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I learned
to plant the seeds
of happiness.
There are flowers
where the scars
used to be.


waves crashing amidst foam
the sky lost behind cloud
an ocean swelled in my lungs
when her voice spoke aloud
those waters pulled me under
and as i drowned, i gazed above
her magic, unlike any other;
an unspeakable kind of love

My grandpa
             Words he gave
                            To me once upon a full moon
“Son” he said
            “When you go into this life”
“Remember, that love is a language “
             “So find, my son, find someone”
                     “Who speaks your language “
      “So you don’t have to translate your soul”
i cling to these memories like how a child would with her mother's skirt. gently but not harshly, too afraid to rip it to seams or fray its warmth. it's a hideous skirt, mom. i fondly look back at it anyway, unable to fully let go
I attend college in an apocalypse
I'm planning for a future that doesn't exist
Paying these grandiose establishments
So they can give me a piece of paper
A modern day participation award
this was in my drafts and I don't love it but I'm posting it anyways
Getting a pedicure
Soaking my feet
Getting rid of the toxic energy
It may sound dumb
But it’s relaxing to me
Shedding the dead weight
It’s a disgusting( and ticklish)  yet a beautiful thing....
sunset blood drains
from transient clouds
as the bone-white moon
hangs in haughty defiance
over a jaundiced prairie

and as the life-giving sun
descends into its earthly grave
centuries of ghosts
whisper their hollow secrets
on the northern wind

they speak only of yesterday
amid the coagulating darkness
having long forgotten
the radiant life of today
and the promise of tomorrow
written for the beautifully empty sunset of 9/27/2020
The suddenness of desertion,
the emptiness of time

Abandoning each moment,
as clocks strike their chime

And wherego the hours,
once used and cast off

Are there auctions and markets
for each second that’s lost

And who’s to recount
the old wishes unprayed

With days ever changing,
and voices relayed

The end a beginning,
the beginning an end

To drift in its circle
—time never respent

(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)
She's sitting on my lap
With my arms wrapped around you
As I keep you safe and warm
Every day, Falling in love with you today
A soft kiss and a gentle hug
Full of happiness and love
True Love is so beautiful
True Love is so magical
It's as beautiful as you
Falling in love under the moonlight tonight
Having so much fun and feeling so much love
Our heart's beating entwined together
As we fall in love we'll be soulmates Forever.
True Love 💗
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