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Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
One week before first day
By a dream i was awaken
fourth wind in the garden
By the will of might made.

How long to sleep i asked
Thousand years did pass
In blink of the eye not yet
To be has done told open.

Ages of time none to tell
Nor even out to compare
dated a mean to moment
Of had the second to take.

Counted sixty of like steps
another on fingers of hand
O clocks facing to express
Within minutes hour made.

That comes to be for last
Of second in minute held
hours last minute the day
Day by we how a blessed.

Day of world to never end
Since sun a match lighted
At a spark across in black
Finger of the hand apointed.

Palms closed bit of matter
Havin time pressed against
Globe be a shape of velvet
Turn to collect all its made.

Records rolled like pictures
Captured its all found afate
World round of sun written
Of all proud and so as great.

Once the set be come to as
And history of lives to cast
Parts of heroes and villians
To come to see and conquer.

As once the end be to have
The worlds corners ashape
A king and hero and lovers
Every to come to be a man.

Of brave the wild bein fate
Hands of clocks hear clap
Claping the suns every ray
To soul to watch it together.

Projected on black canvas
First row seated old paint
History starrin a premiere
That 15 minutes of fame.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
Little bird if you may see
Me wave the heavens be
Call you a sparrow may i
Find near a moment one.

By close suit the seemed
Scarf red was man gently
To know as none else but
Rain among spring a love.

But a man was lost of him
Selves others mention be
What appreciated as heart
Kindest of nothing as kind.

In may of one it was endin
Junes cats play those field
Crops moving after mouse
Seen of cats havin a night.

Little bird on my left tweet
Bluejay of white the gray if
Cares a mind come to one
Careless a sound to sound.

Said to call a friend i wish
I know a wanderer indeed
Blessawings interested by
I was and he is no suprise.

Just a borrow one spring
Day and one summer see
Up if different from above
And watch go insight out.

As two days not as many
much askin a fellow seek
To walk as man as proud
Two days of twoest night.

Dear a friends entchanted
To trick the spells of witch
Broom be thing of scandal
Wondered a friend dont lie.

After days two a man lived
One happy swallow you be
As it rose in instant and by
Able to tell of what tell not.

Thought some made keep
The offer she to friendship
Walk the deal what she fly
To come as long a land by.

Comes back you screamed
You stupid a sparrow to be
What nor bluejay left to sky
Disturb the sleepsjoy heart.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
So i sing the blues
I sing as i should
they say, so i sing
For devil to care.

Song i sing for you
To learn to tell
Right from wrong
Good from bad.

So i sing the blues
All that overheared
Or misunderstood
The heart concerns.

Song i sing for you
To mind to hesitate
For as bad in love
I am as good in hate.

So i sing the blues
Of last good man
As told from news
I do know better

Song i sing for you
Making you wonders
For the heart in due
Please handle with care.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
If you would see her there
Wont you say hi from me
Tell her i am doing okey
That im doing alright here

No honey i am not sad
In fact i wasnt for years
Okey once truth be said
Maybe i am a little bit.

If she wouldnt remember
Please dont remind me
Yea i stole that from dylan
:Remembered n reminded.

And no im not a bad man
Or least trying best to be
Every night i say a prayer
Alright maybe five a week.

The same roads and ways
greeting men on streets
Drink only beer and no else
Think would be proud of me.

Please see if long is her hair
if warm coat for cold wind
Yea i stole that from dylan
The hair and the phetamins.

If you would see her there
Wont you say hi from me
Tell her i havent changed
Still dark corners a shy kid.

Still havent find my place
Thou i really enjoy looking
Wrote a song a while back
It goes something like this

Goes like north country fare
Where girl of the boy to live
You can close the dylan case
I have confessed everything.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
Everyone suffers but not alls suffer suits. If you must sufer, nothings worth of more glory and respect than injustice with no cheeks left to show not clothing to give with coats and bread to break with, i have given you the best of me and i cant think of no one better to have it. Stay out of trouble.

I too thought it to like me what never and none the way it use you been used and i am glad to be counted by among them the humble and the meek to gladen in green fields led once the orphants inheret the world to be wild again and gentle.

Once some repay the due for every tear that overflood the glass once the wicked sun saw each and every of few brothers not brother in deed nor word nor heart do yet in all three will repay hundred folds of they done long after admiting they never should. That broke my heart and left it to fate to fix to never trust to who known as the brothers of nothing and fathers to never and sons to nowhere to go for death a question of honor as for the forest to green when burn or leave to ash to gray without will a wind to care to add to the dirt  from under his nails he carries out to find a reason and be of help not helped, abonden all hope you who enter gates of no one minded to name told

welcome hopelessness and crulty a laugh of a joke on who wasted a time and prided in ****** success of no use but of other of what matters then fear  and power they dumbed of feared to loose like a dream to wake up, for grace let them sleep and rain a lot to rain through and seeds to have a use and find rest their soul a way to dream and dream on like the weeds of meadows fated the fools pay to owe to one of the one horse towns rabbits and cows and goats
to eat like them before in the name of sure same a clue or similar mean not remembered.

Eversince the while is forever and golden age where it rained sweet and in mud was made love and children cherished to hide a piece in their palms behind their backs like a treasure making man laugh kind as gently as the picture of our god we been made to be and woman to mind to their hands to take to wash and to explain why and how very beautiful they did. Pain is a lesson of poor. The rich in god teach kindness of loving the sinner and call upon brother till he might, to answer not the question, do you love god?! But to ask to forgive for free is done and made by a breath of a word who minded to take a risk of a knife in a back of a heroe from nothing but a coward would and got left in cards to be far from friends worth or any name worth living and hard to be and to known by in strange land of certain but forever what always and men
To take responsibility for their action whatever cost to god.

Man enough to stand on the mountaintop to be close to dare yet apologize for to the mountain to greet an old friend as few that recalls that silence that smell of hope the language of gods ear never heared speak a man whatever means to not say is meant yet more unsaid for the view their soul given green and brown and did bold and asked to be strong as every color of laughter by childrens mind and voice to flawless like the proof in heart no longer needed recalls the thoughts as far they reach to be better than to be best in matters good faithful.

and spoon we weightin on the way downward in bound to the way of ages go and many mountains to climb to greet to tell the year we found to be as called in favour in mens hearts put to wake up with like a mountain is to the country and whats more to mens trust like in stone printed rule the love fated to last till the gates to reach they call beautiful and our names we are and souls yet to meet and the truth! him to see his face and her in love   to cry a kiss on its scareless hands and you to havin bowed

Cared to careless to become as god to found and nothing else no longer matter compared yet matters no less. Said me to have care enough to give and love that loves like a dog dumb to hatin and deaf to threats of foolish and blind to attemps of anything but friendship, of any but friends.  

"Because little folk in nowheres of middle and from all far not understanding nothin, how could?!" Your answer to the sunflowers of the fields in voice as turned to finish pointed to the sun that didnt notice and knows no more than and cares far less. And we laughed with all that hearts then near to and appreciate.

Id say this salt still has a taste to your food to be, if eatin of hunger to feed and taste to feel to know by the chairs and the table to sit or stand near by or together on its feet like a song or time lended an ear, if its the teacher you wish to hear, the good news be, still. Land made by god a home of man a kingdom too as the kings is, so the love to thank you in heart a full for you heared those without voice and learned to speak from and spoke to as  to beggars begging a meal promised to find to hear for two once and speak for three again and sit with the gods. Asked the one without bag to allow me to dress anew in silk and gold and velvet once, if to believe to dare a promise of a man that told you, you shall.

Of sun be made and made to suit a smile it made so many of a smile not fated. And for that and that alone there was to hear the sky spoken of its beloved son its well pleased in.

Called on children for man to be not young but younger that age easily found of beggars charming the mud holy to eyes that can for heaven to learn them to teach from to ask for two and to expect none of the cold to near and those in pain to bring to compare winter with misary of the poor to meadows to root in the great garden and flower for god as beautiful as laughing if allow to be what all it takes to father a bliss a miracle be of children to art.

What whispers quickly called the man of god and him who pointed at to be who said the words its given in a promise them all their hearts all they want to once to give had say to realize having the power just realized and laughing brought the kingdom among them all waitin to happiness a smile a reason to hope enough to make a man sing the song of heavens till.

Twice to greet and three times to ask to make sure to believe a brother and what our home.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
Little i know about love
As blind the dark
Is blinding the light.

When her hair touch my shoulders, i dont mind.

Im fine. I swear. In these
darker lonely nights, my roots had found acceptance.

When she rest her head in my arms, i dont care
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
Water under the bridge and me
How knowledge turn banal missing verbs and dots from wisdom called absurd like time because of watches late when neither knows the right answer to be, i dont know. instead of eating poison just because starving, to throw a coin out of reach, like promise without words to keep like words without truth pointless like the journey without destination, youth without home, without roots not tree but a platation nor a name to keep to keep to care for, but a spring and summer, like the finger that pointed handed saying blessed and holy for hundred folds is told god to repay what isnt and should must. The careless ones that care too much to act or advice. Like the ones knowing the most speaking the least. First one can teach to cry one must learn, like to worry for a concern, bad for good. Like an excuse instead of an answear   of all the questions due, and then i hear: anythings better than hemlock, sounds to me like crosses seem some left behind in gones unwilling or unable or foolish, but not foolish to as love but more to hate as intentionless so godful one, as godles the other. Not as hope that doesnt believe but faith that doesnt hope, like the scars and the wounds like lions and pride like storm rains time that comes in soon is the time that went after time from time to went to come to you and me and you and me to come to care for, careless and carefull like about the rainbow we used to, once talked in thunders and birds screams and the field roads of passway  rocks fallin in mountains under the beatin of hooves of fate free and reason and language and time of salvation a dream we dream about and inviolet heaven a bedlike welcome awaitin all them men of all them boys whose love loves better than mens more than a son a father and father son to home how we greet is what gives that name to that house of great our fathers and our fathers god we too dare to bother to seek  our pay with a dream to awake from once our stomach fed not starving for morrows to die in but days to live close and as humble as honest the heart of the heart we call soul gave a think and roads enough to name one a wanderer indeed wandered and wishesh wished at star fall and prayers whispered to the safe of his palms for fools call foolish every time and for gods call theirs unlike men once therefore always like the said spoken a beggar begs the landlord a meal we beg your charity to grant us you already granted like the landlord the spring and responsibility to brother and duty in disguise every now and then with a new story to end and to sing about like a dove with broken wing, sheep without shepard and voice without sound and silence like god to stay unknown for all  to have to think of, like air like love we breath every breath a scent of instinct an inspiration to know better like heart beats beatless and unknowingly like all we forget but remember. Like all we pass be dying, and all we do and say to mind to dont matter yet to matter like to think to think twice, how many wrongs it takes for a right, as wars to battle to peace and roads to step to meet, tears to cry to see a brother and thorns to a king and kingdom and its dom to heaven get near of far already had come, did never leave nor left like the sun the day and yes a question to not  answer like today tommorow is and yesterday never was as long is cohen writin hallelujah like davinci paints mona lisa, still the beggar asking for a slice is the least, always.

Sometimes i think of water sometimes of the bridge. His wisdom is wise but not profound but ultimate, its emotion like music does to soul to embrace but not hold to kiss for but the cheek to know like love to never give yet never take, speak when spoken, to laugh and without a reason to have a reason many times for rivers to move alike free to run out or walk away just two of the poorest choices of transport, as to get insulted or insult a choice to decide for controll being out of yet free to have a share in meal but not in the song, just as the worda have meaning so do they have reason, which he built his life its laws and gods and decided to be in controll and be free like to do and have done to perfect to complete, he understood we go in morning where we say before night, people are never as sick as they say nor is it ever as bad as it seems or good as one thinks when thinks right never as wrong as never wrong when thinks. Knows only thinks. Doesnt think knows. Before mind a word to speak to cross silence like time to call out to question its patience  to deeds to get done never heared say more than at times havin nothin to say what to pay a privilige to hope or death, door or key, nerves or lack of focus to blame hearts dont listen locked, and before the last dies, so does the week after the last day, so the hope we hoped in was everywhere around, while we called it death where we never been what we could have been drunk and travel with song and the boys a wicked a smile to cherish and band to one word instead like devajah, and with devajah life saved, eternity granted and by stars be shining and falling and devajah to blind to see, by making them look, lame to walk by forgiving the ways of sins and sinners for sake of love asked to part from evil.  

Sometimes i think to drown, sometimes to learn to swim, sometimes to set sail i think to have somewhere to sitq The idea of control is to not have it just as the hunger the strive of soul that searches with knowledge of only known to dont know and free will is only it takes to find it, therefore to find the path that turns to understanding and wells by green lakes with swan and benches and shores to turn inward full of kindness and waterwalls all as welcoming as the surface that echoes every leaf every drop and seed of poppy in one whirl of will at hand of might and on tip of my tongue the reason of able to sense the pain the cause of mistake a lesson in every mirror i see after suddenly like to recall a trivial of some of past and smile, how simple once we understand. Meaning i guess: sad is not sad, nor is happy, as long not perfectly happy with being sad. Nothing is boring except us, if so   so it is with shame just as blame you can a bag to command a man to carry, but guilt is only selfmade why air in that bag bigger than me, of world the half, of hell the cover and heaven everything else, im wearing. Control is not about doing what you want but to want to do what you are. Freedom means act accordingly and slavery to force and be forced. There is a great song: you gotta serve somebody. Like hour to minute, minutes to hour, steps to footprint on the road where you want to be or want to go. Freedom is not in control but control in freedom. Not fencing our loves but facing our fears. Water under the bridge and me thoughts of all the bridges and all the rivers and me's waitin there patiently the great waterendin...
                                  and i laugh.

Water under the bridge and me thinking there be something wrong with me beside the great waterendin.
                      ...and i laugh again.
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