hanging there on the wall
i gaze at that pictur day after day
and you never change in any way

then that picture seems to make smile
i stare and cry for a while
then im left feeling blue
with that  picture of you
you never change in anyway

then that picture preys on mind
brings memories of the lonesome kind
then my visions fade away
leaves my life a lonely day
and you never change in any way
no you you never change in anyway
Dec 2021 · 40
angel on my tree
theres an angel in my house upon my christmas tree
beneath the christmas lights i see her watching me
with her big blue eyes and her angel smile
i sit there and gaze and watch her for awhile

such a lovely feeling that she gives to me
although she just angel on my christmas tree
when i go to sleep  i dream that she is there
there inside my dream flying every where
Dec 2021 · 82
santa mishap
santa had a mishap on a christmas night
climbing down a chimney while the fire was alight
santa singed his beard and his long white hair
he called out for help not a soul was there

santa being santa he just carried on
even though  his beard and hair had partly gone
he still had his presents in his santa sack
and beneath the tree put them in  a stack

santa left a note saying he had been
and the fire hazard santa never seen
from that moment on santa used the door
as fars as chimneys go never went down them any more
Dec 2021 · 58
how it began
christmas it goes back to many years a go
it started with a star giving off a glow
there were three wise men following the star
in the sky above shining from afar

they had heard a story of a child who would be king
and  to all mankind love and peace would bring
they travelled through the night with the star above
find the child they heard of that would fill the world with love

there lying in stable a tiny baby lay
he was fast asleep lying in the hay
they had found the saviour who gave us christmas day
born in bethlehem many miles away

thats how christmas started or so the story goes
a story that we believe in that everybody knows
Dec 2021 · 52
when the snow falls
when the snow is falling it looks really nice
then when you go outside its as cold as ice
everthing around you is just a sheet of white
spreading all around lighting up the night

christmas trees stand tall reaching for the sky
catching all the snow flakes as they go falling by  
everything so peaceful tranquil as can be
that time of the year we all like to see

christmas time for all time for us to share
time for giving love each and everywhere
makes the world we live in seem a better place
fill of happiness a world we all can face
Dec 2021 · 60
country boy
i was just a country boy in memphis tenessee
where i was born and raised home sweet home to me
working  night and day in a country bar
singing country songs playing my guitar

try to earn a dollar so that i could pay
for an hotel room somewhere i could stay
didnt have much money just a song or two
me and guitar that help to get me through

singing to the folk with a country song
try to earn a dollar try get along
working day and night my guitar and me
in the place where i was raised in memphis tennesee
Dec 2021 · 71
stolen love
love can lead you on steal your heart away
heartbreak and tears is the price you pay
all your skies turn when your skies were blue
love that you once had stole away from you

everything empty lonely and so bare
gone now has the love that was once there
time will heal the pain. restore your heart once more
you can learn to love a again just like you did before
Dec 2021 · 104
san quentin
sang a song in san quentin along side johnny cash
we played a song together at prison christmas bash
got the whole jail rocking when we began to play
singing johnnys songs they danced the night away

they began to clap when he sang his prison song
song about sanquetin they all sang along
having such a ball at the christmas bash
danced the night away to the songs of johnny cash

made me so proud that i was there that day
along side  johnny cash we began to play
dancing all night long on the prison floor
having such a ball shouting ot for more
Dec 2021 · 82
if we had
if we had christmas everyday how nice the world would be
we  would be so happy the world would feel so free  
nothing else but happiness every single day
troubles and the worries would seem so far away

children would be happy playing on there sleigh
happy and content with nothing else but play
happiness and joy every single day
wouldnt it be nice for the world to be this way
Dec 2021 · 47
i had a dream of angels flying way up high
in there home in heaven high up in the sky
with there big white wings lighting up the night
each one had an halo and a gown of white

they sang an angel song with a lovely melody
playing on there harps they sang a song to me
everthing so peaceful gentle and so calm
quiet and so still filled with so much charm

i wont forget my dream of the angels in the sky
when i get my wings to them i will fly
i know i will be safe with a life thats free
once again the angels will sing there song to me
Dec 2021 · 100
santa visit
i took a trip to lapland to visit santa claus
to his great big grotto with great big wooden doors
watch him stack his toys on his wooden sleigh
in his home in lapland so very far away

i looked through the window santa he was there
lots and lots of toys stacked up everywhere
he got a great big sack filled it up with the toys
lots of christmas presents for all the girls and boys

now i believe in santa and all that i have seen
and a santa claus there as always been
now when christmas comes he will visit me
i know that he his real i have been to see
Dec 2021 · 66
my friends dog
my friend she has a dog it not very old
it his rather odd shivers when its cold
he as litttle legs so he cant get away
even in a draught he will shake all day

she should buy a jumper and little hat
that should fix the problem put a stop to that
put him in room that as no draught at all
leave his jumper on then of to sleep will fall

put a blanket on him to warm his little feet
his shivering will stop now he has some heat
Dec 2021 · 60
drunken santa
jingle bells jingle bells santa lost away
he had been out drinking on the drink all day
couldnt see his way cause it eyes were blurred
wobbly on his feet and his speech was slurred

santa got arrested locked up for the night
he was drunk and driving serverd poor santa right
in the morning he was sober  police gave him back his sliegh
he was just hungover and continued on his way
hoping he would make it with presents christmas day
Dec 2021 · 63
santa came
santa came to see me on a christmas night
stood there at the door with his beard long and white
invited him inside made cup of tea
he sat by the fire sat right next to me

then the dog came in jumped on santa claus
scratching poor santa with his big long paws
dog was just excited with santa sitting there
with his big white beard and his long white hair

he had only called  with the last present on his sleigh
it was the doggy bone to chew on christmas day
next time santa comes i will lock the dog away
in case with santa claus he decides to play
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