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Unknown May 2018
i have offically given up
on hope

and that,
everything will be okay.

because i have been praying for too many years now,
and i have yet to see results.

when will my time come when i will finally be happy?
With myself, my family and life.
to those who have been hoping and praying for too long and nothing has changed.
Unknown Apr 2018
no one bothers to ask if you are okay,
if you are feeling sad.
no, they just say
"why are you always sad?"
"stop being so sad all the time, you're making me feel down!"
they say with a snicker.
no one bothers to care why I am sad,
they just look at me with disgust and walk away
even my own friends
even my own family.
no one bothers to help when I am reaching out for a hand,
when my demons are drowning me.

n o
o n e
b o t h e r s

to help a broken soul.
to those who feel as though no one cares about their emotions. to those who simply need a helping hand.
Unknown Nov 2017
i fear of falling,
falling for the wrong person
that may end up shattering my heart.


every time i look at you
i think
maybe falling wont be such a bad thing,
after all.
Unknown Nov 2017
Welcome, Anxiety.
you come in uninvited and make me feel ignited
with the thought of terror, i think there may be an error.
Anxiety! Anxiety! are you sure you entered the right home?
i push you out the dome, yet you still find your way in.
please leave me alone, Anxiety.
i feel like im going insane, its putting me in pain.
my eyes close and i feel you leave my home.
"ill be back tomorrow," you said. "sleep tight, little one."
i weep as i await your visit and now i dread,
every single day
of my life.
to the people who suffer from anxiety every day of their lives.
  Oct 2017 Unknown
When you read these words that I write
You are literally entering my mind
The thoughts that I go through
The things that I experience
The feelings that I felt
Welcome to my life
  Sep 2017 Unknown
Some things are inevitable
Now there are two ways you can handle it
You can either accept it and move on
Or you can give up and let that decision be your
Unknown Sep 2017
your ghost still lurks and i swear i can still feel you.
im in pain, i dont know what to do. i swear im going insane.
i hear your laughter, footsteps and presence but youre nowhere to be seen.
nothing has been the same since youve been gone.
dads gone mental,
mum isnt gentle, shes turned judgemental,
brother has lost the humour and is the consumer of loneliness,
sister lost the fierceness within her, while trying to forget the mayhem that happened when you left this earth.
you were the gem in our lives and we were oblivious to that, but now that youre up in the sky chillin' with God - we miss you more than ever.
you were never the villain in our lives, but its hard living without you here.
i dont need no pity, just these written words make me understand that youre gone.
we've drawn the line, we've come to the conclusion.
i just want you to know that,
you were the gem to our lives.
this is dedicated to my grandpa and my dog. they both unfortunately passed away and they both played a huge role in my life.
i love and miss you both.
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